Vacation In Ireland

Vacation In Ireland 2022. They ran their first trip in 1977 and have run over 100,000 tours since then.

Book your exotic vacation in Ireland for the summer of 2022 and experience the magic for yourself. The island nation has more to offer than breathtaking views and rich culture — it’s also an ideal destination for a romantic and adventurous vacation.

Place to take your holidays? Vacation in Ireland is worth considering! The Emerald Isle is one of the best holiday locations in the world. It’s breathtaking scenery and rich culture makes it a truly unique experience.

The last country that you think of when planning a vacation might just be the ideal destination for your family. Ireland is a picturesque country that has so much to offer. You can expect lots of history, friendly people, gorgeous scenery and great food offerings.

Vacation In Ireland

I had the opportunity to visit Ireland for my vacation. I was blown away by how beautiful it is and by the hospitality of the Irish people. I found this experience so incredible that I wanted to recreate it for others.

Your trip to Ireland starts with a six hour flight from New York City which lands you in Dublin in the early afternoon. The warm Irish greeting you have been expecting awaits you at the airport, where an Irish Driver will take your group to your hotel for a two night stay. With plenty of time to spare and no jet lag, you head off on your own island hopping adventure.

Ireland Tours Highlights

  • Take a walking tour of Dublin and learn about the city’s rich history.
  • Visit Trinity College and its Old Library, and take an illuminating look at the Book of Kells, a colorful medieval manuscript that highlights the four Gospels.
  • See street poets and musicians during your exploration of Dublin.
  • Visit Dublin Castle, the host site for the inauguration of the country’s Presidents.
  • Have dinner in the picturesque harbor town of Kinsale, which is known as the gourmet capital of Ireland.
  • Take a scenic drive along the woods, lakes, and mountains of Killarney National Park.
  • Take a side jaunt to a working sheep farm.
  • Participate in activities, such as whiskey tasting or baking traditional Irish pastries.
  • See a crystal cutting demonstration by a master Irish craftsman.
  • Hire a bicycle and pedal the Dingle Loop on the Dingle Peninsula.
  • Savor a generous Irish breakfast of pork sausages, bacon rashers, fried eggs, black pudding, fried tomato, and brown soda bread.
  • Drive through County Clare to see the amazing Cliffs of Moher, which stand over the North Atlantic at 600 feet. 
  • Enjoy a quiet dinner in Galway.

Ireland Tours Travel Tips

  • The currency in Northern Ireland is the pound sterling, not the Euro – something to keep in mind while visiting northern Ireland and venturing further south.
  • While Ireland does not have the same requirements for tipping as some places do, there are certain tipping rules you must follow. For example, if you have table service in a restaurant, you should leave a tip of 10% to 12%. Tip taxi drivers up to 10%, as long as they offer good service.
  • The Irish weather is changeable, so you need to dress in layers when visiting Ireland. Make sure you wear waterproof shoes too and carry a brolly (umbrella) for unexpected downpours.
  • City buses will not stop in Dublin unless you flag them down, even if you are standing at a stop. Therefore, make sure you stick out your arm and wave when you see a bus approaching. It is also considered common courtesy to thank the driver when you get to your destination.
  • Winter days are especially short in Ireland, with the sun setting around 4:00 p.m. On the other hand, some days in summer can be extremely long, with sunset occurring around 10:00 p.m.
  • Many places close on Sunday in Ireland. Those sites that do open do not open their doors until around 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon.
  • While Irish people do speak English, they do use a lot of slang terms when speaking, which can make communication difficult. Before you go on your trip, you may want to research some of the slang phrases they use. For example, courtin’ translates to dating and houl yer whisht means please be quiet.

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