Vacation On Mountain

Vacation On Mountain is a travel blog that focuses on providing detailed information and reviews of U.S. and international ski resorts. We share tips and tricks to help you prepare for the perfect ski trip, provide expert advice on choosing the right equipment, and even give you insider access to the coolest events in your favorite ski towns.

A vacation in the mountains is always a good idea, especially for those who want to escape the city for a couple days and enjoy some peace and quiet. Mountains are known for their beauty and serenity, which is why there’s a mountain vacation for just about any taste.

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The vacation was already going great. The weather was the beach and the scenery amazing! We had been married for only two years, and Millie was twenty-two and fit. Her arms and legs were tanned, with a healthy tan over her entire body. Her beautiful black hair with blonde highlights fell just beneath her shoulders. She had a perfect figure consisting of catchy breasts, an athletic waistline, and strong muscular legs that hardly ever touched each other while she walked. I never tired of looking at her in a swim suit! We both volunteered often at local charities to give back to our community, and always worked hard to help others in need. This trip would surely be memorable as it was our first exotic getaway together, even though we had vowed not to spend forever saving for it.

Vacation On Mountain

MOUNTAIN VACATION | Go feel the sun on your back and on your face. Go and see nature in its most raw beauty. The mountains are the perfect place to retreat on your next vacation, to commune with nature. There are various activities to do while going to the mountains for example; hiking, climbing, fishing, canoeing, skiing, and camping. Going up to the mountains also has health benefits- here are a few reasons why you should consider vacationing in the mountains!

1) Altitude

Even visiting the mountains for less than one week can spike weight loss. High altitude also can decrease the appetite, making us feel fuller. The people staying at high altitudes have easier access to hike and exercise, but it is the altitude in which they live in that promotes weight loss. Simply living in high altitude can decrease your weight. If you are the ultimate lazy and want to lose weight but eat pizza, and hamburgers than go visit the mountains!


2) Lower heart disease

Altitude also can help lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. Reduced oxygen helps to create new pathways for blood vessels for oxygen to flow. You also have a lower risk of dying from ischemic heart disease.  People (especially women) living at high altitudes are less likely to die from heart attacks. Scientific evidence shows that life at high altitudes can lead to healthier hearts.

3) Fresh Air

Being up in the mountains gives your lungs the chance to breathe in oxygen that is free of gasses or air pollution. The fresh air helps respiratory problems and easier breathing for asthma. The most common scent while travelling through a mountain is pine. Studies show that pine decreases hostility, depression, and stress.

4) Builds up happiness

Lavender that grows at mountain bases is known to help depression and aid good sleep. If you are feeling down, or just simply low about life, climb. Climbing a mountain can help you to see the value of your life while coming in near contact with the fear of physical danger. Facing your fears can help you see how limited your time is.


5) Great for relationships

Going to the mountains is a great bonding time with family and friends. Being scared of heights, coming close to quitting, or huffing and puffing with your loved ones creates a great way to laugh and form new memories and stronger bonds. This type of vacation can also be great for couples if feel you and your partner are in a “rough patch.” Overcoming obstacles and peaks is a great way to form new bonds by encouraging each other.

6) Finding Peace  

Mountains can be beneficial for finding inner peace in your life. They can help you re-discover the beauty of nature, and how nature can create life within itself. Throughout history, people have turned to mountains to find peace. Mountains teach you the importance of slowing down. Constantly encountering different sounds, smells, and noises trigger the brain different than city sounds, and it all acts to soothe your nerves.

couple cycling

7) Accessible in any season

Going to the mountains is not only for the summer but it is a vacation that can be taken during the fall when the leaves are changing colors. You can even visit the mountains in the winter to see snow, go skiing, and snow tubing.

8) Set new limits

Going hiking, climbing, skiing, canoeing, or river rafting all require an adventurous side. When you are out there, you are constantly reminded of your strength. Even when you do feel that fear kicking in, setting new limits for yourself help you to attain your goal, and begin to discover new limits for yourself.


9) It’s not a sight but an experience

Even though the mountain views are the perfect backdrop for an Instagram photo, and will provide a cool filter for your location on Snapchat, disconnecting from your phone is an even greater reward. No picture can truly showcase the beauty of what you’re seeing with your eyes, it’s like trying to take a picture of the beautiful moon on your phone, which always ends up looking lacklustre in picture format.

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