What To Do On Spring Break With Friends

When the opportunity comes to take a mini-vacation from your hectic life (and schoolwork), you kind of feel like a kid in a candy store! But where do you start? I’ll tell you — go on Spring Break with Friends!

If you’re like us, then you’re probably already thinking ahead to spring break. And if you’re like us, then you have no idea what to do during spring break. Don’t worry, it’s not in the same league as your New Year’s Eve plans (if you even have any of those).

The bad news is, you have to go back to school on Monday. The good news is, you might be getting a weekend break! Wouldn’t it be nice to spend that time with friends? Not many people want to spend their spring break alone, but it can happen… so how can you avoid spending your three-day weekend alone? To help you out, I’ve listed a few of my favorite activities to do when hanging out with friends. These are a few fun things that won’t make you pick up your phone unless you want to!

Spring break is the perfect time to experience everything that the world has to offer. Whether you are in your late teens/early twenties or not, spring break is a chance for you to travel with your friends and make some unforgettable memories.

You never know when your chance for a friend-cation will come around again. I’ve been very fortunate to have several of those this year and I’ve noticed that the pressure is on to make these getaways count. On top of all your personal goals, you want to do something great with your friends or family on that special week to look forward to all year.

As the end of winter draws near, anxious students count down the days until the most glorious week — SPRING BREAK! But while the kiddos are ready for freedom, moms everywhere wonder, “What will I do with the them for a whole week?” Not to worry, Mom, we have you (and your wallet) covered with 50 spring break ideas that won’t break the bank.

What To Do On Spring Break With Friends

1) Camp it out – Create your own campground in the backyard.
2) Pamper Party – Turn your home into a spa with mini mani/pedis for all.

Organize your Pamper Party on SignUpGenius! VIEW SAMPLE

3) Feeling Crafty – Check Pinterest for project ideas galore.
4) Hit the books – See what tall tales your local library has to offer.
5) Splish Splash– Bust out the hose and turn your backyard into a splash zone.
6) Strike a pose – Grab that camera and let your mini models show off their stuff.
7) Pillow fight – Host a family slumber party in the living room.
8) The main attraction – Pop some popcorn and enjoy family movie night.
9) Get culture – Local museums often have discount programs during school vacations.
10) Catch some rays – Nothing says spring break like a trip to the beach.
11) Puzzle it – Start with the edges first and together the family can create a masterpiece.
12) Yahtzee – Dust off the board games; it’s game night.
13) Gather the gang – Invite the neighborhood crew over for some play time.

Keep track of how many are coming and request snacks or a movie to share with a sign up!

14) Top it off – Make your own pizza night (tacos are fun, too).
15) Take a bow – Let your little thespians wow you with their singing/dancing/acting.
16) When life gives you lemons – Have a lemonade stand.
17) Get fresh – Check out the local farmers’ market.
18) Make room for spring – Clean out those closets (not the most fun task, we know).
19) Flower power – Plant a little garden.
20) Row, row, row your boat – Rent a canoe or go tubing.
21) Meet Mother Nature – Head outside, go for a walk and explore.
22) Make a difference – Organize a community project with friends or neighbors.

Check out these great ideas for service projects!

23) Over the river and through the woods – Visit the grandparents.
24) “X” marks the spot – Send the kids on a treasure hunt.
25) Get your groove on – Turn up the music and let everyone do their thang.
26) Sharks and minnows – Pool party!
27) A place of their own – Spare sheets, pillows, a few chairs and ta-da you have a fort.
28) Sweet sensations – Grab the measuring spoons and bake something sweet.
29) See it, do it – Let your kids direct the day. If they see something fun, be ready to play.
30) Get hands on – There’s a lot of learning to be found at science centers under the guise of fun.
31) Just ride – Get those gears turning and go for a family bike ride to nowhere.
32) Day opposite – It’s opposite day. Turn those clothes around and eat dinner for breakfast.
33) Pick it – Visit a pick-your-own farm.

Easter spring classroom party sign up for volunteers
School field day class volunteer sign up sheet
Sunday School class church kids children volunteer sign up

Invite friends to join you with an invitation sign up from SignUpGenius.

34) It’s raining, it’s pouring – Grab your galoshes and splash in some puddles.
35) Animal attraction – Hit up the local zoo. (Hint: check local flyers for coupons).
36) Reel fun – Whether you catch and release or catch for dinner, you’ll have lots of time to talk.
37) Experiment – Turn your kids into mad scientists with a few fun science activities.
38) Quack, quack – That stale loaf of bread in the pantry is perfect duck food.
39) Fabulous fairs – Find rides, food, entertainment and fantastic fun at local festivals.
40) Free as a bird – Visit a playground, find a swing and soar.
41) Strike – Grab some of those fancy shoes and bowl.
42) Get a hobby – Take up a new skill like knitting or painting.
43) A Fairy or a Pirate – Dress up their imagination and let them walk the runway.
44) Soar to new heights – Take up kite flying on a breezy spring day.
45) Block party – Get the neighbors together for a BBQ.

Use SignUpGenius to coordinate your cookout or block party! VIEW SAMPLE

46) Fore – Grab a club and go play 18 holes on a mini-golf course.
47) Get lost – Play tourist in your own town and discover something new.
48) Gaze among the stars – Before heading outside, research star shapes online.
49) Play ball – Whether you bounce, hit or throw, have a ball.
50) The ants go marching – Pack up lunch, find a shady spot outside and enjoy. 

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