Vacation For Dreams

We live in a world where we are never really satisfied with what we’re doing. Whether it be a less than ideal job or a hobby that has just become stale, every day there is something new to keep our attention. To be able to truly escape from all of this, vacation is the perfect answer. The problems and stress are still there when you get back but for that time frame you can completely turn your life off and discover something new about yourself. Sometimes you leave the experience feeling refreshed and knowing that it was the best decision you ever made.

Vacation at a luxury resort on the tropical shores of an exotic island. The sunsets and the company are breathtaking. Dive, surf, snorkel, and even explore by land or sea scooter (did I mention it’s the 21st century?). This kind of vacation might sound like an impossible fantasy to most people…until they find out you only have to be 18 to enter!

As an avid, travel-loving enthusiast and blogger, I have found that a lot of people struggle to find their place in the wide world of travel. They end up either spending their cash on expensive vacations, which leave them wondering if it was money well spent, or spend many years saving for their dream vacation. In fact, the average American saves $2,500 for a trip (source), but even that could save you thousands of dollars in your life.

Vacation For Dreams

We didn’t take our first family vacation until we had kids. Now, since having them, we still haven’t had time for a family vacation and probably won’t for a few more years. My wife and I have begun to dream about the when we will get the time and are able to go on that well deserved family vacation.

There was a time when people would spend their life savings and take trips from scratch, just to see the world. They would take four months off to go around the globe and then go back to whatever they were doing before.

Dream about vacation may be a pleasurable experience, but it also has a range of significant meanings! If you have a holiday in your dream, one literal meaning of this sign is that you are planning a vacation in your waking life. If not, it’s possible that your subconscious is urging you to take a break from your current routine in some way.

Interested in your dream & sleep talking? Sometimes sleep talking occurs during dreaming. Use ShutEye sleep tracker app to see funny things you say during the sleep, and if you snore or fart! (Download ShutEye for Android and iOS.)

Why did I have a dream about going on a trip?

If you recently dreamed about a tropical getaway, snowy adventure, or another kind of vacation right in between, you might have questions about what it all means. While dreams about trips can be pleasant and leave you wanting more, these kinds of dreams can actually symbolize many aspects of your waking life.

A dream about travelling is a good sign primarily because it suggests that some movement is taking place in your life. It means that your life is not dull and stagnant but a constant journey that leads you to different destinations.

Traditionally, vacation dreams are thought to represent the desire to go on a trip, and signal a needed break from your daily routine (via Astrology Answers). Dreaming about laying on a sandy beach in front of crashing ocean waves can mean you need a getaway to meditate, breathe, and put your responsibilities on hold for a little while. In a certain sense, this kind of dream can be a message to give yourself a break.

Of course, like most dreams, vacation dreams depend on your current life situation, and your personal issues, fears, and hopes.

A dream about going on a trip can mean a desire to “escape,” whether from personal issues, family drama, relationship troubles, or any other kinds of tough circumstances. Moreover, the type of vacation matters, too: An amazing beach getaway has a very different symbolic meaning from a trip where everything went wrong. Trips where you never get to your destination also have a specific meaning, as well as the amount of luggage you brought. Curious? Let’s dive in.

ShutEye dream about vacation Dream of Going on Vacation

What does it mean to dream about a vacation?

1. When you dream of going on vacation

A vacation in your waking life will take you in a variety of directions, and the same is true when a vacation occurs in your dream life.

Another thing to think of when you dream about vacation is the idea of escape. Are you taking a break to get away from your responsibilities?

Vacations can also reflect and symbolize rewards, so if none of these meanings makes sense, you may be getting a reward soon in your waking life. Your efforts will soon be remembered, your rank may rise, or you may be rewarded for upcoming accomplishments.

2. When you dream of a vacation where things go wrong

If you’re dreaming that you’re on holiday and things aren’t going well, it might mean that you’re having trouble handling things in your waking life. 

You may be feeling stressed and exhausted, as though you have too much on your plate and aren’t doing enough. If this is the case, taking a holiday or taking a break from anything may be a good idea.

ShutEye Dream of a Vacation Where Things Go Wrong

3. When you dream of on your way to your destination

If you have a dream of on your way to your vacation spot, it might indicate that you are dissatisfied with your daily routine. Change may be on the way, or your subconscious is urging you to be the change you want to see.

When you dream of running into obstacles keeping you from your destination, you probably need a clearer path to reach your goals in real life. Dreaming of a blocked road or anything that keeps you stuck in place might mean you need a dose of positivity to succeed.

4. When you dream of vacation by unique transport

The kind of transport your dream-self chooses is just as important as the vacation itself. Dreaming about traveling by car on an open road means you wish to escape from something.

Car travel indicates strength, self-esteem, capability, and can even mean an “improved sense of being.” However, if you drive along the coast, you might need to focus on your roots and grounding yourself.

Being in the passenger seat means you might be too naive, while a road trip with others might mean you are being controlled by someone. Car travel is usually associated with taking the right path in life, while a van or RV vacation could symbolize a spiritual awakening.

ShutEye Dream of on Your Way to Your Destination

Traveling on a bus has similar implications to car travel, but may represent a need to conform to others’ expectations. Overall, any kind of road in a dream symbolizes your life path: A winding road means difficulties, while bumpiness means starting fresh.

Unique vacations can be just as significant when it comes to traveling in your dreams.

Taking a train ride means you’re on the right path and you’re naturally “headed in the right direction,” so stop worrying.

If you’re dreaming of traveling by spaceship or UFO (yes, it happens!), you probably want something magical to happen in your life — or you fear the unknown.

Dreaming of traveling by ship is seriously amazing, but it could mean you have a long way to go before your major goals in life come true.

Not nearly as unique but definitely significant, a plane ride means you have high goals and are moving towards them.

5. Dream about vacation with others

The people that accompany you on your dream journey are just as important as the trip itself.

It is crucial to consider the people that accompany you on your vacation: Family members, your significant other, a friend, or even your colleagues. Your dream might symbolize that you need to spend more quality time with that person, or that they need you for help, advice, or just a bit of fun and adventure.

If you dream about the local people of a foreign country rather than people you know in real life, you probably need to work on trusting those around you.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, a trip alone might mean you keep putting others’ needs before your own, and need some self-care.

So these are the explanations of having a dream about vacation. You should pay careful attention to other vacation specifics in your dream as well. Is this a solo trip or a vacation with others? In your waking life, what is your present relationship or job situation? Or is it necessary for you to take a break from your current relationship? Wish you a wonderful dream.

If you have trouble sleeping, try ShutEye, an all-in-one sleep app. ShutEye brings a wide variety of tools to help you fall asleep and understand your sleep cycles from a scientific perspective.

So stop tossing and turning all night, and starting falling asleep in a healthy and natural way.

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