Uk Visa For New Zealand Citizens

Are you a new citizen of New Zealand? and planning to visit the UK? So worry not. We have been there through your entire move and we would like to help ease your anxiety about a New Zealand Visa.

If you’re a New Zealand citizen who is looking to get a UK visa then this guide was created for you. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about UK visas and how you can get one. I’m going to start with telling you about the different types of visas you could be eligible for and then go into the specifics of each visa.

Maybe you should consider a UK holiday visa this year. The New Zealand government has been working hard for the past few years, making sure that all of their legalities and requirements are met in order to make traveling to their country as easy as possible.

Uk Visa For New Zealand Citizens

Are you a New Zealand citizen? If so, your passport is one of the most powerful in the world. With it, you can travel to over 160 countries without needing a visa. But what if you’re planning on going to a country that isn’t on the list? What if you want to spend a little time in Australia or Canada and then move on to New Zealand?

Well, there’s good news for you: You don’t have to get a visa for either of these countries! If you’re planning on staying longer than three months, however, there are some things that you should know before making your way down under.

If you are a New Zealand citizen and want to visit the United Kingdom, then the UK visa is for you. The United Kingdom has a very strict immigration policy that makes it difficult for people who do not hold a British passport to enter the country. However, if you are a citizen of New Zealand, then you can travel to the UK without any issues.

The UK requires all visitors to have a valid passport, regardless of their nationality or country of origin. The minimum age requirement for entering the country is 18 years old. However, minors between 16 years old and 18 years old need to have parental permission if they want to travel on their own. If your child is under 16 years old then they will need to be accompanied by an adult at all times while travelling through Britain.

The UK does not require any special vaccinations for entry into the country but does recommend that all travellers should get vaccinated against measles before entering Britain because this disease is still common in many countries around the world including New Zealand itself as well as other parts of Europe where measles outbreaks are still reported every year despite being eliminated decades ago in most countries due to vaccination programs targeting children under five years old who have been immunized against measles so far during childhood which protects them.

If you’re a New Zealand citizen and have been considering a move to the United Kingdom, it’s time to take action.

There are several reasons why New Zealand citizens should consider applying for visas to travel to the UK. The first is that New Zealanders are not required to apply for a visa if they wish to visit the UK for less than six months at a time. This makes it much easier than it would be if you were not a citizen of New Zealand.

Another reason is that there are many benefits associated with becoming a British citizen. For example, citizens who become British citizens can vote in local elections as well as national elections; they also have access to free healthcare when they are traveling abroad.

The final reason that applies specifically to New Zealanders is that their children will be able to attend school in England without having any difficulties related specifically to their nationality or ethnicity (there might be some conflict-based issues but those can be worked out just like any other problem).

Visas for the United Kingdom

insert here.

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has been replaced by UKVI and Border Force.
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is responsible for making the decision about who has the right to visit or stay in the UK
Border Force is the frontline law enforcement command of the Home Office responsible for immigration and customs control.
UKVI Home Page(external link)   

These webpages provide details on whether you need a visa to come to the United Kingdom, entering the UK, and immigration appeals.
UK Visas and Immigration(external link)
A-Z of Visa options(external link) 
Entering the UK(external link)
Appeal against a decision(external link)

UKVI Enquiries
Phone within the UK: 0300 123 2241
Call charges apply – see the website for details link)
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4:45pm / Friday, 9am to 4.30pm

UKVI Citizenship and Nationality Enquiries – for applications submitted more than 6 months ago:
Phone within the UK: 0300 123 2253

Please note the following important information:

  • The United Kingdom authorities determine the conditions under which New Zealand passport holders may enter the UK. 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with entry requirements for the United Kingdom.
  • Failure to meet these requirements could result in you being refused entry and returned to New Zealand or your last point of embarkation.
  • The New Zealand High Commission cannot interfere in this decision.  We have no authority or ability to influence the decisions made by the Border Force or Border Force officers, or make representations on an individual’s behalf. 

New Zealand passport holders may generally enter the UK for six (6) months without a visa on a visa waiver if they are here for a holiday.  However, you will still need to satisfy a Border Force officer when you arrive that you meet the requirements of your visitor category, and aren’t in the UK for any other purpose.

And whilst New Zealander’s generally do not need a visa before entering the UK on holiday, there are circumstances when you may need to obtain one before you travel.

For example, if you have a criminal record(external link) or you have previously been refused permission to enter the UK. 

You will need a visa if you want to come here in some categories of visitor, such as a visitor for marriage or civil partnership.  

To live, study and work in the UK you must obtain the necessary visa before you arrive in the country.

These visas can only be applied for from your country of residence; this will likely be New Zealand for most New Zealanders.  

How to contact the UKVI from outside the UK Website(external link) or contact your nearest UK Embassy or High Commission – a directory of these is listed on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office(external link) website.

For further information within New Zealand, you can contact the British High Commission in Wellington(external link). 

Transferring your visa to a new passport

Neither the High Commission nor the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs Passports Office has any authority to transfer a UK visa from an old passport to a new one. This can only be done by the UKVI. 

There are new rules and you may need to apply for a biometric residence permit (BRP) instead.  More information can be found on the Transfer Visa(external link) webpage or Biometric Residence Permits(external link) webpage.

Visa advice for other countries

The New Zealand High Commission is not able to advise you of the visa requirements for other countries.

You should contact the embassy of the country you wish to travel to in order to confirm whether a visa is required.  The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office website has a list of foreign embassies based in the United Kingdom(external link)


If you are a New Zealand citizen and are looking for a UK visa for New Zealand citizens then this article is for you. This article will help you get a UK visa for New Zealand citizens from the easiest way possible.

It is true that UK government has undertaken several new policies. The general response to the UK Visa on arrival applications has been positive. But you should remember that there are still many rules to be navigated, rights and regulations to be confirmed and factored in before you reach the point of applying for a visa. That way, you will have a chance of successfully asserting your rights under the laws of British authorities.

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