Vacation On A Shoestring Budget

Busy season is over and your bank account is $200 richer than last year. You’ve improved your site, added lots of content, and started tapping into the power of social media marketing. You’re on top of your game.

Vacationing isn’t cheap. If you are a student or have limited funds, then vacationing can be an expensive affair. But you shouldn’t let the expense of booking a hotel keep you from going on holiday. You can still get a great deal and take a vacation without emptying your wallet! I’ll tell you about the budget vacations of my childhood, where I went, and what my family did for each vacation.

Being able to spend time with family, friends, and cherished loved ones is NECESSARY to keep our sanity. That is why so many people are interested in learning how to make a trip more affordable. When they go on vacation they don’t want to worry about money. They want to enjoy their time off and have a good time with friends, family and loved ones.

There is nothing better than unwinding from a long day at work or school by traveling. You can unwind and explore all that a city has to offer, decide whether it’s somewhere you want to live or just somewhere to visit again in the future, drink bottomless cups of coffee, eat great food, and relax. The bonus is being able to do all this on a budget by sharing your accommodation with other people.

Vacation On A Shoestring Budget

We are seeing a lot of people travelling these days due to growing affluence. Friends, families and random strangers are posting picturesque snapshots of the places they’ve been to on Facebook and Instagram. Sure, travelling can be very exciting, but it does cost money to pack your bags and explore the world.

But money shouldn’t always get in the way of your travel plans. In fact, many travel enthusiasts these days hop from one country to another on a tight budget. And since they are already doing that, it only goes to show that you can follow their footsteps too.

So how exactly should you travel on a shoestring budget? Here are five expert tips:

a drawing of a face1. Plan ahead

This is perhaps the cardinal rule in every travel escapade – planning. If you want to keep your expenses low, then it is an imperative that you draw out a strategy in which you can use the least amount of money for your needs when on the road.

Planning should cover everything – from your airline tickets to your travel dates to the places where you will stay and the purchases you will make. You need not dine in a fancy restaurant or go shopping in high-end malls during your vacation especially when your overall goal is just to feel the vibe of your destination. Try the night bazaars or the local food stall where the food is freshly cooked in front of you. While you save hard, you should not fall sick along the way. Part of your plan should include having a travel insurance plan. 
a drawing of a face2. Search for discounts

When you have already planned ahead, then you have the leverage of finding discounts to save on your expenses. Some airlines offer discounted rates on their flights when you book tickets at least six months before your target travel dates. Discounts help reduce your intended cash outlay, and you are able to get the best deals simply by planning beforehand.
a drawing of a face3. Look for secondary destinations

Secondary destinations can bring more colour to your budget travel. For example, if you are going to travel to Thailand, you may want opt to visit Chiang Mai instead of focusing on Phuket or Bangkok. This is because Chiang Mai is cheaper, the weather is cooler and the attractions are unique. Visit the elephant camp, trek the mountain and shop at the famous night bazaar. Stay at small motels, most of them are conveniently located with low cost meals easily available within walking distance.

When searching for secondary destinations, you may want to look at two factors:
the transportation options to reach the place and;the accessibility of the place to other areas worth visitingBy knowing the routes and the transportation options, you will derive more value from your travel expenses. Not to mention more pictures of unique landscape that you can showcase on social media.
a close up of a logo4. Hotel vs. homestay vs. couch surfing

Booking hotel stays at heavily discounted rates can be difficult, especially when you are thinking about travelling during peak season. If you have to travel during peak season, you really have to look for cheaper alternatives then. Homestays that offer bed and breakfast to backpackers is the usual first option. Increasingly, couch surfing in case you have friends who can accommodate you for a few nights during your stay, is gaining popularity.

A homestay can be a great Plan B to a hotel since it is not only cheaper but also gives you a taste of how it is like to live as a local in the place you are visiting.
a drawing of a face5. Secure travel insurance

Do not see travel insurance as an additional expense but think of it as an investment. It can save you on huge costs later on since you can use it during emergency situations. By being insured, you are saving the cost of a medical bill or a piece of baggage that has gone missing. Think of using the amount saved for an investment where you can make money to pay for your next vacation!

Don’t let unexpected problems stop you from enjoying your holiday getaway. Visit the Chubb Travel Insurance website for more details!

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