Vacation In Tasmania

Tasmania has been named the best state to live in Australia. It has a combination of beauty and charm that is hard to find anywhere else. If you have always wanted to visit Australia, then you don’t want to miss out on Tasmania. These are some information about the interesting tourist destinations in Tasmania.

There’s nothing more luxurious than a week-long vacation. Inviting friends and family over for a week of drinking, dining, and fun won’t be soon forgotten. But you might have thought about where to go. And I think it should be Tasmania.

Many people dream of taking a trip to Tasmania. It is an island that is located to the south of Australia and has an incredible landmass filled with mountains, forests and coastlines.

Tasmania is one of the most scenic regions in the world, with the cleanest air and the purest water on earth. Enjoy a few weeks by the beach, or spend time hiking one of their many trails. Travel back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth at the Museum of Natural Science, or relax and get your tan on at popular destinations like Hobart, Kingston, and Devonport. Tasmania is also hailed as one of the great cultural destinations around the world with museums like Salamanca Place and MONA FOMA.

Vacation In Tasmania

Tasmania, Australia is a place of spectacular beauty. Sandy white beaches and crystal blue waters were two things that I was expecting in abundance when I first made plans for a vacation here. The truth is that it turns out to have far more eye candy than I ever could have imagined (sometimes in places you didn’t even know you had eyes).

Tip #1: Just Go!

Many visitors to Australia never visit Tasmania, which is a pity as it is a charming island with plenty to see and do. It’s also very easy to navigate by yourself because nothing is very far from anything else. If you love breathtaking views, unspoiled landscapes, and unpolluted air, Tassie is a must-visit destination.

Tip #2: Fly, Don’t Drive

You can take your own car to Tasmania by catching the ferry from Melbourne to Devonport, but you need to time your visit carefully: travel at the wrong time of year and it can be very expensive indeed. You can save money by booking a seat on the ferry instead of a cabin—but it is an overnight trip so that means sitting up all night. Besides, the straits between Melbourne and Launceston are famous for their rough weather, so any poor sailors in your group could have a very unpleasant trip. Not the best way to start your vacation!

Even though we live in Australia, we worked out that it was cheaper to leave our car at home, fly to Hobart and hire a car.

If you’ve ever picked up a car at an airport, you’re probably imagining a spaghetti junction of roads and a rather scary introduction to driving in Tasmania—but Hobart is not like that at all. Traffic was light and road signs were easy to follow. Tasmanians do drive fast, though!

The ferry to Tasmania sounds like fun, but it's a very long trip with kids
The ferry to Tasmania sounds like fun, but it’s a very long trip with kids29cm on Flickr

Tip #3: Hire a Car

I made my first visit to the Island State by booking a bus tour, and frankly, it was a mistake. It was frustrating to find we made fleeting stops at places I wanted to see more of and lingered far too long at places I had no interest in!

Tasmania is a compact country. You can drive from Hobart to Launceston in less than three hours, for instance (though you should allow a full day because there are so many interesting sights along the way). Most of the roads are wide and well maintained, and traffic is generally quiet, so we found it a real pleasure to drive around.

Hobart Harbour
Hobart Harbour

Tip #4: Plan Your Trip

The following itinerary suggestions assume you fly to Hobart and hire a car.


Like most capital cities, Hobart’s hotels and holiday apartments are expensive. You’ll find several cheaper options slightly out of town, and near the airport, but I think it’s worth the extra to stay in the city.

Last year, we booked a hotel near the airport and found that it really cramped our style. Although the drive was less than half an hour to Hobart town, it was just far enough to be irritating. The cafes, restaurants and shops are all in town—and at night, the roads were poorly lit and there was the constant fear of hitting kangaroos and other wildlife wandering across the road.

Sights to See

Hobart is a pretty town, right on the water, with Mount Wellington rising high above it. You can drive almost to the summit (wear something warm!). Also worth visiting are the Signal Station (for its great view and nice café), the Shot Tower, the Salamanca Markets and if you like modern art, MONA.

Places to Eat

You’ll find plenty of eateries around Salamanca and in North Hobart, but my favourite spot is Mures Cafe and Restaurant on the Franklin Wharf. I don’t know if there is any other city where you can sit right on the waterfront and enjoy your breakfast or a succulent barramundi and chips at café prices (they also have humongous gelato cones, so try to leave some space!).

Day Trips From Hobart

Port Arthur

You may not think of a prison as an attractive place to visit on vacation, but Port Arthur is a fascinating place. In the early 19th century, it was a prison for some of the most hardened criminals—convicts who re-offended after arriving in Australia. Deliberately sited on a remote peninsula, it was virtually impossible to escape, and inmates led a harsh life.

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