What To Cook On Beach Vacation

It’s beach vacation time, and you can eat french fries and ice cream by the pool, shop at Costco for hundreds of packages of ramen, or pick up a few individually wrapped slices of cheese. Or you could pick up a few staples and make your own meals to enjoy on the beach. There is nothing quite like a delicious meal – even if it is just sitting on the sand, watching waves crash at your feet (and splashing them up in your face).

If you are going on an upcoming beach vacation, you’ll want to make sure to pack a few of these amazing recipes.

Now that summer is here and my garden is producing everything I need to cook, I have been trying ton add a few special ingredients to my menu. Ingredients like spongy pears, aromatic basil, and fragrant strawberries. This week I prepared this amazing fruit compote with sweet almonds and crispy bits. Here’s my recipe for your next beach vacation! (note: you can go here for more cooking ideas)

Do you love going on vacation but dread cooking when you get back home? Me too. Thankfully there’s a solution — cook while you’re away! This is my complete guide to cooking while beach vacationing.

Are you in the mood for a delicious treat but don’t have the time for it?Are you fed up with fast food and ready for something fresh and exciting?

What To Cook On Beach Vacation

______________ is the kind of woman who can eat turkey cold-cuts for breakfast, peanut butter and brown bread for lunch and a grated cheese sandwich for dinner then look down her long elegant nose at other people’s eating habits. I envy her. I like to think that if I ever reach the status of sophisticated sophisticate, I’ll have as many food taboos as she has. My husband ignores our country’s tendency to stuff itself with enormous amounts of salt, sugared or otherwise fatty foods. He believes in moderation, in healthy lifestyle, and in eating organic (which, he believes, is better for the environment). He’ll spend a whole evening preparing his world-famous grilled chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar followed by a salad with homemade Italian dressing. And he enjoys doing this even more than actually consuming these healthy foods.

1. New Manhattan Clam Chowder

It’s not a true beach day without a bowl of clam chowder, right? Right. This tomatoey version uses 3 pounds of fresh clams, bringing that straight-from-the-sea flavor straight to your mouth.SAVETO COLLECTIONNew Manhattan Clam Chowder

2. Crab Cakes

Whether you start a beach dinner with more seafood for an appetizer (we doubt anyone will complain) or decide to serve these as your main course, our Baltimore-style crab cakes are the very best you’ll ever taste, guaranteed.SAVETO COLLECTIONCrab Cakes

3. Jasper White’s World-Famous Lobster Rolls

If you’re team lobster salad over a Connecticut-style hot lobster roll, this is the recipe for you. An entire pound of freshly cooked lobster meat is tossed with homemade tarragon mayonnaise, thinly sliced scallions, and finely diced cucumbers for a fresh, crisp bite. Pile the salad high into your favorite top-sliced hot dog bun for the ultimate beach vacation dinner.SAVETO COLLECTIONJasper White’s World-Famous Lobster Rolls

4. Sardinian Clam Stew With Fregola

The beauty of this clam stew is that you don’t need to be too precise or too pretty. Start by making your own fregola, which is an Italian pasta similar to Israeli couscous. Cook the beads of pasta with a combination of garlic, onions, tomatoes, and olive oil (you know the drill), plus 2 pounds of clams for an Italian stew that will transport your taste buds seaside.SAVETO COLLECTIONSardinian Clam Stew With Fregola

5. Steak & Bean Torta

After a long day on the beach, you’re probably a little tired, a little sunburned, and certainly quite hungry. This Mexican-style sandwich will hit the spot. “This torta is fairly light in meat because of the addition of beans, and since I often have the rest of the ingredients on hand, it is quick and easy to pull together,” says recipe developer SavorThis. If you have ingredients like black beans, chipotle and cumin powder, paprika, and sherry vinegar on hand, you’ll be good to go.SAVETO COLLECTIONSteak and Bean Torta

6. Summer Weekend Pasta

Corn on the cob shines in this colorful pasta primavera along with yellow zucchini and fresh basil. But the fun doesn’t stop there. After all, it’s the weekend, so what better way to celebrate than with a little bit of bacon thrown into the mix, too?

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