Uk Visa For 10 Years

The UK is a dream destination for most students, and people look for ways to stay here for longer periods without restrictions. The British government has introduced the Tier 1 visa scheme for non-EU citizens who should invest around twenty thousand pounds so that they can live in the country with their relatives or children.

It’s no secret that getting a UK Visa is one of the primary reasons you’re considering relocating to the UK. But did you know that in some cases, these visas can be issued for 10 years and longer? The UK 10-Year Visa, also known as ”Tier 1 Visa”, grants permanent residency to those who come and reside in the UK. In addition to this advantage, Tier 1 Visa holders are eligible for citizenship after five years of staying within the country.

If you are immigrating to the UK, a 10-year visa is an ideal entry route for those who wish to stay for long term. If you are looking for job in the UK, you can apply for Tier 2 General visa after completion of your successfully finished PhD at the university. Well, UK 10-year extension loan can be used as well to apply for it.

Uk Visa For 10 Years

In the country of the United Kingdom, there are several visa options for people who want to move there for an extended period of time. The most common is a Tier 2 visa, which allows you to stay in the UK for up to five years. This visa is also known as a skilled worker visa because it requires that you have at least £20,000 in savings and a job offer from an employer who can show that they need your skillset.

If you meet these requirements, then your best bet for getting a long-term visa is to apply for an indefinite leave to remain (ILR). You can apply for ILR after five years on the Tier 2 visa, or after three years if you have been married to a British citizen during this time. You will need to provide proof of your relationship with your spouse or partner by providing their National Insurance number and evidence of their income; they will also need to submit these documents. If all goes well, then you should receive confirmation that you have been granted ILR within 6 weeks of submitting your application.

If you’re planning on moving to the United Kingdom, you may be concerned about getting a visa that lasts for 10 years. But don’t worry! We can help!

We’ve got the longest-lasting, most secure UK visas on the market—and we’re not just saying it. We have proof. Our customers come back again and again because they know they can rely on us to get them the best possible deal, every time.

The UK Visa is a ten-year visa that allows you to stay in the UK for up to 180 days without a break. It is a great option for those who want to live and work in the UK for an extended period of time.

The UK visa is designed for people who have no intention of returning to their home country or moving to another country during their stay, so if this applies to you, then this visa could be perfect!

If you would like more information on how long your stay will be allowed, then please contact [email address]

As a UK visa holder, you can apply for indefinite leave to remain after 10 years of lawful residence. In order to be eligible for indefinite leave to remain in the UK, you must:

-have been granted entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant or a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant

-have successfully invested at least £1 million in the UK (or £500,000 if you’re in an area that qualifies for the Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant accelerated route)

-have created at least two jobs for settled workers or two jobs for UK nationals if employing British workers is not possible

-have adequately maintained and accommodated yourself and any dependents who are British citizens or settled people


The 2, 5 or 10 year standard visitor visa UK is commonly known as long term visit visa. In terms of Appendix V of the Immigration Rules, a visitor is a person who is coming to the UK for a temporary purpose. Therefore, a holder of a long-term visit visa can only stay in the UK for up to 180 days per visit.

It is normally not expedient to directly apply for a long term 2, 5, 10 years visit visa. Therefore, for successful long term standard visitor visa UK application, it is a prerequisite to have a six-month visit visa in the recent past.

Nevertheless, for successful 2, 5, and 10 year visa UK, applicants need to have an obvious reason of frequently visiting the UK.


For getting a long-term visitor visa applicants need to demonstrate that they have a Credible Ongoing Reason of visiting the UK such as:

  • meeting family in the UK – for instance brothers, sisters etc.
  • meeting a business connection on regular basis such an export or import partner, supplier etc.
  • tourism or sightseeing if the applicant is an inveterate traveller

However, there should be no reason(s) to doubt that the applicant intends to make UK their home.

Please note, visiting the UK for marriage or civil partnership, private medical treatment, PLAB Test etc. are not credible ongoing reasons to visit the UK on regular basis.


For getting a long-term standard visitor visa UK, an applicant needs to demonstrate that they have:

  • stable financial and personal circumstances
  • strong ties to the home country
  • adequate overall circumstances, which will not change significantly soon


Long stays and frequent visits to UK without obvious or compelling reasons may indicate that a visitor is making the UK their main home.

A holder of a long-term visit visa can stay in the UK for up to 180 days per visit. However, this does not mean that a visitor may stay for up to 180 days per visit. Most of the visitors don’t stay for more than 10-15 days per visit. In fact, an extended stay on a multiple entry visa may lead to doubt the intentions of a visitor.

If a person is planning to get a long-term visitor visa for up to 10 years, then it is advisable to visit UK for short durations and keep the number of trips to a bare minimum.

Why apply for a ten-year visitor visa?

The main reason to apply for a long-term visitor visa, whether for two, five, or ten years, is to enable entry to the UK, where it is known that the visa holder will be making repeated trips. This means that long-term visitor visas can be used to cater for a wide range of scenarios, including those who wish to:

  • spend several weeks or months in the UK each year on holiday (and perhaps leave during the colder months)
  • make multiple business trips each year to the UK
  • visit family members (such as children or grandchildren) in the UK on a regular basis
  • take part in regular sports events or activities
  • take part in regular creative events or activities

Once you hold a long-term visitor visa, you will then avoid the need to apply again until the document expires.

What are the eligibility rules for a visitor visa?

The eligibility rules are the same regardless of the duration of the visa; these include that the applicant:

  • must intend to leave the UK at the end of their visit
  • will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or make the UK their main home
  • can support themselves and their dependents during your trip
  • can pay for a return or onward journey
  • have proof of any business or other activities you want to do in the UK, as allowed by the Visitor Rules

Other rules may apply depending on the purpose of your visitor visa – see the Home Office website for more details.

What can I do in the UK on a visitor visa?

The rules on the conditions attached to visitor visas are set out in Appendix Visitor. This depends on the purpose of the visit to the UK. Those coming specifically for tourism or leisure are able to:

  • spend time with friends and family
  • take a holiday
  • do a recreational course of up to 30 days, for example, a dance course
  • volunteer for up to 30 days with a registered charity
  • take part in a school exchange programme

Visitor visa holders intending to come to the UK for business can:

  • attend meetings, conferences, seminars, interviews; and
  • give a one-off, or short series of talks and speeches provided these are not organised as commercial events and will not make a profit for the organiser; and
  • negotiate and sign deals and contracts; and
  • attend trade fairs, for promotional work only, provided the visitor is not directly selling; and
  • carry out site visits and inspections; and
  • gather information for their employment overseas; and
  • be briefed on the requirements of a UK based customer, provided any work for the customer is done outside the UK.

Visitors are also permitted to undertake volunteer work, “provided it lasts no more than 30 days in total and is for a charity that is registered with either the Charity Commission for England and Wales; the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator”.

Other permitted activities include (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Intra-company activities by an employee of an overseas company such as advising and consulting, troubleshooting, training, and sharing skills and knowledge.
  • Staff members from a foreign manufacturer or supplier may install, dismantle, repair, service or advice on equipment, computer software or hardware, where the manufacturer or supplier has a contract of purchase or supply or lease with a UK company or organisation.
  • Religious workers may visit the UK to preach or do pastoral work.
  • Performances by musicians, artists, and entertainers.

No matter the duration of your visitor visa, whether one, two, five, or ten years, the maximum stay in the UK at any one time is six months. The Home Office rules do not specify that this means six months in every year; rather, it simply says, “You can usually stay in the UK for up to six months”.

What is meant by a genuine visitor?

The Home Office will want to be satisfied that you are a genuine visitor at all times. According to section V4.2 of the visitor rules, this means that you as a visitor:

  • will leave the UK at the end of their visit; and
  • will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or make the UK their main home; and
  • is genuinely seeking entry or stay for a purpose that is permitted under the visitor route as set out in the permitted activities
  • will not undertake any prohibited activities
  • must have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to their visit without working or accessing public funds.

Documents required for a UK Tourist visa application

The documents required to apply for a UK tourist visa are as follows:

  • UK tourist visa application form VAF1A. You should complete the form online.
  • Two photographs in accordance with the UK guidelines. They should be taken within the past six months and be in color.
  • Your valid passport with at least one blank page. It must be valid for three more months beyond the date you plan to leave the UK after your trip.
  • Proof of financial means to cover living costs while you are in the UK. This may be your bank statements for the last six months or payslips for the same period.
  • Specifics about your accommodation in the UK. You will need to present a document that shows where you will be accommodated while in the UK. Note that you do not have to fully pay a hotel/hostel in UK before getting the visa, just to get such a document. This could also be:
    • ID information and living address of a person covering your travel costs.
    • ID information and passport number of any relative living here.
  • Detailed travel itinerary. It has to contain dates of your onward and backward travel. Submit a travel plan that gives all the information regarding how and what you are planning to do in the UK. Include the travel dates, places you will visit, meeting agenda, booked tour, festival agenda, etc.
  • Previous travel history. This has to cover the period of the last 10 years. It can be proven through visas and entry/exit border stamps in current and older passports, or through separate residence titles.
  • Specifics about your living address in the home country. Also, you’ve to show how long you’ve been living there.
  • Biometric information. If you are applying for a visa that lets you stay in UK for more than 6 months, you will need to submit your biometric information. This includes giving your fingerprints and a digital photograph taken at the appropriate application center.
  • Letter of invitation from the host.
  • Paid UK visa fees. You should submit the receipt that confirms you have paid the visa fee as required.
  • Certified translations of any document that is not in either English or Welsh.
  • Recognized certificate of English language.
  • Your criminal history.
  • If you are a student: Academic and professional certificates.
  • The names and birthdates of your natural/adoptive parents. This has to be supported by information about the number of their annual earnings.
  • If you are employed in your home country: Contact and information of your existing employer.
  • Tuberculosis Test Results. Nationals of several world countries will need to submit the requests of a Tuberculosis Test in order to be eligible for a UK Visa. Check here if you need to provide the TB test results.

Additional documents to submit depending on your purpose of visit

If you’re an academic who is expecting to complete an exchange or research project in the UK:

  • Formal letter of a home-country employer. It must show you’ve been given the authorization to leave the current job for an exchange or research project in the UK. It has to show dates of such approved leave.
  • Formal letter of the host institution/organization in the UK. It must show in written they’ve made the needed arrangements for the specified exchange or research project.

If you’re expecting to take private medical treatment in the UK:

  • Letter confirming your medical condition. Issued by a UK doctor/consultant, naming your disease and the need for the cure in the UK. It has to also show costs, place and the period of private cure.
  • Proof of having paid the complete costs of medical care.
  • Letter confirming you need further care. (If you’re applying for a visa extension). Issued by a UK doctor/consultant confirming you need further treatment of the disease. It must be accompanied with documents showing you have got the money to pay costs of such treatment.

If you’re expecting to give your organ to a person in need in the UK:

  • Letter naming you as a donor match or the need for getting tested as a potential donor match. It must be issued by the main nurse/director of the UK’s NHS Trust’s Living Donor Kidney Transplant Team, or a registered doctor as an NHS consultant. It has to show details of when and where the tests or transplant will take place.
  • Proof of residence in the UK of the organ recipient. Your organ recipient’s photocopied British passport, or UK valid residence permit.
  • Proof that the organ recipient will be in the UK before transplantation date. (If the organ recipient is out of the UK). Details of their travel to the UK, their name, nationality and their date of birth.

If you’re visiting with the intention to become a UK Entrepreneur in the Future:

  • Support letter from venture capital firms in the UK. The firm issuing it must be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
  • Letter of support from an endorsed UK entrepreneurial seed funding competitions.
  • Supportive letter from UK departments.

If you’re expecting to attend a Professional Training/Assessment:

  • Confirmation letter for an arranged PLAB or OSCE test. (If you’re expecting to sit a PLAB/OSCE test). It must be issued by a General Medical Council & Nursing and Midwifery Council, confirming that the test has been arranged.
  • Formal job offer as a clinician/dental observer. (If applicable). It must not be a gainful job and you must not have worked before in the same job position.

What can you do with a UK Visitor Visa?

With the UK tourist visa, a holder must not use public medical services only private ones, must not use public funds, get married or enter a civil partnership and not announce any of them, and must not get a voluntary job.

Job-related activities allowed for a Standard Visitor Visa holder are:

  • Participate in a conference, regular meeting, or training, or in a sport-related event;
  • As an artist to perform in an artistic, entertaining, or music activity;
  • As an academic to do a research study;
  • As academic accompanying students who are about to enroll in Foreign Studies Programme;
  • Engage in a clinical duty, or in a job as an observer, doctor or dentist;
  • Undertake a test of the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB), or of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE);
  • Undertake a test of the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB), or of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).

How Long Does it Take for a UK Standard Visitor Visa Application to Process?

The decision on your UK visitor visa is taken in 8 weeks if you apply by post. However, the decision is made on the day you apply if you use the premium service.

A longer period may apply for taking a decision if further documentation is required.

Standard Visitor Visa Extension

There are some exceptional circumstances upon which you may extend your Standard visitor visa. Typically the complete period of extension together with the visa period doesn’t exceed 6 months, except for the following cases:

  • If you’re on private medical treatment. You may get an additional 6 month period of visa extension to get medical care. You have to prove that you have paid your care costs, that you can pay additional costs and you haven’t broken immigration and visa rules.
  • If you’re an academic completing a research project. The amount of extension and the initial visa period shouldn’t be more than 12 months.
  • If you’re sitting the PLAB examination for the second time. You may get an additional 6 months through extension.
  • If you want to engage in a clinical duty after having passed PLAB examination. The period through extension doesn’t exceed a year and a half.

UK Tourist Visa Fees

It costs £89 to apply for a UK Tourist Visa. However for private medical treatment given for 6 up to 11 months and for an academic to do research for up to 1 year the fee is £179. While for a long-term visa for 2 years is £337, £612 for 5 years and £767 for 10 years.

To apply for an extension it costs £993 for an application through the post and £1,583 for an application in person.

How Long Can I Stay in the UK With a Visitor Visa?

With a UK visitor visa you may stay in the UK for the following periods:

  • At most 30 days. If you are a traveler under an ADS agreement.
  • Up to 6 months. If you are traveling for a family visit or tourism.
  • Up to 11 months. If you are traveling for private medical treatment.
  • Up to 12 months. If you are an academic completing a research project in the UK.

What is the UK Long-Term Standard Visitor Visa?

This is a visitor visa with validity period 2, 5 up to 10 years, issued if you’re someone who needs to travel regularly to the UK for temporary visits.

To apply for a UK Long-Term Standard Visitor Visa you need to provide the following documents:

  • Evidence of regular temporary visits to the UK.
  • Proof of intention to leave the UK at the end of the visa period.
  • Confirmation that you won’t change the reason for which you’re requiring this visa.


Considering that the US has no uniform visa policy across its states, The UK has the better system, with only 3 simple requirements for an individual to gain a 10-year visa.

If you are looking for some solid advice regarding UK settlement visas, you have come to the right place. Today we will be discussing a few things that are very important in relation to this process so if you are planning on doing it yourself or hiring an immigration lawyer in Leeds make sure that you read up on this information because it could save you a great deal of time and money.

There are certain requirements and conditions necessary in order to apply for 10 year UK visa, this is strictly enforced by the UK immigration services. Provided you meet these criteria you will have very little difficulty in obtaining an Indefinite Leave to Remain Visa.

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