What Is Partnership Visa In New Zealand

One of the best ways to truly appreciate NZ visa requirements and New Zealand’s application process is to find out whether you can be granted a partner visa. If you’re able to answer ‘yes’ to the following questions, we might also be able to help you with your application.

New Zealand’s partnership visa has been designed to attract investors, entrepreneurs and business executives. It can be used by partners (married or not) who are able to sponsor another person to visit New Zealand for up to 3 years.

What Is Partnership Visa In New Zealand

If you’ve ever dreamed of living in New Zealand, you’re not alone. The country has a population of just under five million people, but it’s also home to some of the world’s most breathtaking natural wonders and wildlife.

That’s why so many people have been applying for partnership visas to live in New Zealand. But what is a partnership visa? How can you get one? And what will you need to do before applying?

A partnership visa allows anyone who has entered into a marriage or civil union with a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident to live in New Zealand. It’s a great way for someone who is already planning on moving there with their partner to make their transition easier—and it might even help them find work more quickly once they arrive!

New Zealand is a beautiful country, with amazing sights and experiences to be had. It’s also one of the best places in the world to start a business, with a low cost of living, a skilled workforce, and a growing economy.

But what if you have family back home who would like to join you? New Zealand’s partnership visa program allows for this kind of migration, allowing families to live together in their new home while still maintaining their ties to their homeland.

The requirements for the partnership visa in New Zealand are simple: applicants must be married or in an exclusive relationship, they must be at least 18 years old and able to support themselves financially (without relying on any government assistance), they must have no criminal convictions in New Zealand or any other country (or be able to demonstrate that they will not pose any threat to society), and they must have enough money saved up so that they can stay in the country without needing financial help from anyone else (except maybe family members). Once these requirements are met, applicants will have their application processed within 6 months—so long as there aren’t any issues with anything like criminal history or financial stability!

What is a Partnership Visa?

This resident visa category is for partners of New Zealand residents and is also known as the Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa or NZ Spouse Visa. The Partnership Visa allows you to obtain either residency or an open work visa. If you’re granted residency with a partner visa, you will be able to live, work, and study in New Zealand indefinitely.

Note: The Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa is NOT the same as a Partnership Work Visa. The Partnership Work Visa has different conditions and requires a different application process. If you’re not sure which to apply for, contact us.

What type of relationships qualify for a Partnership Visa?

This category is suitable for couples who are:

  • Married
  • In a civil union (opposite or same sex)
  • In a de facto relationship (opposite or same sex)
  • Not legally married or bound by a registered civil or de facto partnership but who can demonstrate that they are in a committed and durable relationship

In all cases, the relationship must be of a genuine and stable nature, which means the relationship is exclusive and likely to last.

The New Zealand spouse visa checklist

To qualify for a partnership visa you must:

  • Be in New Zealand already on another visa OR be coming to New Zealand to join your partner
  • Be able to prove you are in a genuine, stable relationship and have lived together for at least 12 months
  • Meet health and character requirements

Your partner must:

  • Prove they are a New Zealand citizen or resident
  • Show that they are able to support you
  • Not have any domestic violence-related offences or sexual convictions
  • Not have sponsored more than one partner for residence within the last 5 years

If your partner is an Australian citizen or resident visa holder living in New Zealand, they must show that New Zealand is their primary place of residence.

What is the application process and how long does it take?

You may apply online or by post. To apply for a Partnership Visa, you will need to prove that you have lived with your partner for at least 12 months. This means sharing the same home, not just spending time in each other’s homes.

The immigration officer will decide whether your partnership qualifies for this visa. They will examine your documentation and conduct interviews as part of a fourfold test. You will need to prove that:

  • Both you and your partner are credible in the evidence you present
  • You are living together
  • The partnership is genuine, as are the reasons for entering, and remaining in, the partnership
  • The partnership is stable, exclusive, and long-term

To apply, send your application, supporting documents, and application fees to Immigration New Zealand.

Processing time will vary depending on how and when you apply for the visa. Immigration New Zealand states that 75 percent of Partnership Visas take up to 13 months to process.

Pro tip: To reduce your processing time, make sure your application is error-free and includes complete information and all documentation as specified by INZ requirements.

How do I prove I am in a genuine and stable relationship?

Recommended types of evidence include:

  • Statements showing your joint ownership or mortgage of the property you currently live or have been living in
  • Joint tenancy agreements, rent books, or rental receipts
  • Bills and/or letters addressed to both you and your partner

If you have been living separately for a period of time during your relationship, you can provide proof of your relationship during the period of separation, such as letters, emails, SMS, or other chat or call logs. However, the reason for separation must be a compelling one. Periods of separation can cause significant problems, so we recommend seeking professional advice as to how this may impact your case.

If you’d like us to evaluate your case, contact us.

How much does the Partnership Visa application cost?

The application cost will vary, depending on your country of origin, what country you’re in when you apply, and whether you submit your application online or by post. Also bear in mind that you will have to pay for medical screenings, police records, and possibly translations.

There are no refunds if your application is declined. To determine the application cost based on your specific situation, visit INZ’s fee finder.


The visa allows for immediate relative long term residence in New Zealand and access to full employment rights. The partner visa can be applied for outside of New Zealand. It does not require a resident partner or the applicant have a partner in New Zealand.

This an indication that New Zealand is emerging as a popular destination for foreign investors. Having said that, it is important to understand that you cannot invest in commercial or residential property and immediately apply for the Partnership visa and residency. You will have to abide by New Zealand Immigration policy and law.

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