Work Visa In Indonesia

Indonesia’s bold, dynamic culture and tropical climate make the country a popular destination for expatriates. However, the process of obtaining the permits required to live and work in Indonesia legally can be complex, which might be a deterrent for some workers.

Indonesia no longer requires an IMTA, a permit that was required for companies to hire foreign employees.

Types of Work Visas in Indonesia

Like most countries, Indonesia has a variety of visas available for foreign nationals who wish to visit. There are two kinds of visas for individuals who plan to work in Indonesia:

  • Izin Tinggal Terbatas, or ITAS: A limited-stay permit. An ITAS may be issued to foreign nationals through a local immigration office by the Immigration Directorate General in Indonesia. Before an individual can get an ITAS, they will also need to get a Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas (VITAS), which is an Indonesian limited-stay permit visa.
  • Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap, or KITAP: A permanent-stay visa. A KITAP may be issued to a foreign worker who has held an ITAS for at least three consecutive years.

Requirements to Obtain Indonesia Work Visas

The employer and the employee will both need to submit numerous documents throughout the work visa application process.

Employers must provide:

  • A business license
  • Their NPWP number for tax identification
  • A Capital Registration License issued by the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
  • A copy of the sponsor’s ID card (KTP)
  • A copy of a local employee’s KTP
  • Wajib Lapor report
  • A company registration letter
  • A company stamp
  • A sheet of paper containing only the letterhead of the company
  • The certificate of domicile for the company
  • The company’s deed establishment, authorized by the Department of Justice
  • Certificates of approval for the employer’s place of business

The documents to be provided by the employee include:

  • A copy of their passport, which must be valid for a minimum of 18 months
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Passport photos in color
  • A copy of the employee’s highest degree of education, which must be stamped and signed by the employer
  • A copy of the applicant’s CV, which should also be stamped and signed
  • A work certificate that shows the applicant has at least five years of relevant experience

Application Process

In Indonesia, it is the employer’s responsibility to apply for an ITAS on behalf of prospective employees.

The employer begins the process by applying for a VITAS. Before doing so, they will need formal government approval. The employer must also apply for an Expatriate Placement Plan, issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower. This plan is referred to as a Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing, or RPTKA.

Next, the employer can apply for the employee’s limited stay visa and permit. The VITAS, which is a visa to stay in Indonesia, is issued by the BKPM. A common application can be submitted for the VITAS and the work permit, the ITAS. This application can be submitted at an Indonesian consulate or embassy.

The ITAS and VITAS will be available within two working days if the application is approved. The employee may then travel to Indonesia. Upon arrival, the employee should present their letter of approval for the ITAS to the immigration authorities. The authorities will then issue the ITAS.

Indonesia no longer requires an IMTA, a previous permit that allowed companies to hire foreign employees in Indonesia.

Conclusion Other Important Considerations

All visas in Indonesia must be sponsored by a locally licensed and incorporated entity in Indonesia. If your company doesn’t have an established presence in Indonesia, you will be unable to sponsor employees. However, you can choose to partner with an Employer of Record such as Globalization Partners to meet this requirement. We can hire employees for you through our Indonesian entity.

You should also consider that some of your employees will most likely be bringing family members along when they move to Indonesia. After the employee’s work permit has been authorized, the VITAS is extended to include the worker’s spouse and any children or legal dependents

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