Work Visa For Ukraine From India

Currently, Ukraine has a candidate-driven market. While recruiting, you need to make your company and position stand out to attract the best talent. Consider writing personal emails, spending a significant amount of time negotiating details, organizing meetups, and launching robust referral programs.

Most employers use Skype, email, or LinkedIn to communicate with potential candidates before using the phone. It’s also common to use these social networks to send follow-up messages.

Your ability to carry out a background check is limited because of the country’s restrictions on data protection and privacy laws. You must have express consent to process an employee or candidate’s personal data or information. You can, however, process an applicant’s personal data without consent if it’s necessary for the job’s obligations or performance.

Laws Against Discrimination in Ukraine

Ukraine’s labor code prohibits discrimination based on origin, social status, race, nationality, sex, language, and political and religious beliefs. In 2015, Ukraine further expanded its anti-discrimination law that protects employees from any discriminatory questions or hiring practices. This law forbids asking about a candidate’s political affiliation, nationality, origin, or sexuality.

How to Hire Employees in Ukraine

The process of hiring employees for your Ukraine location depends on whether you choose local or foreign employees. Hiring foreign employees requires a work permit through the Employment Center, and you have to prove that you cannot find a Ukrainian citizen to fill your open job. A work permit usually applies for a one-year period, but it can get extended.

Ukraine residents do not need a work permit, but they must be at least 18-years-old when they start employment. It’s legally required to hire Ukraine employees under an employment contract. Indefinite duration contracts are common, while fixed-term contracts are allowed for certain projects and tasks.

Ukraine Employment Laws

Ukraine’s current labor code dates back to 1971, but employers are currently trying to pass a new one. When you hire Ukraine employees, you need to create an employment contract that details the position, date of hiring, salary, working conditions, and more. You and the employee need to sign this contract and notify the State Fiscal Services about the employment before an employee’s first day.

Ukraine employment compliance laws apply to employees as well. Once you hire a Ukrainian citizen, they need to give you an application for employment duty that’s signed, a labor book, and scanned copies of all their diplomas.

The standard workweek in Ukraine is 40 hours for adults ages 18 and over. Law also stipulates shorter working hours for minors, such as 36 hours per week for workers ages 16 to 18. Extra hours worked can not exceed 120 hours in a year.

Expanding into Ukraine is an exciting business decision that can lead to new relationships, product offerings, services, and more. However, you can’t do any of that without a talented team of employees behind you who have the right Ukraine work visas. If you’re unsure how to get a work visa in Ukraine for all of your employees, this can impact how long it takes you to start working in Ukraine.

Types of Work Visas in Ukraine

Many foreign citizens will need a work permit to work for your company in Ukraine. However, the country has many notable exceptions. These types of people do not need a work permit in Ukraine:

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  • Foreign citizens with permanent residence permits
  • Refugees
  • Individuals with an immigration permit
  • Recognized people needing additional protection or those with temporary protection in the country
  • Representatives of foreign maritime fleets and airlines serving companies in Ukraine
  • Foreign media employees with accreditation to work in Ukraine
  • Professional athletes, artists, and more
  • Emergency services personnel for urgent work
  • Employees of foreign representative offices
  • Clergymen residing in the country temporarily for religious activity
  • People participating in the implementation of international technical assistance projects
  • Conduct teachers or those participating in a scientific activity at higher education institutions
  • Any other foreigners that meet Ukraine’s laws or international treaties

Otherwise, foreign citizens will need a job through a locally registered company or an individual in Ukraine to get a work permit. A work permit is not the same as a residence permit, and employees will need to get both to stay in Ukraine for an extended period.

Requirements to Obtain Ukraine Work Visas

Both employees and employers have certain requirements for Ukraine work visas and permits. Employers must pay foreign employees at least 60,000 UAH per month as of 2021 unless they’re in a “special category.” These individuals are usually founders or beneficiaries of a Ukrainian company. All work permits are issued based on employment with a specific company in a certain position.

You, as the employer, must apply for work permits on behalf of employees. Required documents include:

  • Application
  • Copy of the passport with personal details
  • A passport-sized color photo of the employee
  • A copy of the employment contract with your certification
  • Documents confirming you have the power to represent the employee
  • Copies of higher education documents for applicants who graduated from top 100 universities
  • Certified copies of documents, copyright, and related rights for creative professionals
  • Copy of an agreement for a specific task if you sent the employee to Ukraine for a certain activity

If you issue these documents overseas, they will need to be legalized and translated into Ukrainian.

Application Process

Once you complete the application and collect the required documents, you can file for your Ukraine work permit with local authorities of the State Employment Service of Ukraine at your company’s location. A representative from your company will need to go to the physical office, as there is no online filing system.

You will also need to pay the government’s fee, depending on the contract’s duration. Work permits are usually issued for the duration of the employment contract but no longer than three years for certain categories or one year for all other workers. Work permits for one to three years cost six living wages as defined by Ukrainian law on the first of every year. Work permits can be renewed an unlimited number of times.

Conclusion: Other Important Considerations

The State Employment Service of Ukraine will either reject or approve the application within seven working days of receiving the filing. If approved, you will receive bank details for the work permit payment fee. You will need to give employees a certified copy of the work permit and ensure they sign their employment contract within 90 days of receiving the permit

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