Vacation In St Petersburg

Pretty much everyone dreams of a vacation in St Petersburg, at least those that love to travel. Even those who don’t want to spend a lot of time traveling want to take a nice vacation. After all, why not spend a few days on vacation relaxing? There are many different types of vacations you can go on. People consider taking vacations in St Petersburg, Florida as well as Orlando. But there are other places you can go on vacation as well.

St Petersburg is an unbelievable city that attracts people from around the globe. It is a great place for tourists to visit and the best part is it has something for everyone, be it those interested in history, art or culture. Tourists love how close they are to the major attractions when staying at The Ambrose Hotel St. Pete..

Are you a tourist looking for the best places to visit, sights to see and things to do in St. Petersburg? Or are you a resident, planning your next fun day out or family excursion? Either way, start your planning here with St. Petersburg’s Top 5 Sites!

Not much to say about St. Petersburg that hasn’t already been said. Its unique, colorful history makes it one of the must-see’s on any tourist’s agenda. The city offers a wide selection of attractions and activities, ranging from stunning cathedrals and beautiful palaces, to a plethora of museums and galleries dedicated to all the arts. If you’re thinking about touring St. Petersburg, I think this budget guide will help out a lot, we’ve spent plenty of time in the city and have tried just about everything there is to offer.

Some people might call us crazy for traveling with two kids under two, and well, we probably are, but we all really needed a vacation! We packed our bags and headed to some of the best beaches in Florida for a St. Petersburg and Clearwater Beach Vacation!

Vacation In St Petersburg

The kids probably aren’t going to remember everything about this trip, but we will – and that’s important too. So, Let’s get to making some family memories! 

Here’s our itinerary to visit St. Pete & Clearwater with Two under Two on our first family vacation with two kids. 



A group of flamingos hunt for food in a pond at the Sunken Gardens of st Petersburg Florida - Tourist Activities


Our first stop of the day is going to be to the Sunken Gardens, home to some of the oldest tropical plants in the area inside the 100-year-old botanical garden. Here you’ll find winding paths guiding you through more than 50,000 plants and coy ponds, and you might even spot some flamingos.

Atlas loved all the different plants, but the real winner for him was feeding the fish in the picturesque ponds surrounded by lush gardens. A close second was running at full speed down the winding paths. and oh yeah, the “mingos,” as he called them, were pretty cool too!

Traditional sandwich made with cuban bread and pork from Bodega restaurant - top local restaurants in St Pete


Next up is the Bodega Restaurant, touted as the best Cuban spot in the Tampa area. We had to check this place out.

Before this modern white dining room existed, they used to serve up their top-notch Cuban fare out of a small walk-up window – where the lines would be down the street. 

The Cuban bread was on point, and slow-cooked seasoned pork made for a nice sandwich and fueled us for a busy afternoon.


One of the places I was most excited to check out on this trip was an area of St. Pete called the Edge District. Known for its fun and artsy vibe. This colorful district is literally covered in vibrant murals. 

We had a fun time just walking around and taking in all of the larger-than-life art pieces where the canvases were the sides of buildings. 

Many of the city’s newest and trendiest restaurants can be found inside the bright and colorful buildings. This part of St. Pete quickly become one of our favorite, and could see ourselves spending a lot of time here. 

large indoor tree house as the centerpiece of the Great explorations Children's Museum of St. Pete Florida


Striking a balance between what the kids and grown-ups think is fun is crucial while traveling with little kids. One of our little one’s favorite stops of the whole trip was the Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Atlas loved it, and it was a great place to burn some energy while stimulating some brain cells. Here they had everything from a huge indoor playground to a large collection of STEM toys. We spent at least two hours exploring all of the art, music, and science toys – and afterward, it was back to the hotel for a much-needed nap after all that playing.  

Related Article: Best Museums in St. Petersburg

Family with young children taking a photo on the beach in Florida on vacation


If you don’t take a photo on the beach that you can look back and laugh at 20 years from now – did you even go on a family vacation? 

We finished up our day on beautiful St. Pete Beach during a fiery sunset that seemed to complement our equally vibrant matching family outfits rather well. 

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