Vacation On Haiti

You are invited to spend a lifetime vacation located on beautiful western mountain area of Haiti: Gros Morne, south-east Valley, Jacmel, Port au Prince and north coast area of Haiti. Come to the Vacation On Haiti in Haiti. Visit the breathtaking natural scenery and the history which are mixed up with Haiti.

The island of Haiti remains as a telluric place and there are a lot of vacationers that find their way back again and again to experience the country and its culture. The beauty on the island is indescribable and it is an absolute pleasure to visit.

I’ll begin by saying I’ve never been to Haiti. I did however spend a lot of my summers on the Caribbean island of Grenada so I am familiar with the region. This may not be your typical travel article though as it’s more focused on food and people than say a small boutique hotel, or the perfect beach. The country itself is beautiful and the culture is amazing! Unfortunately, many Americans only think of these places in terms of bad news and other reports about how unstable the region can be. This is simply not the case in this part of the world where you can feel safe and have a wonderful time.

Vacation On Haiti

Haiti is an island in the Caribbean. It is a country with a rich culture that has managed to keep its colorful history alive through time. It has survived devastating earthquakes, hurricanes and political upheaval.

A trip to the exotic island of Haiti: Paradise on Earth… or so a friend told me. I soon found out that this tropical paradise had not only been voted one of the top resort destinations in the world, but also one of my best friends planned to go.

Rainfall begins to increase in April, falling heavily by May – at the same time as the temperatures soar up to unbearable, particularly given the high humidity. Haiti is at its hottest in June to August, and while the rainfall slumps a little during these months, August and September are peak hurricane season, so be warned. Hurricanes hit harder here due to poor building standards and mass deforestation leading to floods and landslides. Carnival season lasts for several weeks throughout January and February, with floats, processions, music and dance, ending on Mardi Gras.


Things to do in Haiti…

Architecture fanatics can swoon over Haiti’s pastel-painted “gingerbread houses”: classically colonial-Caribbean, with a whole rainbow of shutters and balconies. Many have been restored in recent years across Cap-Haïtien and Jacmel. The wrought iron markets are works of art in their own right, while Haiti’s most astounding piece of architecture comes in the form of its monumental Citadelle Laferriere. This impenetrable fortress was built right into the rock of a steep mountain, and was designed to defend the country from an attack which never came.Despite the hardships, this is a phenomenally creative island, and the African, Caribbean and spiritual influences combine with a deep rooted resourcefulness to create beautiful, one-off artworks, often from recycled items. Rainbow coloured paintings depict fantastical scenes of Haitian life; oil drum lids are cut and hammered into trailing vegetation, trees and birds, while beer bottle tops, driftwood and other items are repurposed into character-filled sculptures.Most tours of Haiti will hop from city to city, with trips out to the odd waterfall, beach or historic site. But as with anywhere, spending time in rural areas gives a real insight into local life. Guided tours in Haiti allow you to do just this, with treks through the mountain, homestays in the farming villages of the Central Plateau, and visits to the village of Furcy, tucked away in steep, verdant hillsides outside Port au Prince.

Things not  to do in Haiti…

They say that Haiti is 60 percent Catholic, 40 percent Protestant and 100 percent vodou. But don’t come here in search of a doll to stick pins in; these have nothing to do with this syncretic religion. Vodou means “spirit”, and these beliefs, along with drumming, fetish objects, human skulls and mirrors, are a way for Haitians to make contact with and ask for assistance from their many gods. Following the devastating 2010 earthquake, these beliefs became more important than ever, and vodou has seen a surge in popularity.Arrive by cruise ship. Until recently, the only tourists to set foot in Haiti were cruise passengers, although few of them would have known it: Royal Caribbean promoted their private resort as an “oasis on the island of Hispaniola”. To be fair, this resort could hardly be described as Haiti. Closed off to Haitians, it is a bizarre amusement park of waterslides, zip lines, and all-you-can-eat barbecues, all paid for using passenger cruise ship cards – with the exception of a few local souvenir stalls, the only things that derive any financial benefit from these thousands of tourists.While every other Caribbean island features on the covers of glossy brochures, Haiti never seems to be featured anywhere other than newspapers – having fallen victim to earthquakes, hurricanes and crazed despots. But there are two sides to every story, so don’t focus purely on the poverty. Instead, learn more about the landscapes, culture, beaches and creole cuisine that, in many other ways, make this such a rich nation.


Why Haiti?

Aled Evans, from our leading Haiti specialists Undiscovered Destinations, shares his advice on traveling to Haiti: “Haiti is not like any other place in the Caribbean. If you want a ‘Caribbean’ vacation, then Haiti is not for you! The best description I have heard of Haiti is that it is a small part of West Africa that just happens to be in the Caribbean. History, culture, beautiful scenery and beaches combine to create a unique vacation destination. If you go with an open mind and a friendly smile you will have one of the best experiences that travel can offer.”

Headlines vs reality

Casey Mead, from our partner G Adventures, says: “Keep an open mind at all times. Haiti is a surprising destination and unlike other Caribbean locations. It’s a great mix of experiences, but its recent history can’t be ignored. You’ll be doing a world of good by visiting and help spread the wealth in a place that really needs it. The people are extremely friendly and, above all else, they are in desperate need of tourists to help them rebuild their island nation following the devastating earthquake that occurred back in 2010.”

Aled Evans, from our leading Haiti specialists Undiscovered Destinations, says: “There are many issues in the country and as the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere you have to expect a lack of infrastructure and services. Despite this, you will find a warm and friendly welcome. Having an experienced guide with you is important as this will keep you from wandering into areas that may not be safe for tourists. Do not let this worry you, though; this is the same for somewhere like New York as it is for Haiti. The once high crime levels have dropped dramatically in recent years and are now comparable, if not better, than most Caribbean nations.”

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