study visa for abroad

If you want to study abroad, then you are going to need a student visa. This can be a bit of a daunting process. With so many requirements it’s hard to know where to start. Luckily, Study-Abroad-in-Mexico provide all the help you will need. Their expertise and knowledge will make the whole process simple.

How to study abroad? That’s the question we answer to you in this article. Study overseas and travel while studying abroad can be one of the best experiences of your life. When planning your study abroad trip, you should know where to go, what type of visa and what the other costs associated with studying abroad will be. Discover ideas about countries where it is cheaper to study at a high quality and get tips for financing your experience.

When it comes to studying overseas, there’s a lot to consider. The US, UK, and other top study destinations have incredibly high applications and visa requirements. Many students are left feeling discouraged by the complexities of applying to a foreign university – can you relate? Unlike other sites that claim they can do all the work for you with fancy wordings, we will tell you exactly what to expect. There’s no sugar-coating here because we don’t want you to go for higher education only to be disappointed.

Study visa for abroad

At touriago, we believe that studying abroad is an essential part of a comprehensive education. We’ve worked hard to create a platform that makes it easy for students to find the right program for them. Whether you’re looking for an English immersion experience in Australia or a semester in Paris, we have the resources you need to get started.

Our mission is to make studying abroad easier than ever before by providing students with all the information they need at their fingertips. We provide up-to-date information on universities around the world and make sure that our content is always relevant with up-to-date statistics and rankings. This allows students to make informed decisions about where they want to study and how much it will cost them.

We also offer extensive resources on what to expect while living abroad, including how to set up your bank account, how to get settled into housing and what kind of health insurance you’ll need while studying abroad. Our website also has reviews from real students who have already gone on similar trips so that you can learn from their mistakes and successes!

Study abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience for students and young professionals. However, it is also a complex process that requires careful planning. The first step in studying abroad is applying for a study visa.

Touriago has done the hard work for you! We have simplified the process by providing all of the information you need to apply for a study visa in one place. In this article, we will discuss how to apply for a study visa and what documents you need to provide with your application.

What is a visa?

A visa is a document that gives you permission to enter a foreign country. A student visa is only given out to people who have a confirmed place of study at a registered institution for a set period of time.

Different countries have different visa requirements, so your first port of call should be the embassy website of the country you want to study in.

When should you apply for a student visa?

You should always apply for a visa before you travel to your study destination. You will normally have to wait until you have a confirmed offer from a university before you can submit your visa application and you may have to apply in person at an embassy.

Allow enough time for any complications or exchange of information to take place before you intend to travel. Your university should be able to provide you with more information.

What type of visa do you need?

The exact name and type of visa you require will vary from country to country but it is likely you will need a non-immigrant student/study visa.

This basically means that you do not intend to take up permanent residence in that country and that your stay is for temporary study.

However, to find out the exact type of visa you need and therefore, the appropriate application form, go to the embassy or consulate of your intended study destination in your home country (this must be where you legally live or where you are a national).

How do you apply?

Before you apply for your visa, you may need proof of your place on a program from the university or college that you are going to attend.

The first thing you should do is contact the university or college to clarify which visa you need to apply for and/or to ask them to send you the necessary documentation for your application.

Once your university or college has informed you of the appropriate visa you need to apply for and any documentation that you need to submit, you should be ready to apply.

In some countries, applications can be done in a number of ways, by post, courier, in person, or online for example. If you are unsure, visit the embassy or consulate of your host country and ask how you can apply for a visa or search their website.

A visa is not valid if false information has been given or important facts were omitted at the time of application.

How long will it take to get your visa?

Visa processing can take as little as a couple of days to several months depending on the country and your nationality. Make sure you leave enough time to get your visa sorted as trying to rush an application is not advised – and can even mean you miss out on your place.

Can you extend your visa while you’re there?

This completely depends on where you study. In some countries extending your visa is very simple, while in others it is challenging and you may even have to leave the country to extend/renew your visa.

Student visa requirements

Study Abroad Visa 2021 - Taylor C., UCD
Photo credit: Taylor C., UCD

The requirements study abroad students need to meet to get a student visa will vary widely on the country they are studying in. However, there are a few general requirements you should be aware of. These include:

  • A valid passport (ensure it doesn’t expire before your visa will)
  • A clean criminal record
  • The ability to pass a health screening
  • A full course of the COVID-19 vaccine (for most countries)
  • The financial ability to sustain yourself during the entire length of the visa, or proof of financial aid that will cover your study abroad experience
  • Valid health insurance or a payment into the countries national healthcare system
  • A biometrics appointment where you provide fingerprints and a photograph

Note: Passport applications are currently experiencing delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Student visa requirements will also vary slightly based on how you study abroad. The three main paths are direct enrollment, an exchange program, and participating in a study abroad program through a third-party provider. If you are directly enrolling in a university overseas, the onus will be on you to determine all the requirements and ensure you qualify. This typically includes proving admittance into the host university, making a deposit, and passing a language proficiency exam. If you’re going through your university or a third-party provider, they will help facilitate the visa application process to make it as easy as possible.

What qualifies for a student visa?

Regardless of the path you choose to take classes overseas, you will need to be a full-time, in-person student at an accredited college or university to qualify for a student visa. As the pandemic has required many universities to shift to a blended learning program (a mix of in-person and online), governments have been flexible with the in-person requirements. That said, this change will be short-lived, and as a general rule, you cannot get a student visa for an online course.

What is the age limit for student visas?

There is usually no set age limit for a student visa like there is for most working holiday schemes. That said, to meet the other qualifications, you’ll most likely need to be at least 18 (unless you’re applying for a high school abroad program). Additionally, people outside the general age range of students looking to study abroad will potentially have their application scrutinized to ensure they are actually interested in studying and don’t have other motives for applying (like trying to work or live in the country, which require different types of visas).

Student visa application process

Study Abroad Visas 2021 - Alexandria C., University of Sussex
Photo credit: Alexandria C., University of Sussex

Once you’ve determined the country you want to study in and the path you’ll take, it’s time to prepare for the actual application process. As mentioned, this will vary by country, but the general steps you need to take will remain the same.

Looking for inspiration? Browse our guide to the 10 best countries to study abroad before determining the visa entry requirements for those that most catch your eye.

Step 1: Find the exact requirements for the country, university, and program

The amount of research required at this stage depends on the amount of assistance you’re receiving from your university or program provider. If you’re directly enrolling or have not received a guide from the provider or your home school, you will need to find these on your own. Fortunately, these will generally be listed on the countries embassy website, and VisaHQ is also a helpful resource to find this information.

Review these requirements closely and ensure you can meet them all within your deadline. You should begin this process at least 6-months before the study abroad semester starts to provide enough time to satisfy all requirements. Take note of any step that requires an appointment, the mailing of documents, or government processing. These steps will have the highest chance of causing delay, so get on them ASAP!

Step 2: Apply to the univeristy or enroll in the program or exchange

Once you’ve determined you have enough time to complete all of the student visa requirements, you will need to enroll in a program. This again depends on the path you choose.

Direct enrollment:

Direct enrollment is typically the cheapest option but also requires the most steps. You will need to check the enrollment deadlines and ensure you apply with plenty of time to spare. Be prepared to provide them with your transcripts, degrees, and work history.

Once the university has accepted your application, you will need to follow their specific enrollment process. These are some of the documents universities will generally require:

  • Academic transcript
  • Degree certificate (when relevant)
  • Language proficiency certificate
  • Deposit payment
  • A scan of your current passport

When filing the student visa application, you will be asked to provide proof from the university that you have successfully enrolled and are in good standing. This often comes in the form of a number or document provided by the universities international department.

Direct exchange:

When going through an exchange program with your home university, the process will be clear and straightforward. Your study abroad or international department will provide you with the detailed steps you need to take, and will likely have a working relationship with the overseas university to make the entire process easier.

Even still, ensure you give yourself enough time to complete all the steps, especially those requiring appointments outside of your school (like medical checks, background tests, or biometrics). Work closely with the school and ask as many questions as you need. They are there to help you through the process.

Third-party provider:

Studying abroad through a third-party provider like CIEEIES Abroad, or API, is usually the most expensive option, but one of the things you’re paying for is their assistance, including throughout the visa process. They will give you guidance on all the steps you need to complete to successfully receive a student visa. Follow these steps closely and reach out to the provider as often as needed, as they are trained in helping students and well versed in the visa process.

Step 3: Complete your student visa application

You’ve finally completed all the steps needed to apply for your student visa, so now what? Well, you’re not done yet. You now need to bundle all of your documents up, fill out the entire application (either found on the embassy website or provided to you in the previous step), and submit it all.

Each country has a slightly different process for submitting your documents and application, which you will need to determine. Generally, that is either done through an online portal, through mailing the documents, or through an in-person meeting at an embassy. During the application, you will need to explain your past international travel and may need to provide both a scan of previous passports and mail in your current passport.

This step is commonly the longest, as the government will review your application and ensure the information you provided is correct. In some cases, they will ask for additional documentation and follow-up questions. Be truthful and forthcoming, and before you know it, your visa should arrive in the mail!

How long does a student visa last?

The student visa will last the length of your program, plus or minus a month or two. In some instances, the visa will be valid for a set amount of time (for example, one year from the date it’s issued). Pay close attention to the date the visa expires. You do not want to risk being found guilty of a visa overstay.

If you plan to stay in the country for longer than your student visa permits, you must apply for a new visa (typically a working holiday or visitor visa). It’s common practice to leave the country and come back in to do this, but not always required.


With the help of online browsing and searching, education portals have been fully developed that are tailored for the purpose of providing the students all their needs in getting the study visa for abroad. These portals aid and guide them in their process to get the foreign education along with the study abroad visa by providing them all info regarding the procedures and various benefits associated with it.

Prepare everything a bit in advance and have a good time ahead. Remember it is not fun to be running around at the last minute. Plan everything properly and you will enjoy every bit of your study abroad journey.

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