Uk Visa For Adopted Child

Are you thinking about adopting a child from the United Kingdom, or have already begun the process? Have you considered how the adoption process will affect the immigration process? In some cases you will be able to get a UK tourist visa for your adopted child. This is an adoption specific visa and will allow you to take your child on vacation to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Uk visa for adopted child – Excellent news for those who are willing to adopt the children from overseas and want their relatives to visit them in Uk. The British Parliament wants to amend the Immigration rules for adoption with a new rule that allows all eligible overseas citizens, regardless of being married or not, to apply for UK Visas under the family Immigration category.

If you are here because you want to know more information about passport visa UK, then it is right article where you can get all answers of your question regarding UK visa for adopted child.

Uk Visa For Adopted Child

Adopted children can’t get an uk visa without their parents, so if you’re an adopted child and want to visit the UK, you need to bring your parents along with you.

In order for a parent to get a visa for visiting the UK, they need to go through a process called “entry clearance.” This is required for anyone who wants to come into the UK from outside of Europe. The process includes getting fingerprints taken and submitting documents such as a passport and birth certificate.

If you’re travelling with someone else under 18 years old, then they also have to have their own visa in order to come into the country. They will need their own passport and birth certificate as well as proof of parental permission from one parent or guardian.

If you are an American citizen and are planning to adopt a child from another country, you may be wondering if that child will be eligible for a US visa.

The answer is yes! The child’s adoption certificate is all they need to apply for a visa.

If the adoption takes place in the United States, then it will be easy for them to get their US passport and visa as soon as they arrive in America. However, if the adoption takes place in another country, then it might take a little longer for the child to get their US passport and visa.

In either case, it is important for all adopted children to have legal documentation in order to travel safely within and out of the United States.

Adopting a child is one of the most rewarding experiences a family can have. To make that experience even better, you should consider applying for a UK visa for your adopted child. It will allow your child to travel with you and visit their new home country.

When you adopt a child from another country, they are not automatically granted citizenship in your country. In order to get citizenship for your newly adopted child, you must apply for a UK visa for them.

The process for getting this visa is straightforward. You need to fill out an application form and provide proof of your relationship with the child (such as birth certificates). You also need to provide financial information showing that you are able to support both yourself and your new family member while they live in the UK. Once all of these requirements have been met, your application will be accepted and sent off to immigration officials who will make sure everything checks out before approving it!

If you are the parent of an adopted child, you may be eligible for the UK visa for adopted child. This visa allows the child to travel to the United Kingdom and live with their parents. To be eligible for this visa, the child must be under 18 years old and have been adopted by a British citizen or someone who is settled in the UK.

You will need to provide proof of adoption when applying for this visa. You also need to provide proof that you have enough money to support your family while living in the UK (this amount varies depending on where you live). You must also prove that your home country has an active social services system in place and that any health problems your child has will be covered there.

Visa Rules For Adopted Children

  • You must show that you currently live and are settled in the UK legally – and that there is no time limit on your stay.
  • You must also show that you can adequately support and house your child without needing any support from public funds.

If you meet these two conditions, you qualify as a parent who can bring their adopted child to the UK. However, your child must meet the following requirements in order to qualify to join you in UK:

  • He/she cannot support himself/herself financially, is not leading an independent life and is not married.
  • He/she has not made any independent family unit.
  • He/she is under 18 years.
  • He/she was adopted at a time when both parents lived together abroad or when either of the two was settled in the UK.
  • He/she has the same rights as any other child of the adoptive parents has.
  • He/she was adopted because their birth parents could not care for them and a genuine transfer of parental responsibility has taken place.
  • He/she has no ties left with their original family.
  • He/she was not adopted with a purpose to make him/her enter the UK easily.

In order to enter the UK, your adopted child must get entry clearance before travelling to UK. The Adoption Act 2005 states that it is an offence if prospective adoptive parents bring a child into the UK to adopt him or her, unless they complied with all legal requirements. In cases of non-compliance, there is penalty where the adoptive parents may have to pay an unlimited fine, serve up to 12 months imprisonment or both. It is, therefore, in you and your child’s interest to accurately follow the rules and regulations. In order to not commit an offense, you – as prospective adoptive parents – must have done the following:

  • Applied for your suitability to adopt a child to be approved by a local council or VAA,
  • Complied with the assessment process,
  • Received confirmation from the agency in writing approving you as suitable to be an adoptive parent,
  • Received notification from the Secretary of State – in writing – that he is ready to issue a certificate of eligibility.

Within 14 days of your arrival in the UK with your child, you must notify your local council informing them about your intention to adopt the child. Once this notification has been received by the local council, the child will be a protected child under the law and his or her placement will be monitored by the council.

How long can an adopted child stay in the UK?

If you adopted the child in a designated country and both you and your husband or wife is settled in UK or you are solely responsible for the child, then in that case the child will normally be allowed to stay in the UK permanently from the date he or she arrives. However, if your child was not adopted in a designated country, then he or she will normally be allowed to stay for 12 months in the UK during which the adoption process can continue through the UK courts. Your child will become a British citizen provided you adopted them through the UK courts and at least one of one of you as their adoptive parents were a British citizen at the time of adoption order made.

How to Acquire British Citizenship for a Child Adopted overseas?

If you are planning to adopt a child from another country and want him/her to have British Citizenship, you must be aware of the following

  • In some situations, the child becomes a British citizen automatically on the date of adoption
  • In other situations, the Secretary of State will carefully consider if the child qualifies for British citizenship

Let us consider each of the two situations in detail

  1. Automatic acquisition of British Citizenship

Under section 1(5) and 1(5A) of the British Nationality Act 1985, the adopted child can become a British citizen if

  1. A court in the UK or a qualifying territory passes an order authorizing the adoption or,
  2. The minor is adopted under a Convention Adoption

What is Convention Adoption?

The term ‘Convention’ refers to the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

A convention adoption is one in which the adoption took place in a country where the Convention is in force. It must have been in force when the adoption was affected. The adoption must also be certified under Article 23(1) of the Convention. Article 23(1) states that the adoption certified by the State of Adoption must be in accordance with the regulations of the Convention.

In simple terms, if you have obtained the Article 23 Hague Convention Adoption Certificate, then you can be certain that the adoption is a convention adoption.

Two more requirements must be met for the adopted child to acquire British citizenship

  • The adopter, or one of the adopters (if it is joint adoption) must be a British citizen at the time of adoption
  • For convention adoption, the adopter, or both the adopters (if it is joint adoption) must be a habitual resident of the UK or the designated territory

If all the above requirements are satisfied, you can apply for a British Passport for the child. You will have to submit evidence that you are a British citizen or a habitual resident and also the Article 23 Adoption Certificate (for convention adoption)

  1. British Citizenship by Registration

The adopted child can be registered for British Citizenship under section 3(1) of the British Nationality Act of 1981. Please note that an application for registration can be made only when the child is a minor. After the application is submitted, the Secretary of State will review the matter and determine if the child qualifies for British Citizenship.

The policy based on which the Secretary of State makes the decision is published and available for reading. So, make sure to go through the policy before applying.

According to the policy, the Secretary of State will rule in favour of citizenship if:

  • The child is from a country or territory whose adoption procedures are recognised by the UK
  • The adoption is not a temporary or informal arrangement
  • Legal relationship with the origin family is fully terminated
  • The biological parents have consented for the adoption
  • The child’s character is good (considered only if the child is 10 or older)
  • The adoption laws (of the country of adoption and residence) are adhered to

In case a few of the above requirements are not met, the child can still be registered if the Secretary of State finds some exceptional reason for doing so.

But what if the child does not qualify for citizenship by automatic acquisition or by registration? The adopted child then has to apply for leave to enter and stay in the UK.

If you need an immigration expert to assist you with your application, please contact a member at Aristone Solicitors.


The United Kingdom is a fantastic and welcoming place to live, provided you abide by the law. If you are considering adopting a child from abroad, it’s important that you know about UK adoption visa requirements and how to obtain an entry clearance visa for adopted children.

The visa is granted for the child for its lifetime. The child should be traveling alone to the UK. The parent should be able to show a return ticket, sufficient funds and somewhere to stay in the UK. The parent should have sole responsibility of the care of his or her child throughout their stay.

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