UAE Visa in Old Passport

Have you ever thought about applying for your UAE Visa in Old Passport? The UAE is one of the most popular countries for tourists, with a big number of travellers that visit it every year. This article will help you to understand more about the visa and how you can apply for it from your home country all over the world.

No UAE visa stamping on passports: New process to reduce time, efforts to  get Emirates ID - News | Khaleej Times
United Arab Emirates - United States Department of State

The UAE is a Gulf state with an economy that is largely based on oil. It has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world and provides one of the richest levels of education available anywhere. As a result, the UAE attracts tens of thousands of expats each year to work in its vibrant business and professional services landscape. However, this rich expat community has run into some problems with their visa policies, so I thought it would be helpful to provide some information about how expats can get their visas in Old Passport.

Who often get UAE visa in old passports? Its one the most common cases. As we know, UAE is one of the best country to get passport renewal. But if your passport is expired past the validity date, meaning that it cannot be used for traveling to UAE and other countries within the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) area and some other places. If you have an old passport, and are traveling to the UAE (United Arab Emirates), chances are that the UAE visa stamp won’t be visible on your old passport. This is not a problem you should worry about though. Your old passport without the UAE visa stamp can be used to enter the country, provided that you are not going to stay in it for more than three months.

If you have an old passport, did you know that it can help you get an Emirates visa? As long as you have a visa in your old passport, if you apply for the Emirates visa, they will accept it. This is also true even if your old passport was expired or invalid. Your old passport doesn’t have to be expired before applying for this visa. However, the maximum validity of your old passport must be 15 years at the time of application.


To apply successfully, you will need these documents.

  • Coloured photograph (passport size)
  • Copy of your old and new passport
  • Original Emirates ID of the sponsor

Those on company-sponsored visas will have to present some additional documents.

  • Copy of the trade licence/ licence number
  • Immigration establishment card
  • Immigration password and user ID of the company

A company-sponsored employee who has lost their passport with the UAE residence visa on it needs to present a letter confirming they have registered the loss with the police along with the mentioned documents.


Making the necessary payments is the next step for the successful transfer of a UAE residence visa to a new passport. The amount may vary based on your emirate. 

It is not unusual for residents in this country to have their current visa in a passport that has expired.

In this case the individual must travel with both passports, preferably joined by an elastic band, so that officials can see they have both a current passport and a current residency visa.

Just keep them together and if you are required to provide a copy as proof of identity, make sure you provide copies of the information pages from both passports, as the residency visa will show the old passport number.

When you come to get your visa renewed, it will be placed in the current passport and you simply remove the old one.

The UAE is one of the most popular destinations for travellers from all over the world. The country has a long history and many landmarks to see in its many cities. It is also known for being an oil-rich country.

If you want to visit the UAE with your old passport, it can be tricky because most airlines will not accept it as valid travel documents. However, there are options available where you can get UAE visa in old passport.

Getting UAE Visa in Old Passport

The first step is to find a partner company who will help you obtain your UAE visa in old passport. This can be done through online portals or through local travel agents. The process will vary depending on what type of visa it is that you need to get from your old passport but generally speaking, it should only take about two weeks from start to finish once all relevant documentation has been submitted by yourself or by someone else who can act on your behalf such as an attorney or marriage license official who has seen your old passport.

If you have an old passport from any country, you can still apply for a UAE visa. The main requirement is that you have an old passport with no recent stamps or visas. If your old passport has any entries in it that were not approved by your country, then it will not be accepted.

The other requirement is that the validity date of your old passport must be between one month and three years after the expiration date of your new passport. If the validity date on the old passport is more than three years before the expiration date of your new passport, then you will need to renew it before applying for a UAE visa.

If you have an old passport from a Western country (like Canada or Germany), then you will need to take this into consideration when applying for a UAE visa because some countries do not allow older passports from certain countries to enter their borders. It may be best to get a new passport before applying for a UAE visa if this is possible for you.


If you have an old passport and want to visit the UAE, you can apply for a visa at the airport. You need to present your old passport with a valid visa or residence permit, as well as a valid return ticket. You will also need to show proof of financial support (such as proof of employment or bank statements), and a photo ID.

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