sweden work visa for indian

If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU and wish to work in Sweden, in most cases you need a work permit.

The quickest and easiest way to apply for a work permit is to do it online. Applications over the internet go directly to the Swedish Migration Agency and are given priority.

Obtaining a work visa in Sweden is necessary for all employees who are not citizens of a neighboring Nordic country. Even European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) citizens will face a few requirements regarding work permits. If you’re not familiar with how to get a work visa in Sweden, this step could potentially delay your plans for operating or cause issues with compliance.

Types of Work Visas in Sweden

All non-EU and EEA residents must first get a job offer and obtain a work permit before entering Sweden. Without a valid working visa in Sweden, an employee cannot live or work in the country. Depending on your employee’s occupation or home country, they may be eligible for an EU Blue Card or Intra Corporate Transfer (ICT) Permit.

An EU Blue Card is a combined work and residence permit meant for highly skilled workers. Applicants must have jobs in certain professions, a university degree, or five years of professional work experience. Expats who work for a company outside the EU and are transferring to the Swedish branch of the company should apply for an ICT permit. However, this avenue only applies to employees in managerial or specialist positions.

In April 2022, Sweden announced an upcoming new residence permit for highly qualified jobseekers, start-ups, and those looking to start a business in Sweden. Information on eligibility criteria and requirements is not yet available.

Requirements to Obtain Work Visas in Sweden

Both employees and employers must meet certain requirements to get a work visa in Sweden. The requirements for employees include:

  • A valid passport
  • Job offer with terms equal to Swedish collective agreements or the occupation’s standard
  • A monthly salary of at least 13,000 SEK before taxes or a salary on par with the position
  • Employment offer with health insurance, life insurance, and social security
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Intention to leave the country once the employment contract ends

As of June 1, 2022, an employment contract will be required for the issuing of a work permit.

All employers also have to meet requirements to hire a foreign national for jobs in Sweden. For example, the position must have been advertised in the EU/EEA for at least 10 days. It also needs to include terms that are similar to other Swedish jobs in the same industry.

Application Process

While the steps to get a work visa in Sweden can change depending on the type of visa, the general application process includes:

  • A job offer: Submit a written job offer to an employee after you obtain approval from the right trade union regarding the job and salary. Make sure the offer includes a specific length of employment, as this will determine how long the visa will last.
  • Starting the application: Employers must start the online visa application with the Swedish Migration Agency. You will need the employee’s date of birth, citizenship information, education, and email.
  • Receiving an email: After starting the application with the Swedish Migration Agency, the applicant will receive an email to start their side of the process. They will need to indicate whether they are moving alone or with family.
  • Submitting all relevant documents: Employees must submit a copy of their passport, an employment offer, and a statement from the trade union.
  • Paying the fee: Most work permits cost around 2,000 SEK or about $200.
  • Waiting for the permit to get issued: Most expats working for a Swedish company need to wait one to three months to get their work permit. However, the wait time can vary based on the industry they are working in, whether someone submitted their application online or in-person, and whether they are self-employed or work for a company.

Other Important Considerations

Keep in mind that a work permit is not the same as a residence permit. EU citizens automatically have a right of residence, but they need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency. Anyone from a non-EU/EEA country needs to get a temporary or permanent residence permit depending on how long they want to stay.

Application Process for Work Permit in Sweden

While the process for obtaining a work visa in Sweden varies based on the type of visa, the following steps are generally followed:

  • Get a Job Offer: After obtaining approval from the appropriate trade union for the work and remuneration, submit a written job offer to an employee. Make sure the offer specifies the period of employment, as this will influence the duration of the visa.
  • Start the Application: Employers must apply for a visa through the Swedish Migration Agency’s online system. The employee’s date of birth, citizenship details, education, and email address will be required.
  • Receive the Official Email: Following the submission of the application to the Swedish Migration Agency, the applicant will get an email with instructions on how to begin their part of the procedure. They must specify if they are moving alone or with their family.
  • Submitting all Relevant Documents: Employees must submit a copy of their passport, a job offer, and a declaration from their union.
  • Paying the Fee: The majority of work permits cost roughly 2,000 SEK (16,739 INR).
  • Waiting for the Permit to be Issued: The majority of expats working for a Swedish company must wait one to three months for their work visa to be issued. However, the length of the wait depends on the industry they work in, whether they applied online or in person, and if they are self-employed or hired by a corporation.

Sweden Business Visa

The Swedish government offers business visas for foreign nationals to encourage new businesses and entrepreneurs to settle in the country. The duration of the Business Visa in Sweden is 3 months or 90 days and the cost of the visa is INR 8,040. The eligibility criteria for business visas in Sweden is:

  • Purpose: As s foreign national you must possess a valid reason and good intent to apply for Business Visa in Sweden.
  • Sufficient Funds: You must possess sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents throughout the stay.
  • Must Return: As foreign nationals, candidates are required to show the Visa office that they will return to their home country after their visa has expired.
  • Character Certificate: You must have a clean criminal track record and be of good character. Applicants are required to submit a PCC (Police Clearance Certificate) for the same.
  • Good Health: You must at least meet the minimum health requirements required by the authorities.
  • Local Sponsors: You must possess a valid invitation from a genuine company located in the country with whom you are/will be doing business.

Documents Required for Swedish Business Visa

To apply for a Swedish business visa, you will need:

  • a valid passport (valid for at least six months);
  • a Swedish business visa application form;
  • two passport photographs;
  • a resident visa;
  • a bank statement;
  • income tax return:
  • health insurance;
  • proof of travel insurance;
  • business references including an invitation from the Swedish company or organization;
  • proof of a Swedish hotel reservation and an airline booking for Sweden.


When should I submit a new application if my work permit is about to expire?

Your application must be submitted before your work permit expires. If your application is for the same employer and profession as the one for which you already hold a permit, you should submit it no more than four months before it expires. It is occasionally required to apply before your work permit expires if you are changing occupations or employers.

I’ve been waiting for a decision for a long time. Is there anything I can do to help?

If you believe your application is taking too long to be processed, you can submit a formal request to the Swedish Migration Agency to have your case closed. Four months must have passed since you submitted your application before you can submit a request to the Swedish Migration Agency. The Swedish Migration Agency must then decide whether to accept or reject your application within four weeks.

You must submit a written request to the Swedish Migration Agency to have your case closed. Please fill out and send the form Request to close a case (number 271011) to the Swedish Migration Agency. In each scenario, you can only submit one request.

When I have a work permit, may I start my own business?

You can run your own business while working in Sweden if you have a work permit and a residency permit. Your employment must be the primary reason for your visit to Sweden, and the requirements for your work permit must be met. The company’s earnings will not be considered when determining whether the work permit’s restrictions have been met.

If you are a partner in a limited company, you must own at least 50% of the shares to administer the business while continuing to work full-time. The reason for this is that you might otherwise be mistaken for a company employee rather than a business owner.


If you are planning to study and work in the country then a Sweden Work Permit is a must for Indians. Have more doubts regarding the process? Drop us a comment below and we will answer all your questions regarding the Swedish visa application process! 

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