Work Visa For Pakistani 2019

You must follow Pakistan’s 2019 recruiting laws during the hiring process. If you don’t, you could face fines or other sanctions. You must understand your employees’ legal rights and stay up to date with changing policies and practices. For example, you cannot discriminate based on an employee’s:

  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • Language.
  • Marital status.
  • Religion.
  • Race.
  • Impairment.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Family status.
  • Social status.

If you’re unfamiliar with the country’s laws, consider working with a global PEO. At Globalization Partners, we know the nuances of these laws based on location, so we can make sure you stay compliant while you focus on running your business.

Most organizations do not have structured recruiting processes. Proper job analyses, a reliable job description, and thorough employee specification can go a long way toward helping you find the right talent. The country has only a few external recruitment agencies, and most have little experience. We recommend hiring on your own or working with an experienced global PEO such as Globalization Partners for Pakistan staffing and recruiting.

The most common recruitment strategy in this country is placing an advertisement in a leading national daily newspaper on a Sunday. The ad should be in both Urdu and English to reach a wider audience. Many private sector companies fill jobs by relying on personal references and do not place any ads.

We recommend following this general process:

  • Create a job description and selection criteria
  • Write a job specification
  • Determine how candidates will apply and be assessed
  • Create a competitive pay package
  • Advertise the vacancy
  • Put together a shortlist and interview applicants
  • Do a background check and call references
  • Appoint the right person

Pakistan 2019 hiring and employment compliance are important aspects of any expansion in the region. You have to ensure you’re meeting Pakistan employment compliance laws with every employee you recruit and hire. Then, you need to onboard them, draft all the employment paperwork, and continue to run your company. Globalization Partners will make a difference in the recruiting and hiring processes from day one. We’ll hire employees who work on your behalf, add them to a compliant payroll, and ensure they meet all your needs.

Opening a new location in Pakistan is an exciting time for your company, but you also need to consider how you’ll build a talented team. Do you want to hire locals in Pakistan, bring employees with you from your parent company, or hire foreigners to move and work in the country? If you choose to hire any non-Pakistani nationals, you will need to get everyone a Pakistan work permit.

Types of Work Visas in Pakistan

Pakistan has a variety of work visa categories, including:

  • Tourist
  • Tourist visa on arrival
  • Family visit
  • Business
  • Business visa on arrival
  • Student
  • Official visa
  • Work
  • Diplomatic
  • Journalist
  • Missionary
  • Tabligh
  • Domestic aide
  • Mountaineering and trekking
  • Pilgrim tourism
  • Other

Your foreign employees will all need work visas to live and work in Pakistan legally. They must have a job offer and meet certain requirements to apply for the visa. All work visas are granted for one year and are valid for multiple entries into Pakistan. Your employees can also extend the permit yearly after getting approval.

Requirements to Obtain Pakistan Work Visas

There are several requirements to get a work visa or permit in Pakistan. Some of the necessary documents include:

  • The employee’s passport
  • A photograph of the employee
  • Your company’s SECP registration letter
  • Recommendation letter by BOI/MOI, for an extension
  • Your contact details
  • Undertaking on company letterhead
  • The employee’s cover letter
  • Covering letter on the company’s letterhead
  • Your company’s profile
  • The employment agreement
  • Your company’s FBR NTN certificate

Before forwarding the forms to the embassy, the applicant will need to make four identical sets of their application, the first two pages of their passport, and four copies of the letter of guarantee that the applicant is employed with the company. They must fill out all forms in English regardless of their country of origin.

Application Process

It can take three to four months to obtain a work visa in Pakistan, which means there’s a lengthy application process. The Directorate General of Immigration & Passports Ministry Interior encourages all applicants to contact the Jurisdiction of Consular Services to find the right consulate office in their state.

After submitting the documents listed above, applicants must pay the application fee according to Pakistan’s visa fee schedule through a money order or cashier check. Every nationality has a different visa fee requirement, so it’s important to pay the right fee.

Employees must complete every column on the application during this stage. Pakistan will not accept incomplete application forms with insufficient entries. If there’s not enough space in the columns on the visa form, use extra sheets of paper. Keep in mind that applicants may also need to go to an interview.

After submitting the entire application, the Board of Investment (BOI) will process it. Then, the Visa Committee and Chairman of the BOI will approve the work visa and give their recommendation to the Ministry of Interior. The ministry has final authorization and will use the BOI’s advice to determine their answer. If they approve, the authorization will go to the Regional Passport Offices for finalization and issuance of the visa.

Conclusion: Other Important Considerations

The majority of the Pakistan working visa application process occurs online. If your employee does not possess a valid Pakistan visa, they can apply for a new visa online. People with a valid Pakistan visa that live in the country can also complete visa extensions online — extensions are valid for one year at a time and will require the re-submission of business documents. Longer extensions may be granted by the Ministry of Interior in certain circumstances.

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