Visa For HGV Driver UK

The GHA Foundation is offering the Visa for HGV driver for UK, which is a pro-active and specialized visa program for lorry and other vehicle drivers. The visa application process is simple and easily visa representative will help you from commencement to the completion of your Visa application.

Visas for HGV Drivers – UK, HGV Driver Visa, Temporary Worker Visa

Becoming an HGV driver has never been so easy! In less than 5 minutes you can have a visa to drive in the UK. All you need is a few documents and £70.

The UKGOA is a free visa service for Truck/HGV Drivers who would like to come to the UK and stay for up to six months.

Drivers called HGV(Heavy goods vehicle)has an important role for the country’s economy. In fact, you may have seen them on the road that carrying materials from one place to another. As we know, it takes a long time to transport materials especially if it takes long distance transport, because of the heavy load stuffs of big vehicles.

UK Truckers being banned from Romania, France and Bulgaria in the New Year 2015.

The UK has strict rules and regulations when it comes to the entry of foreign visitors. For example, a HGV Driver Visa UK is needed for those who wish to enter the country and drive a heavy goods vehicle (HGV). It is one of the most popular visas in the UK, especially for people who are looking for employment opportunities.

The HGV Driver Visa UK allows you to work as an HGV driver in the country as well as study and live there permanently. The visa also allows you to bring your family members along with you. You can apply for this visa from outside India at a British High Commission or Consulate General in India.

If you’re planning to visit the UK, as a HGV driver, you need to make sure that you have the right visa.

Our company will help you with this process. We specialise in providing visas for HGV drivers who want to drive in the UK.

We can help you with all aspects of your application, from obtaining your documents and arranging interviews at the embassy, to submitting your application and making sure that it is processed correctly.

If you are an HGV driver and currently living in the UK, you may be eligible for a visa.

With this visa, you can live and work in the UK for a period of three years, after which you will need to apply for further leave to remain.

If you are a HGV driver and want to work in the UK, you will need a UK driving licence. In order to get one, you need a visa.

The first step is to apply for an HGV driver licence overseas. If you have an EU driving licence, you can use it in the UK to drive heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) from day one.

You can apply online at

If you are applying for your first UK licence, you must be over 18 years old. You do not need to take any tests before applying for an HGV licence overseas; however, if your existing licence has been issued outside of the European Union (EU), it may be necessary for you to pass theory and practical tests before getting your UK driving licence.

If you want to drive a HGV in the UK, you’ll need to apply for a visa. You can apply for the UK driver’s licence at any time, but all drivers must have one before they can start driving. The process is fairly straightforward and can be done with our team of experts.

Eligibility Criteria to Apply UK Truck Driver Visa Scheme

  • The truck driver has to have a valid passport.
  • They are expected to have an EEA, EU, and Swiss license for driving HGV tankers.
  • They must have an HGV fuel driver’s approval note by the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy.
  • The person should enter the UK to undertake work, as an HGV fuel truck driver
  • They must have evidence of funds.

Concession for Temporary Leave for Truck Drivers

If you wish to get involved under the concession, the Border officer will permit you.

  • If you are competent to be analysed under this concession – you must be a non-visa federal; and you must carry a relevant legal national passport, an EEA license, and declaration of driving HGV fuel tankers, and an HGV fuel driver’s approval letter from BEIS.
  • If they are pleased that you are honestly pursuing access for the motive of attempting assistance as an HGV fuel tanker driver.
  • If you will be able to retain and adjust yourself without resort to public reserves.
  • If you plan to quit the UK at the end of your period of consent.

Once the Border Force officer gets impressed with your honesty and determination for working in the UK. You will surely be granted to work in the UK for 31st March 2022.


Driving around United Kingdom is indeed a very nice idea. If you have any plans to go there and enter the Truck Hire industry, you should first check if you qualify as an HGV driver. Using this service is a must, seeing as it would make your life a whole lot easier.

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