Vacation With Benefits

Have you ever dreamed of taking a vacation where you do some volunteering, go on some tours and sightseeing, have the chance to learn some new things… but still get paid for having the time off? Well that dream could become a reality. In this guide, I will show you how you can take vacations with benefits.

Getting a business trip paid for is great as it ensures you will get to relax and recharge in an exotic locale. But, that doesn’t mean you still can’t benefit from your vacation. So, when planning your next trip be sure to select a location that can give you the opportunity to learn skills that can improve your career.

Sure, vacations are great, who denies it? Getting a chance to relax and get away from the rush of everyday life is something most people look forward to. But too often vacation doesn’t live up to its promises of relaxation and rejuvenation (as much as we might like it to). Too often we’re bombarded with ‘to do’ lists and feel guilty even thinking about the problems back at work, when we should be decompressing!

Your boss always tells you to take vacation time when you need it but the thought of being disconnected scares you. You’ve got too much on your plate to take vacations and your team seems fine handling everything — but are they really?

Vacation With Benefits

Become the life of the party. Funnier, more captivating and mysterious. Two great ways to improve your personality without changing more than what we see on the surface.

5 Benefits of Taking a Vacation

Vacations are more than just an escape from reality. Some of the perks and benefits might surprise you!

Photos from a vacation, what are vacation benefits?

Not many things in life compare to the joy you feel when you book a hotel and flight for your next adventure. So it’s a shame that about 53% of Americans aren’t using all of their vacation time each year. Because apart from the thrill of exploring castles in Scotland, tasting French pastries, or catching a wave in Hawaii, there are some major benefits to taking a vacation. Here are 5 that might surprise you:

1. Improves mental health

The same old grind can be mentally exhausting after a while. Whatever your circumstances may be, making a getaway to an exciting new land could be just what the doctor ordered to reduce your anxiety or depression. Going from a bleak desk job to a much-deserved break in an exciting new environmentcan help give your mental health the boost it needs. In fact, a study showed that after taking a vacation, travelers feel less anxious, happier, and well-rested.

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2. Prevents heart disease

You read correctly: If you can’t take a vacation for yourself, then do it for the sake of your heart and your overall physical health. Studies show that taking a vacation can lower your stress levels caused by working, which can, in turn, prevent your risk for heart disease or heart attacks. Pretty neat, right?

3. Just planning makes you happy

We all know that it’s almost impossible to frown while on vacation, but did you know your brain is prone to a major boost in happiness just from thinking about an upcoming vacation? Research shows that one of the biggest boosts in happiness comes just from planning the vacation. A person can feel the effects up to eight weeks before the departure date. And let’s not forget the happiness that continues during and after the trip.

4. Increases productivity and creativity

Perhaps the best way to improve your job performance is a luxurious trip to Italy. Because according to this study, when our brains are exposed to new languages, new sights, new sounds, and new cultures, it revitalizes your mind and boosts your creativity in the long run.

Related: 7 Surprising Ways Gardening Improves Your Health

5. Strengthens relationships

No matter how long you’ve known someone, whether it be your spouse, your siblings, your children, or even your friends, there is always room for improvement in your relationships with the people you love. Traveling and exploring together can add some excitement and zeal to your relationships. Because when you experience something new with your loved ones, it can help you bond with them at a much deeper level than ever before—which could be the most convincing benefit of all.  

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