Uk Visa For Disabled Person

If you’re a disabled person, you might be confused about how to apply for a UK visa. The UK government has released a directive on how it wants to treat people with disabilities.

Disabled people have the same dreams as able bodied people – for a better life, for success and for love. They also want to travel outside their homes and explore the world around them, meet different kinds of people and visit all the places they’ve ever dreamt of.

Do you or is any of your family members have a disability in the United Kingdom? If so, you will not be able to sponsor family members from abroad. However, there are certain ways how you can help your family members get a visa on their own merits. One of them is by asking for help from the Home Office Disability team.

Uk Visa For Disabled Person

A visa is a travel document issued by a country to its citizens that allows them to enter another country. A visa is usually valid for a specific period of time and must be applied for in advance. The person who applies for a visa is called the applicant.

If you are applying for a tourist visa, you should check with the embassy or consulate of the country that you plan to visit to find out what documentation is required. Most countries have different requirements for people depending on their nationality and age.

In order to apply for a UK visa for disabled person, you will need to provide evidence of your disability. This can include medical certificates from your doctor or consultant, letters from your employer confirming your disability, or other evidence such as photos or videos demonstrating your disability.

If you are disabled and want to visit the United Kingdom, you can apply for a visa if you meet the requirements.

To apply for a visa, you need to complete the Electronic Visa Application form (EVAF). You will need to provide details about your travel plans and any family members who will be traveling with you. If you meet all of the requirements, you will receive an electronic visa within five working days.

You must have completed a course of treatment, which shows that your condition is stable enough to travel before applying for a visa. If your condition has changed since then, you may still be able to get a visa but it depends on how much time has passed since your treatment was completed and whether it is likely to get worse in the future.

Disabled people often face many obstacles when it comes to traveling. Unfortunately, traveling can be an even bigger challenge for disabled people because of the challenges they face at airports and other transportation hubs. This is why we have created a guide on how to obtain a visa for disabled persons.

What You Need to Know About Visas for Disabled People

If you are a disabled person, you may be wondering if you can apply for a visa like any other person would. The truth is that it depends on what kind of disability you have, how severe it is, and how much assistance you need from others in order to live your life independently. The first step in applying for a visa is determining whether or not you qualify. Here are some things to consider:

Do You Have a Physical Disability?

Physical disabilities include conditions such as muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, which may make it difficult or impossible for individuals with these conditions to move around without assistance from others (e.g., family members). If this applies to you, then yes! We encourage you to apply for a visa just like anyone else would. However, keep in mind that there are many other types of disabilities besides physical ones—and that’s okay too!

Studying in UK as a disabled student

students with disabilities in uk

In UK, there’s no reason for disabled students not to pursue higher education. Despite still being very challenging to study as a disabled person, significant improvements are done and nowadays university is equally accessible to everyone.

Furthermore, The UK universities are charged with legal obligations to ensure disabled students will get excellent treatment through their studies. This includes many facilities, starting from the basic things they commonly need like wheel-chair friendly routes to the social treatment they’ll get.

Your rights as a disabled person

Studying in the UK as a disabled student won’t represent any difference to studying as a non-disabled student because your fundamental rights will be protected and guaranteed by law. Universities in the UK are committed to making sure these laws are fully functional and you have a normal student life even if you’re a foreign student.

Despite that, as an international student with a disability, you don’t have access to governmental funds for disables students in UK, your additional needs arising from your disability will be seriously taken into consideration.

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For example, Scottish universities have a particular loan fund to help disabled international students who otherwise are not eligible to seek DSA funds.

What these rights include and why is important to know them?

Education is a fundamental right to every human and so is to the disabled people. Universities in the UK are obliged to respect and make sure to fulfill these rights under the Equality Act 2010 and the UN Convention.

With this being said, it is important for you to know that your right of attending university is guaranteed. Whenever there will be anyone or anything trying to deny to you this opportunity there are many institutions and many laws where you can address your concern.

Below are given some circumstances at which universities must not discriminate a disabled student:

If a student is rejected from admission just because he’s disabled (direct discrimination).

Providing application in only one form which cannot be accessible to disabled students(indirect discrimination).

Discrimination springing from a student’s disability, for example, going out in breaks because it takes him more time than his non-disabled peers.

When a professor shouts at the student who may have interrupted his lecture because of his disability.

When a student is suspended because he had protested about being harassed.

University’s office for disabled students

Within every British university, there’s an office and an official who’s in charge to deliver every service concerning this category of students. Disabled students can reach him for different problems and he will give instructions or help to overcome them.

Here’s a way this office can serve for good to a disabled student. Universities in the UK have many scholarship schemes dedicated only to disabled students. Those who are interested to get one, but know nothing about the application process and other details can contact the official person and he will help them.

If you’re for the first time in the campus of your university, the above official will show you everything you need to know about your access on campus. It may happen that around a certain building there may still be missing a wheelchair route alongside usual stairs and this may limit your freedom to move around that place.

Because universities may only be required to fulfill a required limit of facilities to disabled students while their needs may seek more we highly suggest to personally contact the university. For example, a visually impaired student may need a certain set of Braille books for his course so they will work toward adding those books in their shelves. They will seriously consider any of your demands and act in accordance with it.


The visa for disabled person has several requirements that must be fulfilled to request the application. If you want to visit your family member outside USA and if you are disabled with a chronic illness that requires constant medical attention then you can apply for visit visa. The visit visa will be granted for six months and can only be extended once in six months.

Planning to settle down in the UK and want to bring along your disabled parents as well? For people who are already settled in a foreign land, getting a visa for their parents is not too difficult. But for a new entrant in the land, it is quite a tricky thing indeed.

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