UAE Work Visa for UK Citizens

As a British citizen, I know it can be hard to get a job in Dubai and the UAE. But why? Why is it so hard for expats in the United Arab Emirates to find good jobs? This article ensures that you can work in the UAE with an Emirati visa and that you can find a good job. I’m going to teach you how to get an Emirati visa, how to search for a job from the UK and also how to present yourself well at a UAE interview. Whether you want to apply for a UAE work visa or are just wanting to live here, this guide has got you covered.

Finding a job in UAE is difficult. First, you have to find one which is challenging enough in itself. Second, there are all kinds of bureaucratic headaches when it comes to getting an employment visa and work permit.

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If you’re looking to work in the UAE, then you’ll need a UAE work permit. This can be obtained by applying for a visa at the UAE embassy in London. However, if you’re not eligible for one of the visas listed above (e.g., if you’re not qualified to work in the UAE), then you won’t be able to get a visa from the embassy.

You will also have to pay a non-refundable fee of $100 when applying for this visa. You should allow up to 2 weeks for your application to be processed by the embassy and returned to you with your visa attached. If it takes longer than this time period, then contact them immediately so that they can resolve any issues that may have arisen during processing—there could be any number of reasons why things aren’t going smoothly, including problems with your application form or insufficient documentation being provided when submitting it).

If you are a UK citizen, you may apply for a Work Permit in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). To apply for a Work Permit, you must be sponsored by an employer who is registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) and have a business license.

The application process involves submitting your passport and copies of your degree certificates along with the application form to the MOHRE office or its local offices. You will also need to provide documents showing your qualifications as well as proof of your knowledge of Arabic or English.

The MOHRE will then conduct background checks on you before issuing your work permit. The duration of your permit depends on what type of position you hold; if it is an entry-level position, then it will be valid for one year while positions requiring higher levels of expertise can be valid for up to five years.

The United Arab Emirates is an exciting and exotic place to work, but it can also be a little confusing.

If you’re a UK citizen thinking about getting an employment visa for the UAE, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

In this article, we’ll take you through the process of getting your UAE work permit so that you can start building your career in this amazing country.

As a UK citizen, you can apply for an employment visa in the UAE. This will allow you to work in the country on a temporary basis. The process of getting this visa can take up to six months, and it may be subject to further restrictions based on your profession.

You must have an employment contract before applying for your work permit. This should include:

-The name of your employer

-Your job title

-The start date of your employment contract

-Your salary


The United Arab Emirates, also referred to as the UAE or the Emirates, is a popular destination for expatriates due to its relatively simple visa requirements compared to the surrounding countries in the Middle…

UAE Work Visas & Permits

The United Arab Emirates, also referred to as the UAE or the Emirates, is a popular destination for expatriates due to its relatively simple visa requirements compared to the surrounding countries in the Middle East. This makes the country an excellent choice for companies that are expanding internationally. However, like any other country, there are specific requirements that must be followed regarding immigration, residence visas, and work permits.

The United Arab Emirates, also referred to as the UAE or the Emirates, is a popular destination for expatriates due to its relatively simple visa requirements compared to the surrounding countries in the Middle East. This makes the country an excellent choice for companies that are expanding internationally. However, like any other country, there are specific requirements that must be followed regarding immigration, residence visas, and work permits.

Types of Work Visas in the United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, there is one type of work permit. This work permit is often referred to as a labor card. However, employees will need to obtain an entry visa, a residence visa, and an Emirate ID card before they can apply for a work permit.

Requirements to Obtain UAE Work Visas

To obtain a residence visa in the UAE, employees will need the following documents:

  • A valid passport and a photocopy
  • Passport photos
  • An Emirates ID card
  • An entry permit from the Ministry of Labor
  • The results of a medical screening
  • A copy of a company card from the employer
  • A copy of the company’s commercial license

The employee may apply for a work permit after obtaining a residence visa. To get a work permit, the employee will need all of the documents listed above as well as a work permit application form, which must be completed in Arabic, and an employment contract or job offer from a company in the UAE.

Application Process

It may be helpful to think of the process of obtaining a UAE work permit in three stages: getting an employment entry visa, getting an Emirates ID card (also known as a Resident Identity Card), and obtaining a residence visa and work permit.

How to Get an Entry Visa for the UAE

An employment entry visa in the UAE is also referred to as a pink visa. To begin the process of obtaining this permit, the employer must apply for visa quota approval on behalf of the employee. This approval will be obtained through the Ministry of Labour (MOL).

Next, the employer will submit an employment contract to the MOL. The prospective employee must sign this contract.

The Ministry must approve the work permit application before issuing an employment entry visa. With the approval and visa secured, the employee will have two months to enter the UAE.

Upon entering the UAE with a pink visa, the employee has a period of 60 days to obtain a residence visa and formal work permit.

Getting an Emirates ID

An Emirates ID is required for the medical screening employees will need to apply for a residence visa. To apply for an ID, the employee must provide their entry visa along with an original passport and a copy. Employees will need to apply in person at the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) center, where they will provide biometrics including fingerprints and a photograph.

Obtaining a Residence Visa and Work Permit

To apply for a residence visa, the employee will need all of the required documents listed in the previous section. A residence visa in the UAE is valid for one to three years and can be renewed. The employee’s work permit will be listed as part of the residency visa.

Once the work permit is approved, the employee can officially begin working.


One of the unique considerations of working in the UAE is that work permits must be sponsored by an entity that is locally licensed and incorporated in the UAE. This requirement can complicate the process for companies that are in the early stages of global expansion. If your company does not have an established presence in the UAE, you can work with a global PEO as the Employer of Record in the UAE.

Some employees may also wish to bring family members with them to the UAE. Employees can sponsor residency visas for family members once they’ve received their own resident visa.

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