Umrah Visa In Shawwal

Are you still not sure about Umrah Visa in shawwal? We have already seen the conditions of Umrah visa allocation in Shawal on the basis of moon sighting. Many pilgrims would be caused inconvenience this time due to the shortage of time to finish the procedures because of rainy weather, so I wrote this article to share with those who are still confused about the rules.

Are you looking for Umrah Visa in Shawwal? Our mission is to bring peace & happiness to Muslims all over the world. By performing hajj, umrah and trying our best to worship Allah (swt) as much as possible we fulfill our religious duties & ensure our place in Jannah. With the service of Umrah Visa Help Desk this goal becomes achievable for many Muslims worldwide.

As we have already made an Umrah Plan in order to fulfill this Umrah task prior to Ramadan, now we need to check if it is soon enough. Is your Umrah visa valid yet? If not, then this article is for you. We will guide you through the needed steps to ensure that you get your Umrah Visa before Ramadan begins.

Umrah Visa In Shawwal

Are you tired of waiting in line at the embassy? Do you want to make your Umrah Visa application process as smooth and easy as possible? If so, then it’s time to try out our new online visa application system.

With our online visa application, you can submit your application on your own time, without having to worry about long lines or crowded waiting rooms. You can even use our mobile app to submit your application from anywhere!

Our company has been helping Muslim pilgrims from around the world with their applications for over 20 years now. Our dedicated staff is ready to help you in any way they can.

It is time to plan your Umrah Visa in Shawwal.

The best time to perform Umrah is between the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah and the 4th of Shawwal. If you are planning on performing Hajj and Umrah, then it is advised that you perform Umrah first, as it will make the Hajj more rewarding. In fact, many scholars say that it is better to perform Umrah before Hajj because it purifies your soul and prepares you for Hajj.

Shawwal is one of the sacred months during which Allah has allowed us all kinds of good deeds, so plan your trip now, before it’s too late!

If you’re planning to make the hajj, or umrah, this year, you’ll need to get your visa as soon as possible.

Shawwal is a sacred time for Muslims—a time for reflection and prayer. It’s also when many Muslims make the hajj, or umrah—a pilgrimage to Mecca that can be taken at any time during the year. But if you want to go during Shawwal season, there are special considerations you need to know about.

If you’re traveling from outside Saudi Arabia, the first thing you’ll need is an umrah visa from the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. You can ask your local consulate for information and help with this process; they may even be able to facilitate it for you. Once you have your visa, make sure it’s stamped into your passport before leaving home; otherwise it won’t count as valid once you reach Saudi Arabia.

When Can you do Umrah?

It is important to distinguish two things when we talk about when can you go for Umrah.

First, are you going on an Umrah visa OR are you going on a tourist visa and performing Umrah.

There is a big difference in what you can and cannot do, so please read below! 

Performing Umrah with an Umrah visa 

For countries that cannot issue the tourist visa, you will have to either try and apply as a Category B ( you can read more about this in the tourist visa section) or you will need to issue an Umrah visa.

With an Umrah visa, the standard rules of the visa application are different and a little less flexible.

You will need a mahram as a woman (currently in some countries, you also need a female companion for males!)

You cannot issue a visa for Umrah yourself and you will need a registered agent to do this for you.

Umrah Visa applications close after the first two weeks of Ramadan, after the 14th of Ramadan you cannot issue an Umrah visa.

When does Umrah close: Umrah closes after the first two weeks of Ramadan and there are no more Umrah visas. They will reopen issuing visas again after Hajj. 

The Umrah period starts approximately 1 month after Hajj.

There are no specific dates for this and no announcements, agents will get access to the system and start issuing visas usually a month after Hajj.

MuslimTravelGirl gets the information about the first few days as some of the agents and we publish it here, so make sure you subscribe and keep an eye on our site.

For those issuing Umrah visa ONLY to go in Ramadan and you need to issue an Umrah visa a week before/ first week of Ramadan.

Performing Umrah after Ramadan on a Tourist Visa

Now, If you belong to a country or a category B option where you can issue a tourist visa for Saudi Arabia you can also perform Umrah with it. The restrictions are less and there is good news!

Please note, the information below has been confirmed online with the official Visit Saudi website 

According to the Saudi tourist visa rule, the only restriction you have on the visa is that you cannot perform Umrah during the Hajj season, however, are able to go for Umrah after Ramadan. 

There is no other limitation mentioned there.

Who Can Go For Umrah Between Eid Al Fitr and Hajj

Umrah after Ramadan for those on Umrah visas is not available, as the Umrah visa closes the second week of Ramadan.

However, Umrah on tourist visas can be performed up until the Hajj Season.

It has now been confirmed that Saudi will close its border to those coming for Umrah from abroad from the 30th of Shawwal which is the 30th of May 2022. They will open approximately 4 weeks after Hajj but the date is not confirmed. Here is the announcement.

This to me sounds pretty seasonal to avoid and manage people who will think to try and perform Hajj on a visitor visa.

Here is the article from Saudi Gazette 

During that time Muslims on tourist visas will not be able to visit Makkah and perform Umrah. I would assume there will be more checks during this time so people don’t perform Hajj and turn into a problem.

Muslims can visit Medinah during the Hajj season.

Also, Muslim and non-Muslim tourists are welcome in the country to visit any other city.

I know one of the reasons why people want to go for Umrah after Eid Al Fitr is because hotel prices drop significantly. This is also the quietest time for Umrah.

Sadly the Hajj season is off limits but the good news is you can go for Umrah on a tourist visa after Ramadan and up until the start of the Hajj season 2022.


The Umrah Visa In Shawwal is beneficial for you in case if you intend to perform Hajj. Most of the Muslims throughout the world can easily obtain Umrah Visa In Shawwal if they have a plan for performing Hajj. To apply for Hajj visa, you will have to fill an application form and submit it to the department that deals with Hajj.

The Umrah visa is given to a Muhrim to be allowed to perform Umrah in the month of Shawwal, although it is not during the regular Hajj season. A Muhrim is given an Umrah visa for the purpose that he has gained the eligibility for the pilgrimage by the prescribed methods and then changes his mind; however, this should not be because he forgot something or has a change of heart.

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