Visa For Study In Germany

In order to study in Germany, foreign students must meet certain requirements set by the German Embassy. This article will take you through the visa application process and help you achieve your goal of studying in Germany.

Are you planning to study in Germany? We are here to help you achieve your goal by providing detailed information on how to get a student Visa for Germany. You can apply as a non-EU student or as an international German student. For the first one, there is the possibility to apply for the Aufenthaltserlaubnis, which will allow you to stay and work in Germany after your studies. This handbook is based on first-hand experience of our staff member who after having obtained his master’s degree in Germany, is currently working as an entrepreneur with various home and abroad clients.

Government Of India and the Government of Germany have signed an agreement that allows Indian students to study and research in Germany, with a German student entry visa or with a residence permit for the purpose of study.

If you are looking for a totally genuine platform for getting studying in Germany, then look no further.  We have all you need to know about applying to colleges in Germany, study requirements and more.

Finding the right country for your study abroad program can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the phenomenon of education outside of the United States. This infographic is designed to educate people about applying for the German student visa and the procedures involved in enrollment.

The UK is a great place to study abroad, but getting your visa can be a pain. Touriago makes it easy. We’ll help you get the right visa for your part-time study in the UK and then get you on the plane!

Visas for Part-Time Study in the UK

If you’re studying abroad, there are many different types of visas that you can apply for. But if you’re planning on studying part-time, it’s important that you know what visa options are available to you.

Part-time study is a great way to get a taste of what life is like in another country without committing to full-time enrollment. It’s also a great way to see if you like the education system and find out if it’s something that interests you. But what type of visa do part-timers need? There are several different visas available, depending on where you’re coming from and what type of coursework you’d like to pursue while abroad in the UK.

If you are looking to study in the UK on a part-time basis, the first thing you need to do is apply for a UK student visa.

The UK government has strict rules regarding entry and stay in the country, so it is important that you follow these guidelines when applying for your visa.

If you are an international student in the UK and wish to work part time while studying, then you will also need a visa for working part time in the UK.

The UK is a great place to study part time. The visa application process for a part time student is very similar to the process for a full-time student, but there are some important distinctions that you should know about.

If you are applying as a full-time student, you will need to provide evidence of your attendance at an educational institution in the UK. This can be done by providing your student ID card or letter from the school confirming your enrollment. If you are applying as a part time student, you will also need to prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself while studying in the UK. You can do this by providing bank statements or other financial documents showing that you have enough money to support yourself while studying abroad.

In addition, if you’re applying as a part time student, be sure to submit all of your supporting documentation before applying online because some things (such as proof of address) require extra time and effort on your part.

If you’re thinking of going to school in the UK, you may need a visa.

The UK government has strict rules about who can enter the country and for what purpose. If you want to study part time in the UK and be there for less than 6 months, then you’ll need a student visa.

Working during your studies

Students on full time degree-level courses holding a Student visa are permitted to work in the UK. The requirements and rules are as follows:

  • Up to 20 hours per week during University term time. UKVI has defined a “week” as “a seven day period starting on a Monday and ending on a Sunday”
  • Full-time in vacation periods
  • Full-time during term time if on a work placement that is an integral and assessed part of the course – any work placement must not be longer than 50% of the total course length (unless there is a UK statutory requirement for the course to contain a specific period of work placement which exceeds this limit.)
  • As a student union sabbatical officer for up to two years
  • If you hold a Student visa for a part time course you will not have the right to undertake any work, paid or unpaid, in the UK.

Student visa students can only work on a temporary basis – they cannot be employed on a permanent contract. They cannot be self-employed or set up a business, or employed as a professional sportsperson or as an entertainer.

If you have another type of visa, you should check if you can work during your studies with the International Student Advice team. The Home Office provides some examples of what would be considered “engaging in business” (so you would not be allowed to do this) in their visa guidance. This includes:

  • Setting up a business as a sole trader or under a partnership arrangement and that business is either trading or establishing a trading presence
  • Being employed by a company in which you hold shares of 10% or more (including where the shares are held in a trust for you), or
  • Working for a company where you also hold a statutory role, such as a director.

Even if you are working for a company or client outside the UK if you are physically in the UK while you are doing the work then this counts towards your 20 hour limit.

It also means that if you are doing any freelance work for someone outside the UK (e.g. editing journal articles) this would count as self-employment so is not allowed.

UKCISA provide further information about working during your studies. They have also produced a very useful blog covering some of the common issues around working during your studies and looking at different types of work that would not be permitted.

What other evidence will I need?

  • Your current passport or other valid travel document;
  • Evidence that you can support yourself during your trip – the Home Office suggests providing bank statements or payslips for the last 6 months. There is no specified amount of money you need to show, but you may wish to look at the Student and Child Student guidance.
  • Details of where you intend to stay and your travel plans – you do not need to pay for accommodation or travel before applying for your visa, but you should have at least an idea of where you will stay and when you will return home. Try to be as specific as possible when you give the date you expect to leave the UK.
  • Your tuberculosis (TB) test results if you are from a country where you have to take the test.
  • Contact details for at least one parent or guardian in your home country if you are under 18 years old.

You will also need to provide translations of any of these documents which are not in English.


Choosing a right visa is very important in order to study abroad. There is a wide range of visa option whether you want to study and work in the country or only study without working. Whatever your choice is it’s good to do some background research before you start your travelling experience. So, look at different visa options, search for scholarships and choose the universities that suit best to your profile.

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