UAE Visa for New Born Baby in Dubai

Here is an easy way to get UAE visa for newborn baby in Dubai. Don’t be frustrated trying to find one of the closest embassy or consulate offices in the UAE with no success. If you are living in Dubai, have a baby and need a UAE Visa for New Born Baby in Dubai then let us help you. The visa process for new born babies in Dubai is very different from the other family members and newborns. The parents can get UAE visa with their newborn baby as soon as they are born. The passport of the baby will be issued within 24 hours of birth upon the submission of valid birth certificate, original copy of marriage contract and a copy of passport with the date stamp indicating birth date.

To apply for UAE visa for new born baby in Dubai, you need to submit your journey visa application. A passport holder of the country that you are residing in will be required to submit an application at approved UAE embassy or consulate. Overseas visitors should make sure they have all the required documents before applying for an e-visa online web application.

United Arab Emirates adopts 4.5-day workweek and Saturday-Sunday weekend :  NPR

The UAE is a country that provides some of the highest quality standards in terms of security and safety. It has a stable economy due to its vast oil supplies, making it quite popular among other countries such as India, China and Pakistan. This also makes it one of the most sought after places to build your business or business empire. 

Are you a mother or father of a new born baby in Dubai? If so, you need to get the UAE visa for your newborn baby. In this article, we will discuss how to apply for UAE visa for your newborn baby in Dubai and some of the requirements that needs to be met by the parents of a new born baby.

The first thing that you need to do is know whether you are eligible for getting an UAE visa for your newborn baby or not. You have to check with your doctor whether you are fit enough to have a new born baby or not. If you are fit enough, then you can apply for an UAE visa for your newborn baby when it starts his life in Dubai.

If you are not fit enough, then it is better that you do not apply for an UAE visa as soon as it is born. Before applying for an UAE visa, make sure that you take all necessary precautions so that no harm comes to your child during its birth process.

Benefits of applying for Newborn Baby Visa in UAE

The first benefit is that your newborn baby will be able to travel to any country in the world without any hassles or problems. The second benefit is that it will help you save money on medical bills which might otherwise be incurred if the child had been born in another country where they would have had to pay higher medical bills due to the cost of living being higher than that found in the US or Europe; thirdly it will help secure future employment opportunities for both mother and child since employers will tend to favor employees who have lived abroad as opposed to those who have never left their home country; fourthly it will help improve communication between family members who live abroad because they can now speak English instead of having difficulty understanding each other due to lack of common language; fifthly it may also open up doors for future job opportunities.



Registering your baby’s birth and getting its passport and visa are easy.  The process involves


Once your child has been born, the hospital will alert the Health Authority. They will enter all the relevant details online and wait for the Health Authority to return the paperwork.

This can take between 24 and 48 hours. Once the documents from the Health Authority have been sent to the hospital, they will be issued to the parents. There are no fees owed to the hospital for this.


This will be issued by the hospital. This can be used to get a temporary health card for the baby to undergo all the necessary vaccination.


The process for the birth certificate must be completed within 30 days of the baby is born. The birth certificate is issued by the Ministry of health in Arabic.  It can then be issued in English as well at the same time. Both copies will also require attestation from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs as well. 

Documents Required

  • Attested and translated marriage certificate          Original + Copy
  • Father’s Passport, Visa, Emirates ID                     Original + Copy
  • Mother’s Passport, Visa, Emirates ID                    Original + Copy
  • Birth notification from the hospital
  • Discharge summary from the hospital

Submit all of the above documents to the Ministry of Health and Prevention to issue a birth certificate. The birth certificate issued will be in Arabic, but you can get it printed in English. Each copy of the birth certificate will cost AED 50.


You must then get both Arabic and English copies of the birth certificate attested at any Tasheel department across the UAE. The attestation will cost you AED 150.


Birth of your child should be informed to the health insurance provider within 30 days of birth. A fine of AED 100 will be charged upon no notification to the insurance provider.


The passport and visa of the child has to be get done in 120 days of child birth. The child will adopt the nationality of his father if mother and father are two different nationalities

The documents required for visa and emirates id

  • Visa application form as prepared by the typing office
  • Original and a copy of the newborn’s attested birth certificate
  • Newborn’s passport
  • Three passport sized photos of the newborn
  • Original and a copy of the attested marriage certificate
  • Passport copy of the sponsor
  • Copy of an employment contract for the sponsor or a salary certificate
  • Tenancy Contract registered through the Ejari online system of Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA)
  • Fee (which varies)


Birth Certificate (Arabic)AED 50 (Per copy)

Birth Certificate (English) AED 50 (Per copy)

Tasheel Attestation Fee AED 150

Health Card        AED 110

Visa Fee AED250

Passport    Varies

MOH Attestation   AED20

If you are planning to bring your new born baby to the UAE, here are a few things you should know:

1. The UAE has different visa requirements for babies than for adults. You should check with your doctor in order to see if this applies to your case.

2. You will need an infant health certificate from a licensed doctor that states that the baby is healthy and free of any diseases or infections. It must be signed by the doctor and stamped by the hospital at which the baby was born.

3. If you are going to have your baby in Dubai, then you must register with the Department of Health within one week of birth so that they can issue a birth certificate for you and your child. This is important because it will allow them to grant you residency status as well as give them access to any other services they may need at some point in time down the road such as vaccinations or immunizations for example.”

If you are a new mother in Dubai and want to travel with your new baby, you might be wondering what type of visa is required for this purpose. The answer is simple: a dependent visa.

You may be able to apply for a dependent visa to bring your baby with you as long as you meet the criteria listed below.

The child must not have any other legal guardian or custodian.

The child must be legally liable for your expenses while in the UAE. This can include paying any debts that you may have incurred while living here, such as rent or utilities bills. You will need to provide documentation proving this status.

If you wish to travel outside of Dubai with your child, then you must also apply for an exit visa.


The current UAE visit visa rules applicable to new-born babies born to non-Emiratis within the UAE states that the infant can remain in the country for a total of 90 days provided he stays with his parents/legal guardian and provided that he leaves before the expiration date of their visas.

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