What To Do In Summer Vacation For Engineering Students

From the teenage years on, summer vacation has long been a time for school children to kick back, relax, and recharge. And yet, too often it seems that in constant need of stimulation, young people are finding restlessness even in their relaxation. What to do in summer vacation then? How to spend your time effectively while learning lessons that will serve you well in your future? That is the question engineers have to ask themselves. Here are some tips for an engineering geek to take into account during next summer break.

“I’m going on summer holiday, what should I do?” This is a question that cross the mind of almost all engineering students in the lecture halls when the onset of summer vacation arrives Then, they will try to be as cool as possible and tell you “nothing” right in front of your face but deep down inside, they are packing their bags already, trying to figure out which place they’re going and prepare a lot of things because they’re pretty excited about it.

Summer is on its way and vacations are ahead of you. If you’re an engineering student, here I have a list of what to do in your vacation.

Before you take your summer vacation, make sure you have everything planned. You should have a checklist so that you make the most out of your summer vacation.

Summer is supposed to be fun filled with endless possibilities, but let’s face it; after 2 – 3 months of hardcore course work we’re bound to get bored. I mean crack your books open in the month of July and you’d see people’s eyes glazing over. No worries though because here are a few ideas to spice up the summer.

This article is about what most of the engineering students do during their long and tiring semester breaks. This is a account of what I have seen people doing in my area and friend circle which is all over India. I would like to share this with you all.

What To Do In Summer Vacation For Engineering Students

Hah! Finally comes Vacation! This is the phrase on about 90% of the tired class in engineering field minds. We will do this, we will do that is in their minds. They feel really relaxed after the tiring semester where they do not have the time to enjoy!( which is not true actually). I saw what most of my friends, which are scattered all over my country did during their vacations and I am presenting a account of it here. Sit back and enjoy this ride!
Starting with-


This is what most of the engineering students which are either in 3rd year or 4th year( after passing) do during a large part of their vacations. This the time when what they have learned in the history is tested and skills are honed. They apply for various companies before the semester end and then go into some of the companies as interns and train there. This more of a professional experience and helps a person to get a feel of job scenario.This period helps them to improve their practical skills and encourage them to become a professional now.

Social Networking sites

This is the favorite pass time of every teenager of the country and Engineering students are no exception to it. I have seen from 60 online friends at a time out of which 42 were engineering students. Facebook is the most used social networking medium and you will definitely find atleast 2-3 engineering students online even at 3 am in the morning. This is the charm of facebook. From senior to junior, everyone loves to spend time on facebook, chatting with each other, gossiping around. Playing games on facebook is also a craze now. This craze is a big hit as in most of the colleges these social networking sites are banned on the college wifi. As these sites are not available at colleges, students try to make full out of their vacations on this ground.
Now most of the students of colleges have their unique group and most of them happily would give away all their vacations chatting on them. Now with the arrival of Google+ there has been a great fuss about the issue and all trying to get into it. These all new arrivals became a great demand in the whole background.


Movies are a big idea during the vacations and all the students who have been out of movies watching try to take up this opportunity and try to get as many movies as possible under their belt. Most of the Hollywood movies are biggest craze in the youngsters minds and they want to make full out of this opportunity.
Theaters are full pack during these months with all the college going students bustling into the doors for seats. All new releases during this time become a big hit during this time. For example- This years releases during this time like Transformers, Delhi belly etc became a big hit thanks to big help from these students. They are make or break time for the movies. If movies support youngsters it will be a big hit.

Also with Internet on the plot most of the students try to download movies from it and watch it on their computers and laptops during the breaks.


Tours to various parts of the world are the best part of vacations. Most of the students love to go round the world during these times. There are two type of tours mostly one is family tours and other is friends tour. Family tours are the most common one as most of the students who come home very less during the semester try to spend time with their family and relatives. Students try to leave all their worries behind and have a best time with their families.
Other type is friend tours and most of the students plan a tour with their friend which are not in a same college now. This is the best time to live back those previous happy memories with their friends and bring back the charm in their distant friendship.


Another thing which most of the students mostly which are more focused and concentrated on studies like to utilize some of their vacation time in learning new things. They like to do some research work during this period and develop new skills. Robotics is one of the field in which students try to learn and experiment new things to increase their knowledge. Learning new programing languages, Html, Css etc are some past times of computer engineering students. Some of the students try to learn some basic concepts on various educational softwares like Autocad, Solidworks etc. This is also a good and productive way to utilize one’s vacation and learn new things in it. Some of the others students try to get their hands on some project works and try to complete their pending project works during this time.

Internet Surfing

Most of the students mostly who have Internet connection at their houses spend 40% of their free time at Internet surfing. Internet surfing is a favorite pass time. Students like to surf social networking sites and other time pass sites. Money making sites are great craze at this time and a simple example is ISC. You can see the traffic on it during the vacations and after it. There is a lot of difference in it. Similarly on other sites there is a significant decrease in traffic on these sites after vacation.

These are some of the various ways in which engineering students spend their vacations. These are the ways which I have seen people spending their vacations but there can be lot of other ways in which students spend their vacations. This depends on student to student but the things I have listed are broad ways in which we spend holidays. Another thing is that there can be more than one way of spending holidays. A best vacation is one which has all the written ways of spending holidays in right proportion.
Which ways are yours?

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