super visa for parents canada

If you intend to stay in Canada for a certain period of time and wish to come back for future visits, the Super Visa is for you! If your spouse or common law partner has Canadian citizenship, you may be eligible for a Super Visa. This visa allows you to stay in Canada for an extra two years if your spouse or common law partner meets the requirements.

Super visa is a special visa issued by the Canadian government designed for the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens. It is easy to get this visa, and eligible applicants can apply now!

Many people dream big of living in Canada, but not everyone is aware of super visa for Canada. A Canadian super visa is a multiple entry visa that allows you to enter the country on your own terms; you can apply at anytime and enter the country once a year as long as you are eligible to apply using this program.

If you’re planning a trip to Canada, you may want to consider getting a super visa. A super visa allows you to stay in Canada for up to two years at a time. The super visa is ideal for people who plan to visit Canada frequently, but it’s not the right choice for everyone. Here’s what you need to know about the super visa and how it works:

How much does it cost?

You can apply for a super visa if you have family members in Canada who are citizens or permanent residents. You must also meet certain criteria, such as proving that you have enough money to support yourself while in Canada and that you have enough money to leave Canada when your stay is over. You’ll also need proof of travel insurance, which can be purchased through most travel agents or online at [website].

How do I apply?

You can apply for a super visa in person at any Canadian visa office or by mail. When applying by mail, enclose copies of all supporting documents with your application form and make sure they are clearly labeled and easy to read so they aren’t rejected by accident! Write “ATTENTION: SUPER VISAS” on top of each envelope before mailing them off so they don’t get lost along the way!

Canada’s Super Visa is a visa that allows you to stay in Canada for up to two years. To qualify, you must be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have a valid passport from your country of citizenship. You must also be able to prove that you have enough money to support yourself and any family members who come with you.

If you qualify for a Super Visa, it will be issued for up to two years at a time. You can only apply for one Super Visa per year, and each application costs $200 CAD.

If you are approved for a Super Visa, it will allow you to live in Canada for up to two years at a time. You can have multiple Super Visas during this time period if needed, but each application costs $200 CAD each time it is made.


To be eligible for a super visa, you must:

  • be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
  • have a signed letter from your child or grandchild who invites you to Canada that includes:
    • a promise of financial support for the length of your visit
    • the list and number of people in the household of this person
    • a copy of this person’s Canadian citizenship or permanent resident document
  • have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company that is:
    • valid for at least 1 year from the date of entry
    • at least $100,000 coverage
    • have proof that the medical insurance has been paid (quotes aren’t accepted)

You must also:

You can’t include dependants in this application.

Financial support (proof of funds)

The child or grandchild who invites you must prove that their household meets the minimum necessary income. The following documents are examples of what can be used as proof of funds:

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA) or T4/T1 for the most recent tax year
  • Employment Insurance stubs
  • employment letter including salary and date of hiring
  • pay stubs
  • bank statements

Other conditions we consider

We consider several things before we decide if you can come to Canada. You must be a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of your visit.

We’ll look at these things when you apply:

  • your ties to your home country
  • the purpose of your visit
  • your family and finances
  • the overall economic and political stability of your home country

How to calculate the family size for Canada Super visa?

For calculating the family size, the following will have to be included – 

  • Your child / grandchild inviting you to Canada
  • Their spouse or common-law partner
  • Their dependent children 
  • Any individual sponsored previously by your child or grandchild
  • You
  • Your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable 

The total number, as given above, will represent their family size. For example, if your child or grandchild is unmarried with no children and is inviting you, the family size comes to two. If your child in Canada has a family of four and will be inviting you and your spouse, the family size will be six.

How do I apply for a Canada Super visa?

You can apply for the Canada Super visa online or submit a paper-based application at a Visa Application Centre (VAC). The following documents will be needed to apply for a Canada Super visa – 

  • Letter of Invitation, from your child / grandchild that is a citizen or PR of Canada, promising financial support for your stay, and including the family size.
  • Proof of meeting the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) as per the family size. 
  • Evidence of the relationship – parent or grandparent – to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident that you intend to visit. This evidence can be a birth certificate or other official document naming you as a parent/grandparent. 
  • Proof of having private medical insurance.

After applying, you will be required to – 

  • Undergo a medical examination and provide proof of the results, and
  • Appear in person to give your biometrics (photo and fingerprints) at a Visa Application Centre (VAC). 

Your visitor status on a Canada Super visa will be valid for up to two years per entry.


Canada has a smaller, but diverse population and culture. However, Canada is all about being unique and not invisible. When in Canada do whatever it takes to be seen as a person instead of a number. Be proud of your own uniqueness and that of others,after all that is what makes this country great. It’s a formula for success when the individual is recognized for their contribution to the

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