Uk Visa For Internship

Are you going to the U.S. for an internship program ? Do you know how long it would take to obtain a visa? Are you at all worried about the visa process? – The purpose of this article is to assist people who are applying for a student visa. This article will give you details, help, and answer any questions that might arise in your mind.

Are you an international student interested in an internship in the UK? If so, you might be struggling to gain a visa. I know because I’ve been there, done that. I was one of those people who was told they weren’t good enough. But after years of perseverance and hard work, I was able to gain a Tier 5 Visa, come to the UK and do my internship.

Every year, thousands of international students apply to come to the UK on a working holiday visa. There’s no two ways around it: it’s a tough process that involves lots of paperwork and plenty of money. But if you get the right working visa for the right industry, you can benefit from.

The Uk Visa For Internship

The Uk Visa For Internship is a long-term visa that enables you to work in the UK for up to 24 months. The visa allows you to take part in an internship or trainee position with an employer, or undertake a professional placement with a university or college. You can also use the visa to study a course that leads to a recognized qualification.

You can apply for this visa when you are outside of the UK, provided you meet all of the requirements. If your application is successful, you will be granted leave for up to 24 months (or longer if your course lasts longer than six months). You can extend your stay if your course continues beyond this period, or if you are offered a job after completing your studies.

If you are already in the UK on another visa and wish to apply for this one then please visit our [link] page for more information about how we can help with your application process!

If you are looking for a way to get your foot in the door with an international company, look no further than getting a visa for your internship. The process is easy, and it will be worth it when you land that job.

First, you need to find a company that offers internships. They can be found online, at school career fairs, or through friends and family who work at companies that offer internships. Once you’ve found one, apply for the internship position just like any other job.

When applying for an internship visa, you will have to provide evidence of financial stability and health insurance coverage while you’re in the United States. This means finding a bank account where you can deposit funds into your account abroad (if needed), as well as a policy that provides coverage while abroad. You’ll also need proof of enrollment in university or college; this could include transcripts or letters from professors or advisors who can attest to your academic standing in school and/or field of study (if applicable). Finally, make sure to have copies of all documents translated into English if they aren’t already!

Internship in the United Kingdom (UK) / Post-Brexit.

  • Internships in the United Kingdom will continue to be funded until 04/30/2023.
  • A Temporary Worker-Government Authorised Exchange Visa (T5) is required to complete the internship.
  • To apply, a Certificate of Sponsorship is required, which we will apply for after the Erasmus+ funding has been approved.
  • Once the Certificate of Sponsorship has been granted, the visa application can be submitted.
  • In addition, an Immigration Health Surcharge may need to be paid for access to the public health service (after the visa application has been approved).
  • During the application process the applicant will have to pay costs of 60 – 300 EUR (immigration health surcharge not included).

Due to the visa application process, we recommend that you submit a complete application for Erasmus+ funding 3 months before the start of your internship. To speed up the process, you can submit the following documents for the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) application already with the Erasmus+ application:

  • the complete CoS application form,
  • a confirmation of the internship organization (acceptance letter) about your internship with start and end dates, tasks and duties (the confirmation must be issued on business paper and signed by the internship organization including date and stamp),
  • English language transcript of records,
  • passport copy,
  • If the internship organization pays a salary: submit a scan of your internship/employment contract,
  • If the internship involves working with children, adolescents, or in health care facilities, a police clearance certificate.

The title of the traineeship/position must be the same on the Acceptance Letter and the CoS Application Form as it is indicated in the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

UK internships – Visa implications

We often hear from potential interns and employers who have not considered visa issues until the last moment, meaning internship start dates are delayed and the time the intern can spend at the business is shortened. Internships are a great way for students and recent graduates to gain some valuable work experience, and also act as a helpful screening tool for employers who may be considering offering the intern a more permanent role. Immigration issues should be considered early in the process, to ensure work permission can be obtained in good time. We address some of the most common pitfalls in this set of FAQs regarding internships and Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange) visas.

Does a non-EEA intern need a visa to complete an internship with us?

Yes. An internship is work, and therefore requires work permission, and a Tier 5 visa would probably be most appropriate.

The potential intern is currently in the UK with a Tier 4 student visa. Can a Tier 4 student complete an internship with us?

Most Tier 4 students are able to work part time during their studies and full time during holidays and on completion of their course, so long as the role they work in is not a permanent one. It is usually possible, therefore, to complete an internship as a Tier 4 student. However, the student will only be able to work until the expiry date of their Tier 4 student visa and will experience difficulties returning to the UK if they travel overseas after they’ve completed their studies. If the internship on offer is for a longer period than that covered by the Tier 4 student visa, it will be necessary to obtain further permission for the remaining period, probably under Tier 5. In some cases, it is possible for Tier 4 students to switch from Tier 4 into Tier 5 within the UK, without returning to their home country.

We are offering an unpaid internship / work experience programme. Can a person coming to the UK as a visitor complete an internship with us?

No. Those entering the UK as visitors are not allowed to undertake work of any kind, including job shadowing, and an unpaid internship is still considered to be work. The intern must therefore obtain appropriate work permission before they start their internship. If the Home Office finds a visitor visa holder completing an internship in your office, you could be subject to a fine of up to £20,000 (per illegal worker).

If the potential intern doesn’t currently have a UK visa, a Tier 5 visa would probably be most appropriate.

We don’t have a sponsor licence. Can we offer an internship to a non-EEA intern without a sponsor licence?

Yes. Under Tier 5, an overarching sponsor assesses the internship on offer and (if suitable) assigns a Certificate of Sponsorship to the intern. The Certificate of Sponsorship is used by the intern in their visa application, as evidence of their work offer in the UK. Together with the Certificate of Sponsorship, the intern may be required to submit evidence that they have sufficient funds to support themselves while in the UK.

If you do have a Tier 2 sponsor licence, although you must still obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship from an overarching sponsor, the process may be more straightforward as you have already demonstrated that you are compliant with Home Office requirements.

How long does it take for an intern to obtain a Tier 5 visa?

As the potential employer, you will need to register with the overarching sponsor, who will assess the internship on offer.

You will be expected to provide a detailed training plan and confirm that the intern’s role is supernumerary and not filling a vacancy. The individual will need to provide evidence of their studies to the overarching sponsor. It usually takes a few weeks to prepare the documents for submission to the overarching sponsor, who should then assess the internship within a few weeks and assign the Certificate of Sponsorship to the intern.

Depending on where the intern is making their visa application, that stage of the process will take between 5 and 15 working days.

We strongly recommend starting the process at least two months before the internship start date.

The intern did a good job. Can we extend the internship?

Permission under Tier 5 is generally capped at six months for an unpaid internship, or 12 months for a paid internship, although some overarching sponsors offer shorter durations. If the initial visa was for a shorter period, it should be possible to extend the intern’s permission up to the maximum. This application can be made within the UK.

We will assist you in choosing the most appropriate overarching sponsor for your situation and obtaining the right visa duration for your internship.

The intern did a great job. Can we offer them a permanent role?

If you want to keep the intern on in a permanent role after the expiry of their Tier 5 permission, it is likely you’ll need to sponsor them under Tier 2 (General). As a company, you must have a Tier 2 sponsor licence. It is likely the role on offer will need to be advertised as part of a genuine recruitment process. If no suitable EU/UK/permanent resident can be found, you’ll need to obtain a restricted Certificate of Sponsorship from the annual limit of 20,700, through a monthly request process. If you are successful in your restricted Certificate of Sponsorship request, the applicant will need to return to their home country to make their Tier 2 application.

We would recommend starting this process three months before the end of the Tier 5 visa, to ensure the applicant is overseas for the shortest period possible.


Perhaps the most controversial pilot scheme for UK visa for internship is the Tier 1 Post Study Work visa. This well respected program has recently been criticized by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) which is an independent public body that advises the British government on migration policy.

The UK is a popular destination for students wishing to study abroad, but obtaining a visa to stay in the country while studying can be a painful process. If you are thinking of doing an internship in the United Kingdom, there are several criteria that you will have to meet. For students, there are a number of courses and programs that can help you obtain your visa or Tier 5 Sponsor Licence within the UK. The first step would be to investigate the various options available and choose one that meets your needs.

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