Larry’s vacation for honor

Larry and his friends are going on vacation to honor their dead friend. They are going to a beach in the mountains, where they can relax and forget about the troubles of everyday life. Larry is worried that he will not be able to relax while they are gone, because he has so much work to do. He explains to his friends that he has been working hard all year long and wants a break from it all.

His friends tell him that he should not worry about getting ahead at work; they will take care of things while he is gone. They tell him that if he needs anything then all he has to do is call them up at any time and they will help him out with whatever needs doing around the house or office complex.

They also agree with Larry’s decision not to bring any extra clothes or toiletries with them on their trip away from home; instead they plan on staying in one place until they return back home again after ten days or so depending on how long they decide to stay in one place while traveling around enjoying themselves at different places across America.

Larry’s Vacation Diary

July 25

“I decided to take a vacation and cool off from the execution grind. I thought it would be neat to start a vacation blog so that you guys can see what I’m up to for the week.

Today is my first official day off so I went for a scenic bike ride!”

July 26

“Day 2 of my vacation, and I’m not used to seeing so much sun. I spent the day at the beach covered in SPF 100.”

July 27

“Today, I took some time for **self-care.** I put my years of executions behind me and tried yoga!”

July 28

“What’s better than bubbles? Blowing bubbles! Why did no one tell me about this before? Why can’t I be Larry the Bubble Guy?”

July 29

“In my journey to discover the simple pleasures of life, I’ve turned to the joys of reading. Yet another activity that’s much more relaxing than executions.”

July 30

“Nothing says “vacation” like taking selfies with a beautiful sandcastle.”

July 31

“Who said Larry the Warden can’t sing? …I mean, maybe you did. At least I’m trying new things! Life’s not just about executions.”

August 1

“I’m feeling so refreshed from my vacation that I miss doing executions. I never thought I’d say that, but a week away makes you feel nostalgic. Now that I’m back, I can’t wait to show you more executions!”

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