Temporary Work Permit For Authorized Person

Only a Temporary Work Permit is required to be granted by the Ministry of Interior, in order to be employed as an authorized person by companies and individuals who have been registered as employers with the Department of Labour.

If you are planning a trip outside the country and want to bring your companion but you have no idea how this is possible, we can help. Our goal is to provide information about the temporary work permit for authorized person. You will get all the answers you need in our blog.

The temporary work permit for authorized persons is a special program that allows an individual who is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to work in Canada for up to three years, without being required to obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment.

This program is available to individuals who are employed by an eligible international organization, such as the United Nations, or by an organization that has been designated as a public body under the federal legislation governing access to information and protection of privacy.

An applicant may be eligible for a temporary work permit if they intend to reside in Canada during their stay and they are currently working for the employer listed on their application form at the time of application. The applicant must also have obtained their job offer through one of these organizations prior to applying for their temporary work permit.

The Touriago Temporary Work Permit is designed specifically for authorized persons who need to work in the United States temporarily. This permit allows you to work in the U.S. for up to one year at a time, with no extensions or renewals necessary. If you need to renew your temporary visa after one year, you will have to apply for a new visa through the same process as before.

To qualify for this type of visa, you must be in good standing with the government of your home country and have been employed by Touriago for at least three months before applying for this permit. You may also need to provide additional documentation about your employment history if it differs from what we have on file.

If you meet all of these requirements, then applying for our Temporary Work Permit should be relatively simple. Just fill out our online application form and submit it along with any other required documents (such as proof of identity). We’ll review everything and let you know if there are any issues or missing information that needs to be addressed before we can approve your application.

Temporary worker visa categories

Visa categoryGeneral description – About an individual in this category:
H-1B: Person in Specialty OccupationTo work in a specialty occupation. Requires a higher education degree or its equivalent. Includes fashion models of distinguished merit and ability and government-to-government research and development, or co-production projects administered by the Department of Defense.
H-1B1: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Professional – ChileSingaporeTo work in a specialty occupation. Requires a post-secondary degree involving at least four years of study in the field of specialization. (Note: This is not a petition-based visa. For application procedures, please refer to the website for the U.S. Embassy in Chile or the U.S. Embassy in Singapore.) 
H-2A: Temporary Agricultural WorkerFor temporary or seasonal agricultural work. Limited to citizens or nationals of designated countries, with limited exceptions, if determined to be in the United States interest.
H-2B: Temporary Non-agricultural WorkerFor temporary or seasonal non- agricultural work. Limited to citizens or nationals of designated countries, with limited exceptions, if determined to be in the United States interest.
H-3: Trainee or Special Education visitorTo receive training, other than graduate medical or academic, that is not available in the trainee’s home country or practical training programs in the education of children with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities.
L: Intracompany TransfereeTo work at a branch, parent, affiliate, or subsidiary of the current employer in a managerial or executive capacity, or in a position requiring specialized knowledge.  Individual must have been employed by the same employer abroad continuously for 1 year within the three preceding years.
O: Individual with Extraordinary Ability or AchievementFor persons with extraordinary ability or achievement in the sciences, arts, education, business, athletics, or extraordinary recognized achievements in the motion picture and television fields, demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim, to work in their field of expertise. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-1: Individual or Team Athlete, or Member of an Entertainment GroupTo perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete or as a member of an entertainment group. Requires an internationally recognized level of sustained performance. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-2: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group)For performance under a reciprocal exchange program between an organization in the United States and an organization in another country. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
P-3: Artist or Entertainer (Individual or Group)To perform, teach or coach under a program that is culturally unique or a traditional ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or artistic performance or presentation. Includes persons providing essential services in support of the above individual.
Q-1: Participant in an International Cultural Exchange ProgramFor practical training and employment and for sharing of the history, culture, and traditions of your home country through participation in an international cultural exchange program.

Labor Certification

Some temporary worker visa categories require your prospective employer to obtain a labor certification or other approval from the Department of Labor on your behalf before filing the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, with USCIS. Your prospective employer should review the Instructions for Form I-129 on the USCIS website to determine whether labor certification is required for you.

Petition Approval

Some temporary worker categories are limited in total number of petitions which can be approved on a yearly basis. Before you can apply for a temporary worker visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate, a Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, Form I-129, must be filed on your behalf by a prospective employer and be approved by USCIS. For more information  about the petition process, eligibility requirements by visa category, and numerical limits, if applicable, see Working in the U.S. and Temporary (Nonimmigrant) Workers on the USCIS website. Once the petition is approved, USCIS will send your prospective employer a Notice of Action, Form I-797.


The proposed Permit for Temporary Work in Canada for Authorized Foreign Workers is an important tool that can allow U.S. workers to take advantage of employment opportunities in Canada, while ensuring that Canadian workers are given the first opportunity at available jobs. This is an idea whose time has come, and we sincerely hope to see this initiative enacted soon.

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