Business Visit Visa For Uk

In recent years, business visit UK visa has become a popular visa category for the businessmen who wish to travel to the UK for doing some official business. This type of visa is issued for different time period depending on the purpose of your travel that may be between two to six months. For obtaining this Visa you have to show:

At this time, there are 9 different types of UK Visas for individuals looking to do business in the nation. The first thing you should know when applying for a Visa is that there is no such thing as a Visa that grants citizenship. You must either be a citizen of the United Kingdom (citizen by birth or naturalization), or you can obtain citizenship after fulfilling certain requirements.

Business Visit Visa For Uk

There are few ways to obtain citizenship besides being born here or marrying a British Citizen. Becoming a citizen can actually benefit your business. Besides allowing you to live and work here long-term, citizens have the right to vote in elections and attend political rallies. You can go here to see which Visa best fits your business needs.

As a business owner, you can take pleasure in the knowledge that your significant other will be close by while you travel for work. However, there are some requirements to consider before applying for this type of visa.


The Business Visit Visa is for individuals who wish to come to the UK for the purpose of carrying out a permitted short-term unpaid business activity.

The Business Visit Visa is a sub-category of the Standard Visitor route, which is a route for persons who wish to visit the UK for a temporary period of up to 6 months.  

The route does not lead to settlement in the UK and all visitors must make a separate application, even when travelling as part of a group.

Requirements for a Business Visit Visa

In order to qualify for a Business Visit Visa you will need to satisfy UK Visas & Immigration that:

  • You are a visa national (a non-visa national can normally seek entry as a Visitor on arrival at the UK border);
  • You are genuinely seeking entry to the UK for a purpose that is permitted by the visitor routes;
  • You will not undertake any prohibited activities;
  • You have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to your visit (including maintenance and accommodation costs) without working or accessing public funds;
  • You will leave the UK at the end of your visit;
  • You will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or make the UK your main home;
  • Your application does not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal.

The exact requirements you will need to satisfy may vary depending on your circumstances.  You may want to speak to an immigration lawyer for expert advice.

To discuss your Business Visit Visa application with one of our immigration barristers, contact our UK Visit Visa lawyers on 0203 617 9173 or complete our enquiry form below.

Visa National Requirement

A visa national is someone who, by reason of their nationality, requires a Visit Visa in order to enter the UK as a Visitor.  Visa nationals must generally apply for a Visit Visa before travelling to the UK.

The Home Office has published a list of nationalities that are required to apply for a Visit Visa prior to travelling to the UK as a Visitor.  The list includes a number of exceptions, which allow certain visa nationals to seek entry as a Visitor on arrival in the UK.

A non-visa national can normally seek entry as a Visitor on arrival in the UK.  A non-visa national must still satisfy the requirements for entry as a Visitor and so, on arrival, should be prepared to explain, for example, the purpose of their visit and how they will be maintained and accommodated in the UK, as well as their return travel arrangements. 

EU citizens are non-visa nationals and can seek entry as a Visitor on arrival in the UK without needing to apply for a Visit Visa.

As well as preparing Visit Visa applications for visa nationals, our barristers regularly assist non-visa nationals to satisfy the requirements for entry as a Visitor on arrival in the UK.

Business Visit Visa Permitted Activities 

In order to qualify for a Business Visit Visa you will need to satisfy UK Visas & Immigration that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK for a purpose that is permitted by the visitor routes and will not undertake any prohibited activities.

The Home Office will normally expect your business activities to be linked to your employment outside the UK in some way. In all cases the duration of your business activities must be less than 6 months and prearranged where possible.

Business Visit Visa holders may undertake a wide range of permitted activities in the UK:

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