study visa for usa from pakistan

A detailed guide providing complete information on study visa for US citizens. Study in USA is a viable option for many Pakistani students who wish to pursue higher education at reputable institutions here in the US. The overseas students can obtain a visa for educational purposes through several channels, but all processes require completion of application form and submission of supporting documents.

A Pakistani-based Overseas Education Consultants we are committed to provide the best educational and immigration services and help you find the right school or study option for your need – from primary education and high school to graduate, undergraduate, and post-graduate education all across Pakistan.

Going to study in the USA is an incredible opportunity. There are about 4,000 colleges and universities for students to choose from. The US higher education system is highly regarded around the world as a top destination for study abroad. Most of the higher education institutions offer scholarships and grants specifically to international students.

Going to the United States is an exciting adventure, but it can also be hard to plan. The USA has a lot of requirements for entering and staying in the country, and you might find yourself confused about what you need to do to get your visa.

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered! Here’s what you need to know about getting a study visa for the USA from Pakistan:

What Is a Study Visa?

A study visa is an official document issued by the US government that allows you to study at an institution of higher education such as a university or college. You’ll need one if you’re going to study in the US for more than six months. It also gives you permission to remain in the country while you’re studying and after your program ends.

Who Needs One?

Anyone who wants to enroll in school in the United States needs a J-1 or F-1 student visa. If you don’t have these kinds of visas yet, then this article is especially helpful because it explains how they work and what they require from applicants like yourself!

There are several types of visas that students can apply for to study in the United States. The most common is an F-1 student visa, which allows you to study at a university, college or other school in the U.S. for up to one academic year (semester). If you wish to stay longer than one academic year, you must apply for an extension of your visa before the end of your first year of studies.

Other types of visas available include: H-1B visas for temporary workers; J-1 visas for exchange visitors; O-1 visas for individuals with extraordinary ability in their field; R-1 visas for religious workers; E-2 treaty investor visas and E-3 treaty trader visas (for citizens of countries with which the U.S. has an investment treaty); TN nonimmigrant status (for Canadian and Mexican professionals who meet certain requirements); and Q nonimmigrant status (for international cultural exchange participants).

Procedure for applying for a student visa and types of visas:

  • There are basically two types of visas which are granted to international peoples for the United States
  • One is Immigrant visa which is applicable for permanent residing of a person in the US and to work over there also and can also leave the country without any restriction and rules of visa and this visa is known as Green card also.
  • Another category of visa includes Non- Immigrant visa.
  • A person applies for this visa under various circumstances such as:
    • When he/she lives in the US on a non-immigrant visa for a number of the years and are doing a job there.
    • When he/she is married to US citizen.
    • When he/she is married to Green Card holder.
    • When he/she has invested some amount in business and in any industry in the US.

A green card holder can sponsor periodically the close relatives such as Father, mother, sister, a brother for the grant of the green card even while still are living in their native country.

Now we are going to discuss the student visa which is named an F-1 Student visa which is related to a non-immigrant visa.

The condition of this visa is that a student can’t get a job outside of a university and is liable to leave the US after completion of studies.

Whereas local immigration visa permits the student to take up a job outside the university during the second year of studies when his/her financial status has changed so they convince the local immigration authority to allow the student to earn but during first-year university also offers jobs in the first year and it is possible to earn up to $500 per month.

Documents Required for Visa Applying:

  • Official letter from the university is most important in which student is about to enroll and also mention the graduate, postgraduate fall or spring semester and also mention the cost of an admission in which subject you have offered the course.
  • If one has applied for admission in the fall semester starting in September he/she will receive the form in April and July but if you have applied to more than one university it depends on them when they will offer you and what will be there cost.
  • If a student has finally decided to select the university he/she must apply 90 days before applying for a visa.
  • Now one has to fill the application and enters the consulate along with documents and afterward collect an application form called-156 for visa and fill it carefully.
  • Information entered should be valid on visa and matches the passport information.
  • A student has to keep all documents in an envelope and fill the telephone number, address and keep them in an envelope after student get a visa they will return their envelope and the courier of DD rupees is paid at a separate counter toward courier charge for delivering this envelope.
  • The applicant is advised to arrange the documents in proper order before submitting them.
  • At the first sight at the counter will check the passport and after that accepts the DD amount which is collected as visa fees and give a receipt of it and after that counter officer will give a 3 fold pink detachable folder with an identification number to carry with your documents. And after that student has to go ahead to the next counter for scrutiny.
  • After submission of visa fees having 1 to 5 turns submission of documents is the next step and after their examination counter officer will ask you for the interview.
  • If a student is asked for the interview he/she must bring that pink foiled slip along with it and after this, all documents will be returned to you along with visa and passport.
  • If an interview invitation is not proposed by the student then they will get the visa through courier.
  • Students must submit their documents properly and one important document which is an institution copy is must be submitted to the consulate officer who would retain it which would be later sealed in an envelope and returned pinned to the passport and this copy envelope is submitted to immigration officer of the United States.
  • It’s the responsibility of the student to check all the documents carefully when he/she will receive the passport and visa.

Documents required during application of visa:

  • Form 1- 20 must be attached from the university where the student s enrolled.
  • Application form of visa which you have applied on that day must be required.
  • As the US Dollar amount varies from time to time so must check the amount when you take the DD.

DD must be obtained from a private bank, not from any cooperative bank and money will be paid in the form of a draft in the US bank.

  • One passport size photograph in matt form and one should be pasted on the visa application form.
  • The validity of a passport must be six months not less than 6 months.
  • IELTS/GMATS original test score is required.
  • Financial status certificate is required.
  • If financial assistance will be awarded by the university but is not mentioned in 1-20 form so student rejects this offer.
  • If your sponsor who supports you in your studies is living in Pakistan so for this additional documents are required.
  • Sponsors bank account statement following the availability in case of funds required to cover the expenses of the first year of studies require a passbook and a letter from the bank manager mentioning the amount which is lying in the bank.
  • An affidavit which has mentioned that the sponsor will bear the cost of studies of the entire education u stay in US and documents must be attested and signed by Notary Officer.
  • A certificate of sponsor financial resource by a registered chartered accountant.
  • If the sponsor is residing in the US then the following documents are needed:
  • His/her salary statement.
  • If the sponsor is neither residing in Pakistan nor in the US then the following documents are required:
  • Affidavit of support signed by the sponsor.
  • Bank account of your sponsor showing the availability of funds for the entire period of education.
  • His/her salary statement.

The decision of your visa community will be issued to you immediately after the interview. If you are entered as to grant you visa so you have to pay a visa fees for it. Cash will be submitted in Pakistani amount at a counter in the consulate office.

Making sure your visa remains valid

Once you get your visa, there are a number of things you need to do to ensure it remains valid, including:

  • Fulfilling the purpose for why the Department of State issued the visa
  • Following the regulations associated with that purpose

While studying in the U.S., you will need to observe the following rules:

  • You must attend and pass all of your classes. If you are finding your studies too difficult, you should speak with your designated school official (DSO) immediately
  • If you think you will be unable to complete your program by the end date listed on your Form I-20, you must talk to your DSO about requesting a possible program extension
  • You must take a full course of study each term. If you cannot study full-time, contact your DSO immediately
  • You cannot drop below a full course of study without consulting with your DSO


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