TB Test For UK Visa In South Africa

There are a lot of options around for TB testing but not all of them take into consideration the requirements of everyone. For example, if you are looking to get a uk visa in South Africa, there are very specific guidelines you need to adhere to. If you don’t follow these guidelines, it can result in your application being delayed or rejected. This is not a desired outcome so it’s important that you follow these TB testing rules and regulations.

If you want to come to the UK, the UK Visas and Immigration department require you to take a TB Test before they will process your UK Visa. There are no exceptions to this rule. Some people try their luck and carry on their journey without taking the test and hope they don’t get caught out by the immigration officers. This can lead to problems in your application being rejected or worse, being sent back home.

Are you interested in obtaining valuable information on free TB testing South Africa, TB test for UK visa in Zimbabwe, documents required for TB test for UK visa, and so much more? Take out time to visit our catalog right here on Touriangle for prompt information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

TB Test For UK Visa In South Africa

If you are traveling to the UK and want to apply for a visa, you will need to undergo TB testing. The TB test is an important part of the screening process for several reasons.

First and foremost, it protects the health of those who live in the UK. If someone has active TB and they are not properly screened before entering the country, they could spread the disease to others. In fact, TB can be spread through coughing or sneezing and by touching things that have been contaminated with infected bodily fluids. This means that if someone with active TB enters a crowded area where many people are present without being tested, they could put all of those people at risk of contracting the disease themselves!

Second, it protects your own health if you intend on staying in Britain for an extended period of time. While many countries offer free medical care for their citizens or those who hold visas from other countries, this does not include South Africa. Therefore, if you plan on living in Britain for more than three months at a time or longer than one year total over several years (as most immigrants do), then it is imperative that you undergo a series of tests prior to arriving there so that any existing medical issues can be identified before they become worse due to lack of treatment options available.

Why TB Test For UK Visa

You must be tested for tuberculosis (TB) if you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months and are from South Africa, Lesotho or Swaziland.

Your test must be from a clinic approved by the Home Office. We won’t accept a TB test certificate from a clinic we haven’t approved.

Your test must be from a clinic approved by the Home Office and will need to obtain an IOM medical certificate confirming that they are free from TB. We will not accept a TB test certificate from a clinic we have not approved.

You do not need a certificate if you:

  • are a diplomatic passport holder travelling on official business or on a posting to the UK
  • qualify for an exempt visa
  • are applying for a certificate of entitlement
  • applying as a returning residents

TB Test For UK Visa Near Me

There are no approved clinics in Lesotho or Swaziland so if you’re from either of these countries you must travel to South Africa to be tested.

The approved clinics are:

  • Hatmed Medical Centre, based in Pretoria
  • Intercare, based in Cape Town
  • IOM Migration Health Assessment Centre, based in Pretoria
  • ShipMed Medical Services, based in Durban

Hatmed Medical Centre

454 Hilda Street


  • +27 12 362 7180



Operating hours

Mondays to Fridays: 8am to 4pm


Cnr Century Way and Park Lane
Grand Central Precinct
Century City
Cape Town


  • +27 21 879 0000


  • +27 71 607 0783


Online appointments:

  • You can book your TB appointment online on the IOM website

The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  • applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  • applicants under 11 years old
  • applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more

Operating hours

Mondays to Fridays: 8am to 3pm

Closed on national holidays.

IOM Migration Health Assessment Centre

Walker Creek Office Park
Building 4
Nicholson Street


  • +27(0)12 342 2789


Online appointments:

  • You can book your TB appointment online on the IOM website

The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  • applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  • applicants under 11 years old
  • applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more

Operating hours

Mondays to Thursdays: 8am to 4.30pm

Fridays: 8am to 12.30pm

Closed on National and IOM holidays.

ShipMed Medical Services

Shipmed Medical Services
25 Glenwood Drive


  • +27 31 261 8291


Online appointments:

  • You can book your TB appointment online on the IOM website

The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  • applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  • applicants under 11 years old
  • applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more

IOM TB Test Online Booking South Africa

Migration Health Assessments for United Kingdom-Bound Migrants from South Africa

All applicants who are planning to stay in the United Kingdom for 6 months or longer, and who are living in or have travelled to a country with high TB burden within the last six months, are required to undergo a migration health assessment to screen for ACTIVE tuberculosis (TB) as part of their visa application process for the United Kingdom. In this document, you will find important information related to your migration health assessment. In South Africa.

Pretoria: IOM Migration Health Assessment Centre

February 2022

Address: Walker Creek Office Park, Building 4; Corner of Florence Ribeiro and Nicholson Street Muckleneuk Pretoria.
Telephone Numbers: +27 12 342 2789

Online booking: http://register-uktb.iom.int/uktbdp-register The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  1. Applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  2. Applicants under 11 years old
  3. Applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more.

Clinic email: uktbsouthafrica@iom.int; Opening Hours:

  • Mondays-Thursdays: 8:00 am – 4.30 pm,
  • Fridays 8:00 am -12:30 pm.

Cape Town: Intercare Century City

Address: Intercare Century City Medical Centre, Building 5 Corner of Century Way and Park Lane, Telephone Numbers: +27 21 879 0000

Online booking: http://register-uktb.iom.int/uktbdp-register The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  1. Applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  2. Applicants under 11 years old
  3. Applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more

Clinic email: uktb.centurycity@intercare.co.za
Opening Hours: Mondays- Friday: 8.00 am- 3.00 pm

Durban: ShipMed Medical Services

Address: ENT Centre, 25 Glenwood drive, Glenwood, Durban. Telephone Numbers: +27 31 261 8291

Online booking: http://register-uktb.iom.int/uktbdp-register The following should contact the clinic instead of using this online system:

  1. Applicants with previous registration (those who have done UK TB screening before)
  2. Applicants under 11 years old
  3. Applicants booking for family members. You can only book family members who are 11 years old or more

Clinic email: uktb@shipmed.co.za
Opening Hours: Mondays-Friday: 8.00 am – 4.30 pm

What Should I Expect at my Appointment?

The scope of the migration health assessment varies depending on factors such on your visa category, age, gender and current health status. The list below shows some of the procedures that you or your family (if they are applying to migrate with you to the United Kingdom) might receive:

➢  Registration.

➢  Counselling to explain the health assessment process (at the end of the counselling you will sign an

informed consent form).

➢  Medical examination, which may include the following:

     ▪ A review of your medical history and current symptoms.
     ▪ A physical examination, where clinically indicated.
     ▪ A chest X-ray.

➢  Clearance certificate (if all tests are normal, the Certificate will be issued the same day).

Breakdown of Migration Health Assessment Procedures, by Age of Applicant

Below the Age of 11 Years*11 Years and Above
Medical history and current symptomsPhysical examination, if clinically indicatedMedical history and current symptomsPhysical examination, if clinically indicatedChest X-ray

All basic requirements are done on the same day, during the same appointment.
*Children under the age of 11 years may be requested to undergo chest X-ray, if clinically indicated

Importante note:

Applicants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who can provide consent and make decisions on their behalf.

Women of child-bearing age may be requested to provide a urine sample to test for pregnancy before undergoing

a chest X-ray. If you are pregnant and undergoing a migration health assessment, you may choose to:

  • Proceed with the chest X-ray with a double leaded shielding to protect you and your unborn baby; or
  • Opt for sputum testing, where you will be requested to provide a sputum sample on 3 consecutive days;or
  • Wait to proceed with the migration health assessment until after giving birth.

If you choose to proceed with the chest X-ray, you will be requested to sign an additional consent form.

TB is a contagious bacterial infection that is spread from person to person through tiny droplets in the air. TB can be either:

(1) Latent TB: when you have the bacteria in your body, but you don’t have any clinical manifestations.

(2) Active TB: when you have the bacteria and have clinical, radiological or laboratory manifestations.

You might be asked to undergo further testing if the doctor suspects you have active TB. In such an event, you will be provided with additional counselling and more information during your appointment.

You will be requested to provide three (3) sputum samples over 3 consecutive days. These samples are then tested in a laboratory; it can take up to 8-10 weeks to obtain a result. The certificate is valid for six months from the date of medical exam and not from the date of sputum report.

If you are required to complete this test, your health assessment certificate will be put on hold until the results are received. If you are found to have TB, you will need to successfully complete treatment before resuming the immigration process.

Good news! TB is treatable and most people can be cured at home with a few months of oral antibiotics.

What Do I Need to Bring to My Appointment?


➢ Passport (original)
➢ Refugees / Asylum Seekers (Alien ID/Attestation letter) ➢ Proof of payment
➢ Online booking reference number.

Medical Records:
▹ Any medical reports with previous chest X-rays, if available. This is especially important if you were diagnosed

with and treated for tuberculosis at any point in life.


▹ If you pre-paid for your migration health assessment, please bring a hard copy of the proof of payment ▹Permanent and current address in the country of origin
▹Full address in the United Kingdom, complete with phone number and postal code

Advice for the Migration Health Assessment

▹ For your physical examination, you will be asked to remove your clothes and will be provided with a medical gown, but please keep your underwear on (see image at right).
▹ You may request a chaperone to be present at your physical examination.
▹ Please do not conceal any medical conditions; deliberate attempts to hide them will be reported to the UK immigration authorities.
▹ Please do not conceal your pregnancy; being pregnant will have no impact on your immigration prospects.
▹ Please postpone or re-schedule your appointment if you or your child are ill with a fever or have a rash.
▹ There is no need to fast prior to your appointment.

Migration Health Assessment Fees and Payment Information

Fees, by Age of Applicant:

Below the Age of 11 Years11 Years and AboveCertificate reissue
Rand 1,250.00One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty RandRand 2,500.00
Two Thousand Five Hundred Rand
Rand 100.00
One Hundred Rand.

Additional fees may apply if other investigations are requested.

How to Pay for the Migration Health Assessment:

▹ Payments should be made in South African Rand.
▹ Payments should be made at least two days before your appointment date to the account below through an electronic bank transfer. Come with your payment notification statement when coming for medical examination.

Bank Details:

Account Name:International Organisation for Migration
Name of Bank:FNB BANK
Account Number:62165532724
Branch Code251345
IOM reference codeUse your reference number generated by the online booking system or issued by the clinic staff to make payment.Make a separate payment for each individual using the individual’s reference number.If you have not received a reference number after booking, contact the clinic forassistance.If you want to make payment for a group (more than 10 individuals), register eachperson on the online booking platform to get reference numbers and call the clinic for payment procedure.
Your reference codeUK TB exam

TB Test For UK Visa Fees

11 years and aboveBelow 11 yearsCertificate reissue (IOM only)

The cost of the test is in addition to the visa application fee. You are unable to pay at the clinic.

Payment details (IOM only)

You must pay your fee using the following banking details before you arrive at the clinic.The booking reference number given must be used on the payment slip.

  • Bank: FNB
  • Account name: International Organisation for Migration
  • Account number: 62165532724
  • Branch: Brooklyn
  • Branch Code: 251345
  • Swift Code: FIRNZAJJXXX

The fee is not refundable if the person is tested positive for TB or decides not travel to the UK, or their visa is refused. For most applicants, this is where the testing process will end and your certificate will then be issued.

Step – by – step procedures (IOM only)

  • medical examination will be processed on Tuesdays (chest X-ray) and on Wednesdays (physical exam)
  • all visa applicants must present themselves to the clinic for assessment with the required identification document
  • the initial examination will comprise of a counselling session and signing of consent for all
  • applicants below 11 years will undergo a medical examination by the physician before a certificate is issued
  • applicants 11 years and above will have a chest x-ray done – applicants will then be reviewed by the doctor with the chest x-ray result before issuance of a certificate
  • additional diagnostic procedures (sputum smears and cultures) may apply in case of abnormal chest x-ray findings and will take up to 8 weeks to get the final results
  • a TB clearance certificate will be issued to the applicant on the day of the examination if the examination result is considered free of active pulmonary TB disease
  • if you fail to return within 7 days for sputum collection, you will forfeit the chance to obtain a TB clearance certificate
  • advice will be given for further testing or follow up with the applicant’s own health care provider as needed if the examination results are abnormal but the abnormality not related to TB disease
  • the TB clearance certificate expires 6 months from the chest x-ray date for applicants who have had a chest x-ray done, or 6 months from the physical examination date for applicants whom a chest x-ray is not applicable/done
  • the above TB clearance certificate’s validity is 3 months for applicants who have been in contact with a family member with active pulmonary TB
  • please note that female applicants of childbearing age may be requested to undergo a pregnancy test, in case there is uncertainty as to whether they maybe currently pregnant
  • pregnant applicants may opt not to get a chest x-ray done and instead either give sputum for TB testing done on 3 consecutive mornings or postpone the TB screening until after delivery

Please read this leaflet from the UK Home Office for further clarification on the process and timelines.

If you fail to return within 7 days for sputum collection, you will forfeit the chance to obtain a TB clearance certificate.


It’s not your fault that you didn’t fully grasp what was required of you to get a UK visa. The system is inherently confusing. Hopefully, this article helped you fill in any blanks and answered any questions you may have had. Best of luck going forward!

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