student visa with dependent australia

Traveling through an embassy and a consulate is a costly affair and you will surely find yourself stuck at many points. Visa, Work Permit, Dependent and many more. The costs you would bear for each are too high and mind boggling and even the cost of traveling from one place to another seems high! But to avoid all this, there is a reasonable alternative available that would cater to your every need in a much cheaper manner. Talk to an expert who will spare no efforts in providing you excellent services and ensuring that your visa with dependent australia comes through without any hitches or snag at all!

Student Visa Australia with dependent children is a very attractive option for those who wish to live and study in Australia. If you have children that are currently studying and residing together with you, then you have the benefit of being able to do a visa application for your kids as well.

A dependent VISA will depend on the requirements of your sponsor and if you can fulfill them. It is only recommended that you apply for a VISA if you are immigrating with someone rather than returning to Australia as a tourist. This post helps you understand what sort of VISA you can apply for, how long it will take to process, whether or not meeting the requirements for a VISA is difficult, and what the requirements for a VISA are.

Student Visa with dependent Australia

To study in Australia, you will need to apply for a student visa. You can apply for a student visa as an independent student or as a dependent student. If you are under 18 years old, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian when you arrive in Australia.

If your child is aged between 5 and 17 years old and has been living with you for at least 6 months before applying for a visa, your child can travel with you to Australia as a dependent child. However, if your child does not meet this requirement, they must make their own application for an Australian visa from outside of Australia.

If your child is over 18 years old at the time of applying for a visa, they will also have to make their own application from outside of Australia.

If you’re going to Australia, it’s likely that you’ll be bringing your family with you. In order to do so, you’ll need to apply for a student visa with dependent.

This type of visa is specifically intended for students who want to travel to Australia and bring their spouse or partner, child or dependent relative with them. It allows people who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents to study at an approved educational institution in Australia.

The main difference between this visa and other types of student visas is that it allows applicants to have their dependents accompany them during their stay in Australia. This is a great option if you want your family members with you as much as possible—especially if they will be attending school alongside you at one of the many universities throughout Australia’s capital city, Canberra.

Students on this type of visa are not allowed to work unless they have been given approval from their education provider or training provider (if applicable) and have passed both English language proficiency tests and health checks required by law.

Dependent family members on a student visa

A student visa would usually allow you to bring close family members as dependents on your student visa. This is defined as:

  • A spouse or partner (including same sex partners) who you have been living with for 12 months.
  • Your, or your partner’s children, under 18 or who are still in continuous education (i.e. studying A-levels).

Please note that the work rights granted for the dependent partner will depend on the course of study of the student: 

  • If the student is studying a bachelor degree, the dependent partner can work up to 40 hours per fortnight.
  • If the student is studying a masters degree (coursework or research) or a doctorate degree the partner will have full and unlimited work rights.

Travelling with school age children

If your children are travelling with you as dependants on your student visa, you will have to pay fees for them to go to any Australian school (regardless of whether the school is state or private).

School fees vary according to the age of your children and the state or territory that you live in, but expect fees of around A$5,600 to A$18,600 per year, per child.

Requirements for Australia Student Dependent Visa

Your family members must include the following on their visa application:

  • Identification Documents. Your dependent must provide a valid passport and valid identification records. This could include an identification card, a birth certificate, a family certificate, a recent picture, and fingerprints.
  • Health Requirements. Any family member you include in your visa application should be included in your student health insurance (OSHC). Your family members may also be required to submit health exams. This means that they have to present proof that they don’t require medication that might put a strain on Australia’s medical resources.
  • Character Requirement. Each visa applicant is required to present documents that support the good character visa condition.
  • Proof of Financial Means. The main student visa holder is in charge of any underage dependents financially. Moreover, if the child is a school-age child there have to be enough means to pay the school fees.
  • Evidence of Relationship. This is required in cases where you are bringing either your partner or your spouse with you to Australia. If you are not married then a certificate of registration will suffice.
  • Evidence of School Arrangements for Minors. If you are bringing a minor child with you, then you have to submit proof that you have made arrangements for their education during their stay in Australia.

All family members must be declared on your student visa application even if they don’t come to Australia with you.


Some people may feel that there are many options to choose from when it is about finding the best service. Some people may think that it will be easier if you start asking for recommendations from your friends, professional organization or individuals who have been practicing immigration law in Australia for a long time. But if you want to make use of a highly effective and easy-to-use website, you should look at as it has been discussed on this article.

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