Which Colleges Provide Work Permit In Canada

Every year, when the opportunity to study in Canada arises for students, UK colleges are flooded with queries as to how can they get a work permit. It’s an exclusive list of international universities from across the world that have this privilege. The Canadian work permit program requires universities to provide career-oriented courses and considerable support throughout the duration of the program.

Which Colleges Provide Work Permit In Canada

Canada is a dream destination for many. It has the world’s most beautiful natural sights, it has a warm and welcoming culture, and it is known as one of the best countries to live in.

When you are planning your trip to Canada, one thing that you will need to decide on is whether or not you want to apply for a work permit. If you do not have an education from an accredited Canadian institution or if your course of study does not qualify as a co-op program, then you will need a work permit in order for your studies at the Canadian institution to be valid.

The good news is that there are several colleges in Canada that provide work permit services for international students. Here are some of our favorites:

If you’re a student looking for work permit in Canada, then you’ve come to the right place.

Here are some of the best colleges that provide work permit in Canada.

In this article, we’ll look at a list of colleges that offer work permits so that you can find out which ones might be right for you.

The first college on our list is Ryerson University. This university was founded in 1948 and has been offering degrees since 1949. It offers over 200 programs, including undergraduate studies and masters programs. Ryerson University also offers a range of scholarships and bursaries to help students pay for their education.

Another school that provides work permits is Mount Royal University (MRU). This university was founded in 1910 and has campuses in Calgary and Banff as well as an online component available through Open Learning Alberta (OLA). Mount Royal University offers over 100 undergraduate degrees, 50 graduate degrees, and more than 1,500 courses each year.

What is a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)?

A Post-Graduation Work Permit is a work permit for international students that are graduates from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. In other words, it is an open work permit that gives international students who are graduates the freedom to work for any employer or change employers in any part of Canada.

The PGWP does not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) like most Canadian work permits. International graduates in Canada gain enough work experience using PGWP.

This work experience makes the international graduate qualify for Canada’s permanent residency programs through one of the following ways:

  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
  • Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP)
  • Quebec Immigration Programs

Can I get a work permit after studying in a private college in Canada?

Yes, you can. However, not all private colleges that are licensed by the Canadian government meet the requirements for their students to be eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit in Canada.

If you are eligible for the PGWP, you can send in your application from inside Canada or overseas.

If you do not change your status to a visitor before your study permit expires, there is just a maximum of 90 days for you to apply for a PGWP in order to restore your status as a student in Canada.

Who is eligible for a post-graduation work permit in Canada?

For a student to be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada, the student must be an international student who is at least 18 years of age, and the student must have studied a full-time program in Canada for a minimum of eight (8) months.

The student must have completed the program of study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada in the following levels of study and programs below:

  • public post-secondary school including a college, trade/technical school or university, or CEGEP in Quebec; or
  • a private post-secondary school that operates under the same rules as public schools (only applies to certain institutions in Quebec); or
  • a private secondary or post-secondary school (in Quebec) that offers qualifying programs of 900 hours or longer that lead to the award of a diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or an attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP); or
  • Canadian private schools having the authorization to award degrees under provincial law only for those enrolled in study programs leading to a degree as authorized by the province.

On the other hand, international applicants who are resident in Canada must possess a valid status before applying. In a situation whereby their study permit expires or will expire, they can apply for status as a foreigner before sending the PGWP application.

If you apply for a PGWP before your study permit expires, you will be eligible to start working on a full-time basis upon graduation while your PGWP application is being processed.

You can also apply for a PGWP from your home country.


While most of the students are sure to ask what are the colleges in Canada that provide work permit, the same question can be asked from the authorities. Thus, we will analyze few points for deciding a good university for you.

The Canadian Government offers many different types of visas and permits to foreign students wishing to work in Canada. While some are permanent, others are available only for the duration of a student’s studies. In the latter case, students should study and work at the same time in order to be able to fully enjoy their time in Canada.

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