UK Dependent Visa for Child born in India

If you are a parent or guardian of a child who was born in India, you may be able to apply for a UK dependent visa for your child. This visa will allow your child to live in the UK with you as a dependent.

Biometric residence permits to launch in Taiwan - GOV.UK

The rules for applying for this visa vary depending on whether your child is over 18 years old or under 18 years old. You will need to meet certain criteria in order for your application to be considered, including demonstrating that:

You have enough money in order to support yourself and your family while living in the UK;

You have sufficient accommodation available at all times while living in the UK;

You have comprehensive medical insurance which covers any medical treatment that may be required by you or any family members who are traveling with you; and

You have employment or self-employment which can provide financial support for yourself and any family members who are traveling with you.

If you want to bring a child born in India to live with you in the UK, you may be able to apply for a dependent visa. This is because your child’s parents are not British citizens.

The UK government has strict rules about who can come into the country from abroad. You’ll need to meet certain requirements, including:

* You must be over 18 years old and have lived in the UK for at least 5 years

* You must be the parent or legal guardian of the child applying for their visa

* You must earn enough money to support yourself and your family

For children born outside of the UK

If the child was born outside the UK then your age will determine whether you can apply or not.

  • If you are under 18 then you must:
  • not be married or in a civil partnership
  • not be living an independent life
  • be financially supported without claiming the public funds
  • One of your parents must also be applying for a visa as a partner joining the other parent or as a parent that has the sole responsibility of you

If you’re over 18 then your parent can include you in their application as a dependant. You can also apply separately, but in both cases you are eligible to apply only if:

  • you got permission to enter and remain in the UK for an appointed period of time on a family visa when you were under 18
  • you don’t live an independent life

Financial Requirements for Child Visa Application

This requirement has to be fulfilled by the parent who is living in the UK. The UK visa policy has foreseen that for a person to bring a non-EU citizen in the UK, they have to prove they have enough financial funds to sponsor both. Your parent must prove that he or she has an income of at least £18,600 per year. You might also use your savings, if you have any, to prove you have enough funds.

The reason behind this requirement is that the UK doesn’t want to bring people that are not capable of financially maintaining themselves, therefore they are requiring from them (or their sponsor) to be able to earn a minimum amount of money.

If the sponsor parent living in the UK is planning to bring to the UK his or her other children who are not British nationals or EEA nationals, then he or she has to earn extra money for each.

Many people fail to obtain their visas because they cannot fulfill this requirement, to which the Home Affairs gives a lot of importance and attention. The good side of this requirement is that every legal source of income can be counted in order for the parent to meet the income requirement, as:

  • salary, if the parent earns it in the UK
  • cash savings above £16,000
  • pension money
  • non-work income, i.e. property rentals or dividends
  • In order to prove your income you can have to submit proof, as:
  • bank statements of the parent residing in the UK
  • 6 months of payslips

A letter from an employer which includes the job title, the period the parent has worked there, the current salary and also payslips

Child Visa Language Requirement

One of the very important UK Family visa requirements is that of English language knowledge. Whether the language requirement applies to you or not, it all depends on your age, since children among other categories are exempt from the fulfillment of this requirement.

Exempt from English knowledge requirement are also the residents of the countries listed below, despite of their age:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia
  • the Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Canada
  • Dominica
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • New Zealand
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • USA

Aside of children, the applicants that belong to one of the categories listed below are also exempt from this requirement:

  • Applicants over 65,
  • Applicants coming to be cared for by a relative,
  • Applicants with a physical or medical condition that prevents them from meeting the requirement.

If you will have to prove your language you can do that by taking an approved English language test and passing it with at least a CEFR level A1 in speaking and listening.

Here you can find a list of approved English language tests and providers.

Visa Fee

Visa fees depend on the way you apply. If you apply outside the UK to join your parent, you will have to pay a fee of £1,464. Whereas if you apply in the UK online or by post the fee will cost to you £993, and £1,583 if you apply in the UK in person with the premium service.

Even if you are applying as a dependant added to the application of your other parent, you will still have to pay the fee of £1,464 if you apply outside the UK, £993 if you apply in the UK online or by post and £1,583 if you apply in the UK in person with the premium service.

Required Documents

In order to be able to apply for a UK child visa, you need to submit some documents that are commonly required for every type of visa, aside of the supporting document. The main documents that you will have to submit are the following:

You will also have to submit supporting documents that will give the following information:

  • Your full name
  • your date of birth
  • details of any previous immigration applications, if any
  • details of any criminal convictions, if any
  • your national insurance number, if any
  • your parents’ date of birth and nationality if you’re applying from outside the UK
  • your tuberculosis test results if you’re from a country where you have to take the test
  • You will have to provide a translation of any document that isn’t in English or Welsh

 Application Processing Time

Usually the process takes up to 12 weeks to be processed, or up to 8 weeks if you apply within the UK either online or by post. On the other hand, if you apply in person in UK then you will get an answer regarding your Spouse Visa application, within a day

However, application processing might take longer if:

  • you do not meet the income requirement
  • cannot prove your English knowledge
  • need to attend an interview
  • have a criminal record
  • haven’t provided all of the required documents
  • Conclusion
  • If your child was born in India and you are a British citizen, you may be able to bring your child to the UK on a dependent visa.To apply for this visa, you must have a valid passport and an Indian visa. You will also need to provide evidence that:-you are the parent or legal guardian of the child-you have full time employment in the UK, or have enough money to support yourself and the child without having to work (i.e. by owning property or having investments worth £16,600 or more)-you can meet the cost of bringing up your child-your child is under 18 years old

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