Uk Visa For Freelancers

Do you hate working for someone? Are you an independent contractor in the UK? Would you like to work on your own terms? If so, then a Uk visa could be just what you’re looking for. Treat yourself to Thali’s Specials and get a Uk visa. All on your terms.

There are many reasons why you need to apply for a UK Visa. If you’re looking to work in the United Kingdom, your best option would be to apply for a visa. Applying for a visa is a long an arduous process and could take up 2 – 4 weeks so it’s important that you plan this exciting journey well in advance!

Uk Visa For Freelancers

Are you a freelancer trying to get a UK visa?

If so, you’re in the right place.

A UK visa is one of the most sought-after work permits in the world, and with good reason—it means access to one of the most advanced economies on Earth. It’s also notoriously difficult for freelance workers to obtain, but [company name] has made it easier than ever before.

Here are some things you should know:

1) The UK is known as one of the most welcoming nations for foreign workers, but it does have strict requirements for obtaining a visa. Freelancers are no exception! If you don’t have all the right documents or meet all the necessary requirements, your application will be denied—and that’s where we come in:

2) We’ll help you navigate all of those tricky regulations and make sure that your application gets accepted. We’ve helped hundreds of freelancers get approved for their visas over the years by taking care of all the tedious paperwork so they can focus on what they do best: work! We’ll even help you find opportunities in London or any other part of England so you can start working right away once your visa gets approved!

Freelancing is a great way to make money and work from home. But it can be hard to get the right visa.

Here’s what you need to know about getting a UK visa as a freelancer.

The first thing you need to know is that your employer needs to be licensed by the UK government, and they have to apply for your visa. That means that if you’re working with an unlicensed company, they won’t be able to get you a visa—and neither will you.

You also need to know that if you’re going to work in the UK for less than six months, then you’ll need a visitor’s visa instead of one for employment. Visitor’s visas are easier to get, but they don’t allow workers like freelancers access certain benefits like healthcare coverage or monthly pension payments from their employers (which are mandatory for full-time employees).

The UK is one of the most popular countries in the world for freelancers, and it’s easy to see why. The UK has a strong economy, and it offers a lot of opportunities for businesses and individuals alike.

If you’re considering moving to the UK as a freelancer, read on to learn more about how you can get a visa, what kind of industries are best suited for freelancers in the UK, and more!

Types of business structures for freelancers in the UK

Starting your freelance business in the UK requires you firstly to have knowledge about the different business structures present there. This is because the structure that you choose for your freelance business will heavily influence the amount of tax you have to pay.

There are essentially four major types of business structures within the UK:

  • Limited Company 
  • Sole Trader
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Partnership

Limited companies are businesses that legally exist in their own right and where the amount of liability undertaken by the company’s shareholders or members are limited. 

Sole trader refers to companies run and owned by self-employed individuals and is the simplest and cheapest form of business to register. Sole traders are completely in charge of running their business and the legal requirements that come with it.

Partnership companies involve two or more people operating a business together and sharing income. A partnership entity is not separate from its operators and all partners are fully responsible for all debts owed by the business.

Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, is similar to a partnership but here the liability of partners is limited to the amount of money they invest in the business. At least 2 partners are responsible for filing annual accounts.

The first structure – limited company – is what we want to focus on the most here as this is probably the best type of company for you to register your freelance business as. Keep in mind though that just like any other structure, running a limited company comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. 

Becoming a freelancer in the UK

#1 Visa

There are two types of Visa schemes that allow you to enter the country and work as a freelancer:

  • Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa 
  • Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Visa

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is not strictly self-employment though you can use it to start your own business in the UK. This is especially recommended if you register your freelance business in the UK as a Limited Company. Keep in mind that you do need to have at least £50,000 in funding and a good level of English to obtain this Visa.

The other option for you is the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Visa. This is a limited issue Visa that requires you to have an extensive application process showcasing your work as being of “outstanding quality” and one that has been published internationally. 

#2 Registration for taxes

This is where the business structure you choose comes into play. Before going freelance in the UK, you’ll need to decide if you’re going to work as a sole trader or a limited company.

Once you do, you’ll need to register with HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs). This is an important step and quite an easy one because you can manage most of it online. Keep in mind that you will need a National Insurance number (NI) before registering. You can apply for this here.

💡 For more details on taxes, check out this extensive guide by Contractor Advice UK.  

#3 Bank info

Opening a bank account in the UK is a relatively easier process now than it was a few years ago. All you will need are two documents – one that proves your identity and one that proves your address

Most banks will accept your passport, driver’s license or identity card (for EU citizens) as proof of identity. For proof of identity, a recent utility bill or rental agreement will do. Keep in mind that the requirements vary from bank to bank so it’s worth contacting various banks before deciding on one.

#4 Insurance

Having health insurance is especially important if you’re a freelancer. Luckily, the UK provides free health insurance to both its citizens and expats.

There are also many global medical coverage options to choose from if you want to opt for private insurance instead. 

Pros and cons of running a limited company freelance business in the UK

Advantages of running a limited company freelance business in the UK

There are a lot of advantages to running a limited company, some of which include:

#1 Tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) 

As a Limited Company director, the majority of your income will be made up from dividends, which are subject to different tax than a regular salary. NICs are not payable on dividends, which ultimately means more money in your pocket.

#2 Professional status and credibility

The standing of your freelance business will increase once you start working as a contractor and your clients may hold your business in high regard going forward. Having your own company with a corporate image also makes your business more credible. 

Being Limited shows you’re serious about your career and you see a future in your chosen field. For some clients, this can equate to a higher level of confidence in you as a contractor and you may find yourself being hired more frequently as a direct result.

#3 Limited liability for the director

As your Limited Company is a separate legal entity in its own right, you’re protected by having limited liability. This means that should the worst happen, you’ll only be personally liable for your company’s debts to the extent of any shares you’ve paid for, and any unsecured loans made to the company.

#4 Ability to claim on a wider range of expenses 

Being Limited means you’re entitled to claim more allowable business expenses. Also, as they are deducted only from your company’s profits (and you are only taxed on profits), if profits are reduced, so is your tax bill.

#5 Ability to split business income

When you have your own company, you have the option to transfer some shares to your spouse or one of your family members. Dividends are then payable directly from the company bank account to the shareholders in line with the share ratio. 

#6 Option to defer some income into the future

When you operate through your own company, you are in charge of deciding what salary and dividends to pay and when to pay them. If you do defer some of your income, you have the option to draw this at a later time if you’ve only perhaps worked a bit that year and your income is lower than usual. 

Deferring your income is also far more tax-efficient. When you draw it all out in one go, you pay higher tax than you would if you were to defer it. 

Disadvantages of running a limited company freelance business in the UK

Unfortunately, there are also a few disadvantages you’ll need to keep in mind before you think about starting a limited company. These can be seen as below:

#1 Additional time and costs

Running your own limited company can result in you spending a bit more time on admin tasks and can be costly as well. For example, you will need to do your own bookkeeping and will be in charge of filing all the paperwork for the annual accounts, confirmation statement etc. Extra costs in the form of accountancy fees may also be inevitable when running a limited company. 

#2 Increased responsibility

As a Limited Company contractor, you’ll have greater responsibilities than if you were contracting under an Umbrella or as a sole trader. It’s up to you to ensure you meet all your director’s responsibilities.

From following company rules to informing shareholders to filing tax returns, there are quite a few responsibilities on you as director. Even if you hire someone to help you with the business, you’re still legally responsible for your company’s records, changes, taxes, accounts, and performance. 

#3 Possible IR35 costs

IR35 refers to the UK tax legislation designed to combat tax avoidance by employees working in the same way as full-time or part-time employees. Working through a limited company gives you a bit of an advantage when it comes to taxes and so the IR35 was introduced by the government to remove this advantage.

Providing freelance services n the UK via your own company could result in the IR35 legislation being applied to relevant work assignments. This would especially be the case if you have not taken any action to comply with these rules. The financial costs when subjected to IR35 are sizable


If you’re thinking about traveling as a freelancer to the UK, don’t make any major plans until you have a visa or immigration permission. The UK is difficult to work in as a freelancer, particularly if you don’t have any sort of ties (a family member, a friend) there.

Freelancing continues to become a more popular career pathway for many people, and overseas work can be a great way to further your career. In the last few years, there has been an increase in demand for skilled freelance workers, especially for jobs located in the UK. Not only does the UK have a thriving culture of business and commerce, but immigration policy has been largely streamlined for people coming from within the EU. The time is right for overseas freelancers to consider relocating to the UK!

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