What To Do In Summer Vacation In Lockdown

Summer vacation is right around the corner & you’ve already made plans. Traveling to Seoul, South Korea and want to know what they do in summer vacation in lockdown? Yes, one of the most popular destinations for vacation travel is South Korea, aka, “The Land of the Morning Calm”. From beach bungalows and eco-resorts to theme parks and cultural activities, Seoul has it all covered. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…..

There’s that phase view in the mind of an optimistic child called ‘summer vacation’. This is a period set aside to bask beneath the rays of the sun, swim seas and oceans, sip a refreshing drink and take a siesta under the shade of the trees. But why is it that, as we grow older, we often find it increasingly difficult to get through our summer time leisure, some going as far as calling this phenomenon ‘boredom’?

When we were kids, had you ever thought about how you would spend your summer break from school? I bet that majority of the children on this planet were thinking about two things: their friends, and playing outdoors. If you are still a child and living with your parents, you will definitely spend most of your time hanging out with your neighborhood friends, going to amusement parks, and playing outside in the streets.

Summer Vacation, one of the best times of the year to spend your holidays. Depending on where you live, it may be hot or rainy. Either way, you need to plan ahead so that you can make the most out of this time.

A vacation is always a welcome time off, but when your parents are strict, you may have to depend on some tricks to make sure that you can have fun. There comes the point that you feel like, “God! This vacation sucks!” making it difficult to make the absolute most of the vacation time.

With summertime on the horizon, many of us were looking forward to vacations, Euro 2020, the Olympics, and more. 

What To Do In Summer Vacation In Lockdown

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to such grand plans. With travel restrictions and social distancing, summer 2020 will be quite different from what we’re all used to.

However, it doesn’t have to be a write-off. We’ve put together some inspiration for fun things to do if your summer holiday has been cancelled. Whether you’ve got kids or not, these ideas can keep you entertained during the warmer months.

1. Have a holiday-themed day

You might not make it to your dream destination this year, but you can try your best to recreate it at home. There are plenty of things you can do to get you in that holiday spirit. Why not order in some of the nation’s cuisine or even cook some yourself? You can also check out some of the local music, you might find a new favourite.

Now is also a good time to learn the language. Just think, if you learn now, you can have a chat with the locals when you finally make it on your trip! 

2. Have a home spa day

Even if a 5-star resort isn’t on the cards this summer, you can still take some time out to pamper yourself or someone special in your life. Buy (or make) some relaxing face masks, put on some chill music, and take a nice relaxing soak. 

You can also keep the healthy living theme going by learning about and creating some healthy meals. Before you know it, you’ll have your very own mindfulness retreat – the perfect remedy to a summer of social distancing.

3. Run a travel book club with your friends

There are few better ways to explore the culture, history, and intrigue of new places than through its literature. Try setting up a book club with your friends and read novels from writers from around the world. If your summer holiday has been cancelled, choose books set in the place you would have been, and have regular video calls to discuss your thoughts.

4. Write a summer romance novel

For you budding writers out there, now is an opportune time to write on your summer passion project. An in-person summer romance might not be viable, but that doesn’t stop you creating a fictional one. If you’re not sure where to start, our course on how to start writing fiction can help set you on the right path. 

5. Revamp your home

If you’ve got a refund for your planned vacation and want to divert the funds elsewhere, it could be time to redecorate. Whether you want to add some beautiful design changes, fix the niggling issues you’ve noticed during lockdown, or revamp your whole home, now is your chance.

For those who want to learn more about how our environments, their design, and sustainability all connect, check out our course on designing the human habitat

6. Run a murder mystery

Although you might not be able to indulge in the drama, intrigue, and mystery that come with a holiday with friends, a murder mystery can be a good replacement. Everyone gets a character and backstory, and you must work to figure out who the killer is!

With a digital murder mystery, you can invite all your friends to take part. All you need is webcam and mic, and you can get as creative with it as you like.

7. Try some time travel

Exploring the past can be the perfect remedy if you’re looking for fun things to do if your summer holiday has been cancelled. And, if you don’t have a time machine at the ready, there are several alternatives. You could check out a virtual museum tour to ‘visit’ ones you haven’t been to, for example.

You could also try one of our history courses and learn about ancient Rome or England in the time of Richard III. The possibilities are endless.

8. Take a ‘you’ day

Sometimes it’s nice to just have a day that’s all about you. Whether your birthday is coming up or is long since passed, you still deserve to treat yourself. So, why not draw up a list of all the things you like and tick off as many as possible.

Throw on your favourite film, order your ideal meal (or get someone to cook it for you!), mix your favourite cocktail. Do all of the things that make you happy, and get as many people in your household to join you as possible. You can even have a day for each of them too.

9. Do an at-home escape room

Escaping your house seems like the ideal scenario for lockdown living. And, although you may not be able to go far, an at-home escape room can make things more exciting. You’ll find that there are several virtual escape rooms you can do with friends online, and you can even have a go at creating your own one.

10. Have a virtual holiday

Thanks to the wonders of technology, you can now visit just about anywhere on earth from the comfort of your living room. Although it seems like one of the more sci-fi things to do if your summer holiday has been cancelled, it’s a very real thing. You can even get a VR headset that works with your smartphone.

Why not visit the Eiffel Tower? Or take in the beauty of Cambodia’s Angkor temples? It can be the perfect form of escapism until you can visit the place in person.

11. Start a new adventure

Sure, escaping to another country would be nice, but how about a whole different world? If you’ve never tried a game like Dungeons & Dragons before, now is the perfect time.  You can journey through whole other realms as a character of your choosing, taking on adventures and slaying monsters.

You can even play games like D&D remotely. All you need is to learn the basics and get your friends to create their characters. It’s fun, immersive, and is a unique one on our list of fun things to do if your summer holiday has been cancelled.

12. Try a cooking challenge

If you enjoy getting creative in the kitchen, why not take on a cooking challenge? Pick some ingredients from your cupboard/fridge and see what culinary delights you can whip up. You can check recipes for inspiration, and even challenge your friends. For those that live with their partner or roommate, try creating a dish each.

If you like the idea of healthy eating and want to learn more, our course on nutrition looks at how a good diet can benefit our physical and mental health.

13. Write a summer song

The long sunny days are perfect for song inspiration. So whether summer lovin’ happens so fast or you have the summertime blues, why not put your feelings to music? It can be a fun and rewarding use of your time.

If you’re not sure where to get started on your musical journey, you can always join our course on how to write your first song. You’ll learn the basics of how to get your first composition primed and ready to go.

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