Work Visa For Holland

Every non-European Union (EU) citizen will need to obtain a Holland work visa to work legally in the country. While either you or the employee can make the request for a permit, it’s primarily your job to handle the process.

Types of Work Visas in the Holland

The Netherlands has several main work permits, including:

  • GVVA or single permit: Individuals wishing to work in the Holland should apply for this combination of the tewerkstellingsvergunning, or TWV, work permit and residence permit. It includes a Dutch residence permit as well as a document stating that the employee is a foreign national with permission to work in the Netherlands.
  • Highly skilled migrant scheme: You can bring talented professionals from foreign countries to the Hollandand train them with this permit. Hire skilled foreign talent without proving you couldn’t find any Dutch or EU candidates.
  • Orientation year (zoekjaar) permits for expat graduates: This permit is for foreigners who obtained a master’s or doctoral degree at one of the top 150 universities around the world in the last three years.
  • Search year permit (zoekjaar) for Netherlands graduates: This permit is for students who graduated from Dutch universities. The residence permit allows them to stay in the Netherlands for a year while looking for a job as a highly skilled migrant.
  • Entrepreneur permit: Individuals who want to come to the Netherlands and start their own business can apply for a residence permit for self-employment. They must meet certain requirements related to their business or profession.
  • EU Blue Card: Third-country nationals in the EU can apply for this residence permit for highly qualified employment. EU Blue Cards require a valid work contract or job offer for at least one year that meets minimum salary requirements.

Requirements to Obtain Holland Work Visas

The requirements for a working visa in the Netherlands depend on the type an employee needs and what country they’re from. In general, they’ll need a work permit, a residence permit, or the GVVA option. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) processes all applications, which need to be in English, Dutch, German, or French. The process is often complicated and confusing, so it’s best to work with a professional who has local expertise with submitting work visas.

Other requirements include:

  • A valid passport or other travel document
  • A clear criminal record
  • Proof that the application information is true
  • A medical test for tuberculosis
  • Sufficient income earning
  • The employer being recognized by the Netherlands’ government officials

Keep in mind that if your employees are EU or European Economic Area (EEA) residents, they do not require any specific documents. They simply need a passport or ID card to live and work in the country.

Application Process

All applicants must submit their visa application in person at the Dutch mission, embassy, or consulate in their country of residence. If that isn’t an option, they can contact a Dutch mission in a neighboring country. Everyone has to schedule an appointment to submit the visa application and bring all supporting documentation. Once the application is approved, the Dutch mission will attach a visa sticker in the employee’s passport.

Since employees must apply for the visa before traveling to the Holland, we recommend reserving but not paying for travel until they get the appropriate confirmation.

Other Important Considerations

Within five days of arriving in the Holland, your employees will have to make an appointment with the local city office. The office will give them a Dutch citizens service number. Without this number, they’ll be working and living in the country illegally, which could negatively impact your company.

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