Vacation In Egypt All Inclusive

Now that you have researched the area, use this All-Inclusive Egypt vacation package to create a travel plan that lets you see all of the best temples across the country. It will save you money & time.

Egypt is the crossroad of three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe. The country’s location makes it a prime waypoint for trips across Africa or as a launching point for those beginning the journey to Asia. Egypt’s main resorts are located on the strip of land between the Sinai peninsula and the Red Sea, called the East Coast. The most famous resorts are in Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada, El Gouna and Marsa Alam.

Egypt is a destination known for its historical monuments and hotels that cater to all the tastes of international travellers. The country boasts a fantastic climate throughout the year and offers excellent facilities and services with world-class comfort amenities.

Vacation In Egypt All Inclusive

The capital city Cairo, besides being one of the greatest cities in Africa, is a modern metropolis with over 6 million people. It is situated on the Nile River in Northern Egypt and gives the tourists the chance to sample historic sites, shopping in modern areas to see everything from pyramids to mosques plus much more.

Just mention Egypt and pyramids will naturally pop into almost everyone’s mind. While it is a fact that Egypt boasts of being the only country to have these incredible and iconic structures, they are not all that Egypt is about.

The pyramids are just a small representation of what Egypt has to offer when it comes to tourism. There are many ancient relics, monuments, ruins, and sights to see all over Egypt, from Cairo down to Aswan.

Egypt Ruins

Egypt is a fascinating country. Other than the pyramids, Egypt is full of spectacular historical sites, stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, amazing cuisine, ancient treasures, beautiful golden sand, and so much more.

If looking for the perfect vacation, Egypt should definitely be on top of your list.

Book Private Tours in Egypt

Start out with a few days in Cairo and take a tour of the Pyramids, Egyptian Museum and bazaar. This private tour includes everything so you can just relax and enjoy it.

Nile River Cruise

A Nile River cruise is undeniably one of the best ways to see the ruins of ancient Egypt as well as modern life along the banks of the Nile. This cruise travels between Aswan and Luxor and includes excursions to major landmarks.

  • Depart Aswan for a 4-day Nile River cruise to Luxor
  • 5-star accommodation and meals, making the journey all-inclusive
  • Private tours with an Egyptologist
  • Private transfers includes the option to end in Hurghada (a gorgeous beach destination on the Red Sea)

Book Here

Six Reasons to Take an Egypt Vacation

1. A Vacation in Egypt is Affordable

Vacations and travel are not always cheap. On the contrary, an Egypt vacation is quite affordable.   Whether you have all the money to spend or you’re on a budget, you can make an Egypt vacation happen.

Egypt has a lot of accommodation options that are cheaper than what you would be accustomed to in other parts of the world.  So you can choose a higher standard, or save money on the level of accommodation you normally book.

You can purchase an Egypt tour package, which covers everything including accommodation, meals, transport, tour guides and entry to historical sites. Tour packages can offer a great value and savings over booking everything yourself.

To further save money when visiting Egypt, book early and travel during the off-season period. Accommodation, guided tours and even airfare is usually cheaper.

»» We recommend this tour package, which includes a private 7-night Cairo, Luxor, and Nile Cruise, with flights to/from Cairo to Aswan/Luxor.

2. Egypt is Rich in History

Egyptian Sphinx
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Egypt has fascinating ancient history that has held the world’s interest for centuries. Most of Egypt’s history revolves around Pharaohs, the conquering by Alexander the Great, King Tutankhamun, and Queen Cleopatra. However, this is not all the history Egypt has to offer.

Ancient Egyptians inspired a lot of modern civilization. Some of the aspects of modern life can be traced back to Egypt, from architecture, art deco, medicine, and astrology to name but a few. It is incredible to see for yourself how this country grew to what it is now from the archaeological finds that remains to this day.

The main historical sights in Egypt that should be on your itinerary are listed below. These are found both in Cairo, and throughout the country:

  • The Great Pyramids of Giza (read our story about climbing inside one of the pyramids)
  • The Great Sphinx of Giza
  • The Valley of the Kings and Tutankhamun’s tomb

3. Egypt is the Ultimate Scuba Diving and Beach Destination

Diving in Egypt

Yes, there is a lot of history in Egypt, but don’t tempted to think that Egypt is all about pyramids and mummies. It also happens to have some of the best beaches in the world.  The beautiful beaches are perfect for relaxing and exploring the magnificent Red Sea. The main beaches are Dahab, Hurghada, and Sharm el-Sheikh.

Scuba diving in Egypt – particularly in the Red Sea – is incredible.  Divers can enjoy shallow patch reefs, drift dives, wall dives and exploration of wrecks on the ocean floor. The algae bloom in the Red Sea, which happen in spring and fall make it one of the best places in the world to dive. The top dive sites in Egypt, according to Deeper Blue, are:

  • SS Thistlegorm, Sharm El Sheikh
  • Big Brother, Hurghada
  • Shark and Yolanda Reef, Sharm El Sheikh
  • Elphinstone Reef, Marsa Alam
  • Jackson Reef, Straits of Tiran, Sharm El Sheikh

Other than that, you can have some time swimming with dolphins in the Red Sea. Wild dolphins are found along the sea, and swimming or free diving with these amazing animals is something you can never forget.

4. The Nile Cruise is Breath Taking

Nile Cruise in Egypt

An Egypt trip is never complete without a Nile cruise. Who wouldn’t love sailing down the famous Nile? The setting is almost mystical complete with a great ship, a setting sun, and amazing views of Egypt’s cities and temples.

The best part about it is that it is not expensive like other cruises you know. Nile cruises are intended for sight-seeing and as such are smaller riverboats. The boats stop at intervals along the Nile to allow people to get off and explore. Onboard, buffets and nightlife are available.

If intending to explore Luxor, Aswan and every temple between them, there is no better way to do this than through a Nile cruise. The sightseeing through a cruise adds flavor to the entire experience.

Start here when planning your trip to be sure you can fit the Nile cruise into your itinerary. 

»» We recommend this Nile cruise package that includes a 4-day (3nt) cruise from Aswan to Luxor with a trip to Abu Simbel and a hot air balloon ride in Luxor.

5. Egyptian Food is Amazing

Egyptian Food

When planning for a trip anywhere in the world, food is an important consideration. Fortunately, you can never go wrong with Egyptian food. It is simply unique and delicious.

Also note that Egyptian food is a bit of history, religion and geography and as such, a lot of vegetables and meats such as chicken, rabbit, duck and pigeon, and fish are mostly in the mix. Other than these, some of the most popular dishes include kebabs and Kofta, Kushari, Om Ali, and Ta’meya and Ful Medames. These dishes have been part of Egypt for ages, and it is not a complete visit to Egypt without trying these tasty dishes.

Where to get food is always a common concern among travelers. You can get food anywhere from local vendors. Your tour guide can also suggest the best places to eat. As for water, always remember that tap water in Egypt is not consumable. You should always carry or buy bottled water.

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