Uk Work Visa For Indian Citizens

Work visa requirements are becoming increasingly harder, but there are a few countries that have a good track record of accepting Indian applicants. Doing your research before you apply is important—here’s what you should know about Uk work visa for Indian citizens.

Having visited the UK several times, I can personally attest to the fact that this country is amazingly diverse in every respect. Whether you’re an Indian citizen living in India, or an Indian citizen living in the United States, you cannot help but be fascinated by the beauty of the city and how easy it is to get around on foot. It’s like a dream come true for anyone who loves traveling.

Visa is an ICWF (International Citizen of the World) card. As soon as you get your Visa, you won’t need to carry a passport or a return air ticket. Your Visa card will serve as your identity and give you access to visa-free travel in over 180 countries like having a Swiss or Japanese passport. The best part is, once you have a visa, the visa machine works globally with no hassle! So whether it’s Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia or London, you’ll be able to travel freely.

Uk Work Visa For Indian is a leading immigration consultancy firm offering complete visa services to Indian citizens looking to travel abroad. From the UK Work Visa, UK student visa, Tier 2 Visa and Tier 1 Investor Visa, we can assist you in getting your visa for the United Kingdom. We provide assistance in every step of applying for your visa. From gathering documents to submitting your application, we do it all for you.

Our team of immigration lawyers provides assistance with all types of applications including business visas, family visitor visas and partner visas. We also offer assistance with residential permits, citizenship by investment and many other immigration related services.

We have helped thousands of Indians get the immigration status they need to live and work in the UK legally.

UK Work Visa For Indian Citizens

Indian citizens are eligible to apply for a UK work visa. The British government has several different types of work visas available for Indians, depending on their situation and how long they plan to stay in the UK.

The Tier 2 visa is the most common type of work visa for Indians who want to work in Britain. It allows them to work in any industry that doesn’t require specialized training or experience, such as hospitality and cleaning services. This visa is also known as an ‘entry clearance’ or ’employment permit’.

If an Indian citizen wants to get a job with a company that has been approved by the Home Office (UK Border Agency), they may apply for an ‘Intra Company Transfer’ (ICT). This visa allows them to live and work in Britain for up to five years with no restrictions on where they can work or what kind of job they can do. An ICT visa may also be extended for longer periods if necessary.

If an Indian citizen wants to come to Britain on a permanent basis but doesn’t have enough money saved up yet, they can apply for an ‘Investor Visa’. This allows them to invest at least £2 million pounds into Britain’s economy through buying stocks or bonds from British companies or investing directly is a UK work visa for Indian citizens. We help you to get the best UK work visas and the most appropriate visa for your needs. We specialize in helping you find a job in the United Kingdom and providing you with all the information needed to apply for a UK work visa.

If you are an Indian citizen looking to work in the United Kingdom, you have come to the right place.

Touriago is a company that specializes in helping people like you get the UK work visa they need to live and work in this country.

We know that getting a UK visa can be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with all of the requirements and regulations involved. That’s why we have created this website as a resource for anyone interested in moving to Britain. It contains all of the information you need to make an informed decision about your application, including details on how we can help.

Here at Touriago we believe that everyone has a right to live and work where they choose. If you want to move to Britain then our team will take care of every step of the process so that your dream becomes a reality!

If you are a citizen of India, it is possible to obtain a UK work visa. There are several different types of visas that can be obtained, but each one has its own requirements.

The Tier 2 (General) visa is for people who have a job offer from an employer who is registered in the UK and meets certain requirements. The main requirement is that the job must be skilled or highly skilled, so if you have a degree or diploma in engineering or IT, this may qualify as skilled. You must also be paid at least £20 per hour before tax.

Another option for Indians who want to come to the UK for work is the Tier 1 (Post-study work) visa. This is only available if you have completed a postgraduate course in the UK and wish to stay on after graduation. It requires that you have enough money in your bank account so that you can support yourself while working here (at least £1820 per month), and it also requires that you find an employer who will sponsor your application by providing them with proof of their registration with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

UK visas: How does the points-based immigration system work?Published30 MayShareRelated TopicsReality CheckIMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGESThe government has launched a new visa scheme allowing graduates from the world’s top universities to come to the UK.Graduates will be eligible regardless of where they were born and will not need a job offer in order to apply.Most other people wanting to come to live and work in the UK have to apply via a points-based system.How will the graduate system work?The High Potential Individual scheme is open to people who graduated from top non-UK universities in the past five years.The government has published lists of which universities are eligible.Successful applicants will be given a work visa lasting two years if they hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and three years if they hold a PhD.They will then be able to switch to other long-term employment visas if they meet certain requirements.World’s top graduates get new UK visa optionThe visa will cost £715 plus the immigration health surcharge, a fee which allows migrants to the UK to use the NHS.Graduates will be able to bring their families, although they must also have maintenance funds of at least £1,270.What are the rules for everyone else?Access to most UK visas is via the points-based system adopted after the UK left the European Union.To secure a skilled worker visa, people have to qualify for 70 points.Having a job offer from an approved employer for a skilled job and being able to speak English will give 50 points.The applicant can achieve the remaining 20 points if they are due to be paid at least £25,600 a year.They can also gain extra points for having better qualifications (10 points for a relevant PhD, or 20 points for a PhD in science, technology, engineering or maths) or an offer of a job in which the UK has a shortage (20 points), even if it doesn’t pay as much money.Certain jobs in health or education still merit 20 points even if the salary is less than £25,600. The applicant must be paid at least £20,480, and in line with set amounts for particular jobs in the UK’s four nations.The exception to this is Irish citizens, who are still able to live and work in the UK as part of the Common Travel Area.

We cover three scenarios:

  • You are NOT an Indian Citizen, and a parent or grandparent was born in British India before 1948, at a time when India was part of the British Empire
  • A parent of grandparent was born in India, and you have family links to East Africa (Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania)
  • You are an Indian Citizen.

As an Indian Citizen, you could be eligible for BRITISH NATIONALITY in the following circumstances:

  • You are LIVING IN THE UK on a valid visa and intend to Naturalise as a British Citizen in due course. Click here to read more about claiming British Citizenship through Residency.
  • You were BORN IN THE UK* (or Northern Ireland) before 1983. You will have been classified as British Otherwise than by Descent, can hold a British Passport, and can pass British Nationality to your children, irrespective of where these children are born. Click here to read more about claiming British Nationality by Birth.
  • You have a PARENT* (a father or mother) who was born in the UK (or Northern Ireland) before 1983. Your parent will have been classified as British Otherwise than by Descent, hold a British Passport, and they can pass British Nationality to their children, irrespective of where these children are born. Click here to read more about claiming British Nationality by Descent.
  • You are UNDER 18. Click here to read more about the British Nationality rights of children under the age of 18.

* It gets more complicated if:

Your parents weren’t married at the time of your birth; or
You (or a parent) were adopted.

As an Indian Citizen, you are eligible for the UK Work Permit if you have a job offer in the UK or specific skills that are in demand in the UK.

How Can I Find Out if I Can Claim British nationality?

We suggest following our 4 STEP PROCESS, designed to simplify the complex laws of British nationality and to avoid unnecessary and expensive application fees, to find your answer:

Step 1: Determine whether you have a Standard Route (birth in the UK before 1983, or a parent born in the UK before 1983)
Step 2: If not, complete our free Nationality Assessment
Step 3: Order a free Status Trace
Step 4: Conduct a Citizenship Report


Up until 14.08.1947, the territory now known as India fell within the Crown’s Dominions as British India.

The 560 Princely States (which occupied two thirds of British India) were until various dates between 1947 and 1949 British Protected States.

From 15.08.1947 to 31.12.1948, British India (but excluding British Baluchistan, East Bengal, North-West Province, Sind and West Punjab and Burma) came with the Crown’s Dominions as the Dominion of India.

On 01.01.1949 (at which time Pakistan and what is now Bangladesh became independent) and up to the present day, India was an independent Commonwealth country.


If you’re going to relocate to London as an Indian citizen, you’ll need to know what kind of visa you’ll need and how to go about getting it. Well, this guide was created for that very purpose. It’s a single resource that answers all your questions about the various UK work visas for Indians, and can even help you determine which will be right for you. Today, let’s talk about one such visa that recently made headlines in the UK: the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa.

After 8 years in London, and learning an incredible amount, I left because I didn’t feel like learning anymore. I’ve been developing my own projects with big companies and freelancers since then, and it’s been rewarding, but challenging. After months of stressful job hunting, this was the perfect fit for me. I get to work on projects that are interesting to me, give back to the community, and work with great people while enjoying the Helsinki lifestyle at the same time. Nowadays, with so many developers in Helsinki (especially those of Indian origin), it’s very common for a senior developer to be a manager as well. The benefit of that is that you can get stuff done quickly because everyone knows what they’re doing already. I’m also able to do more interesting work as a manager than I would as a developer. This has also meant lots of responsibility for me: we’re a team of 7 developers, 4 designers and 2 QA engineers on our team – which means no one can just slack off or sit around: it’s our responsibility to keep each other motivated in order to make sure we finish our project by the milestones we set ourselves.

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