What I Did In Summer Vacation

I went on a luxury vacation to the tropics. I walked on the beaches, swam in the ocean, and did parasailing. You can’t see it in these photos because I used a Polaroid camera, but there was also waterproof paint so I could tag the sharks swimming below me (this isn’t typical behavior for me). When I wasn’t posing for portraits of myself sitting on an MMORPG fortune teller’s crystal ball or standing next to a bunch of bananas with my toes turned just-so, I was relaxing at the hotel spas and drinking cocktails. Did you want to know this? This is what I DID IN SUMMER VACATION.

After a long and dreary school year you are ready to kick back and do something fun. Summer vacation is a time for relaxing and taking it easy, with no homework assignments. What can you do for fun in your free time?

This summer I took a little time off to travel. I’ve gone to the mountains, explored the ocean and seen some top-of-the-line art galleries. I’ve also played video games. A lot of video games, but you’d think I was working all day by looking at my presentation.

To live is to grow up;After the long rains are over and the world has turned green again,It was just before sunset by the poolside. As I took out the camera to capture a panorama view of the city,I had a thought that this was not so bad after all. It might be boring if I happened to settle down in some rural area without many facilities, but as a guy living in metropolis,I chose not to make much of it at that moment (since there were still many things I was looking forward to).What do you do when you’re on vacation?

  1. Kids Learning
  2. English Essays for Kids
  3. How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay


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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Kids


Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year in the lives of students. It gives them an opportunity to take a break from their daily routine, relax and enjoy their time with family and friends. Every year, students eagerly await their summer vacations with the hope of doing something worthwhile that liberates them from the monotonous and regular routine of school and studies. For kids, writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation gives them a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and express what they enjoyed about their vacation.

What I Did In Summer Vacation

In this article, we bring you – How I spent my summer vacation essay that mentions the essence of summer vacation in a student’s life and the experiences that they share after enjoying a wonderful vacation away from their hectic schedule.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay For Kids

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay For Kids

  • Summer vacation is the best time of the year as it gives me a chance to relax and explore new things.
  • It gives me an opportunity to take a break from my daily study routine and adopt new hobbies like gardening, dancing and painting, while also having fun with friends.
  • This summer, I visited my grandparents’ place which is located far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • My cousins visited our grandparents too during their summer vacation and we spent the whole day playing outdoors.
  • Our grandfather loves gardening and we helped him plant saplings and water the plants in the garden.
  • Our grandmother prepared delicious and mouth-watering dishes for us and we relished every bite of the food.
  • Towards the evening, we all used to sit together by our grandmother’s bed and listen to her mesmerizing stories.
  • Thereafter, all of us used to go to the terrace and play games like hide-and-seek.
  • At night time, we gazed at the stars and listened to the interesting tales about the moon, stars and the sun, narrated by our grandfather.
  • I had a wonderful time spending some priceless moments with my grandparents.
  • I feel blessed to have such a caring and loving family, with whom I enjoyed my summer vacation thoroughly.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay 100 Words

Holidays are an incredible time for us to visit hilly destinations with the family. The summer season is an excellent time for us to take stress-free excursions and get close to nature, which we are unable to do in our busy schedule for the entire year. Last year I visited my grandparents and stayed there for 15 days. The cool thing about the summer holidays is discovering and creating new things in the village. While enjoying my stay, I also learned some new things that expanded my knowledge. I spent the rest of the holidays playing games and cooking under my mother’s supervision.

Liked the above How I spent my summer vacation paragraph? Children can also attempt writing a few lines or a paragraph on how I spent my summer vacation and mention what they loved about their vacation. Want to explore more such mind-boggling stuff? Are you wondering where you can find more such interesting English essay topics for kids? We’ve got you covered! You can visit our Kids Learning section, where you can find a huge array of resources such as worksheets, stories, poems for kids, GK questions, etc. and make your child fall in love with learning.

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