Student visa for uk from germany
Have you ever asked yourself how to obtain a student visa for UK from Germany? Dealing with the UK visa can be a time-consuming and stressful process. We are here to solve your problems! As the cheapest way of vacationing outside Germany, the UK is a cheap tourist destination. This is why universities in UK have developed various programs to accommodate international students and promote their country to us via brochure, travel agents, or even things like free registration of residence visa. Check out the following useful information to know more about which student visa you need for studying in UK and how to get it.
Student Visa For Uk From Germany? If you’re studying in Germany, you might be interested in having a student visa for uk from germany. Our experts will help you determine the best options for your individual situation and to find out which visa is the most suitable for you. Get the best info by filling out the form above.

If you are moving to the UK, there are many things to consider. The Schengen Visa is not part of the deal when you get a UK student visa and you need to apply for a visa before arrival. The procedure and conditions may vary depending on your nationality. This information guide focuses on German citizens who want to go or study in the UK, how to apply for a UK student visa, what documents are needed and the necessary steps involved on site in the embassy.
Germany is a place to be when it comes to the quality of higher education, research infrastructure, teaching methodology, low-cost studies, and career perspective. That is why many internationals continue to believe that Germany is the best place for pursuing their higher education further.
On the other hand, not every foreign person is able to pursue such a dream, right away. This because several nationalities are NOT allowed to enter and stay in the territory of Germany without enjoying the appropriate German Visa.
In our case, a visa needed is the authorizing official document required to permit a non-German national to enter and stay in the territory of Germany for the purpose of studying, in a specific intended period.
Therefore, being a foreigner who:
- Just received the Acceptance Letter from a German University,
- Soon is expected to get A Response on his/her University Application in a University in Germany,
- Has to Enroll in A Foundation Course before applying to a German University,
- Needs to Take a Foundation Course (Studienkolleg) to prepare for the test “Feststellungsprüfung” – qualification assessment examination
- Needs to Complete a Doctoral Degree
- Wants to Engage in a Research Project in Germany
… YOU will HAVE to apply for the appropriate German Study VISA at the Embassy or Consulate of Germany in your country to enter and stay for the intended period in Germany, in case you come from one of these countries.
In case you will need to remain in the territory of Germany for more than 90 DAYS, or 3 MONTHS, you will be called to also get a Residence Permit early enough after the arrival in Germany.
Speaking of the appropriate time, there is no fixed period where you should make the visa application, but it is highly suggested to do it early enough in advance of your planned travel to Germany.
Typically, 3 (three) months before the start of planned studies, worked suitably for many who already went through the same experience.
Important Tip: To Highly Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.
A blocked account is a special type of bank account for international students in Germany, to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year during your studies.
As of November 1, 2020, it is estimated that a foreign student in Germany spends an average of €861 euros per month at a minimum. So, you need to have €10,332 in your bank account before applying for a German student visa.
Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account
But, let us together see what else you need to know about getting a German Visa for study purposes.
Which are German Visa Types for Study Purposes?
As we explained earlier, whenever you want to travel to Germany for study purposes, you have to apply for the appropriate German Visa, related to the purpose of your travel and stay there – studying.
There are three types of visas meant for people intending to pursue educational activities in Germany:
- Language Course Visa (Visa for Language Learning) – for educational activities lasting from 3 months up to 1 year, for the purpose of participating in short German language courses.
- Student Applicant Visa (Visum Zur Studienbewerbung) – if you want to study in Germany, but are still trying to find the right program or you still haven’t got the confirmation letter from your University
- Student Visa (Visum Zu Studienzwecken) – if you have already been accepted to a German university.
Where and How to Apply for a Germany Study Visa?
As we stated earlier, the place where you should apply for your visa is the German Embassy or Consulate in your country.
First, you need to schedule an appointment for a visa interview. On the day of the interview, you should offer your visa application documents.
Additionally, you will need to respond to the interview questions that the consular officer prepares in order to closely examine you as a potential visa candidate.
Leave A Visa Appointment Soon ENOUGH!
Before doing anything else, in order to apply for the Student Schengen Visa, you need to set up a visa appointment at the German Embassy or Consulate in your country!
Check up for the available dates and make the appointment in the online system on the website of the German Embassy or Consulate in your country, soon after you will be able to plan your departure time.
Visa Interview
A visa interview is a moment where you meet with the consular officer directly as a visa applicant. At the same time, you need to present all the visa required documents, as your consular officer asks for them in an orderly. During a visa appointment, the officer also makes you question about the application, as well as personal ones which you have to answer carefully and truthfully.
Registration at the Resident’s Registration Office
- Foreigners who seek to remain in Germany for more than 2 MONTHS must get the Confirmation on Registration “Meldebestätigung”. To get such a confirmation a foreigner must apply at the local Resident’s Registration Office or “Einwohnermeldeamt”.
- Foreigners who seek to remain in Germany for more than 90 DAYS or 3 MONTHS need to possess the proper residence title. In our case a Residence Permit “Aufenthaltsgenehmigung” is the appropriate title, intended for study purposes. A residence permit will be issued only upon the application of the visa holder at the Alien Registration Office “Ausländerbehörde“ in the city where your university is located.
Learn more under Registration at the Resident’s Registration Office for Study Purposes
Important Things To Know as a German Visa applicant and/or Holder
- Additional documents can be required by the visa officer upon the visa interview
- Appear in person in the visa interview
- Be cautious about your passport validity- it needs to be valid for your entire period of stay, including the expected extended period
- Bear in mind that the incomplete visa application can be refused
- Do not stick your photographs in the visa application form
- Don’t take anyone with you to the Embassy or Consulate during a visa interview
- Every applicant is authorised to take legal actions against the embassy or consulate decision on her/his visa application
- Getting your Visa For Study Purposes is important, instead of a Tourist Visa -because it gives you the opportunity to get a residence permit once in Germany REMEMBER that a Tourist Visa cannot be extended further while in Germany, in case you need to stay longer!
- If the applicant is considered to represent a risk for the security and public order of the Schengen Area the visa will be rejected
- In case of visa rejection, the applicant gets informed about the main reason for a rejection
- Make sure for your trip to Germany to be scheduled early enough so you will have the needed time in a disposition to enrol in university
- Original documents can be required upon arrival at the airport
- Germany study visa is not automatically given – so you have to wait for up to 4 MONTHS to get a response from the Embassy or Consulate and there is no guarantee you will be granted a visa
- The application form can be downloaded freely on the website of the Embassy or Consulate in your country
- The passport remains at the Embassy / Consulate during the entire process of visa proceeding
- Visa appointments should be made only through the online system (not by phone, e-mail, fax or in-person)
- Visa Fee will not be reimbursed in case of visa refusal
Germany Student Visa Fee
The fee for a German student visa application is 75,- EUR.
Student applicants have to pay the visa fees by a bank transfer. Cheques or credit cards are not accepted. The money order must be in the name of the Embassy/Consulate in your home country and not older than two months.
Please be aware that you will not get reimbursed the visa fee if your application for a student visa gets rejected.
To Highly Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.
How long does it take for a German student visa to process?
The processing time for a Germany long-stay study visa may take from 6-12 weeks from the application day. While Germany short-stay study visas are usually decided within 15-30 days by the German missions abroad.
In order to study in the UK, you’ll need a student visa. This guide will walk you through the process so that you can access all of the opportunities available to students studying in the UK.
To study in the UK, you must have a passport and proof of funds.
You must have a passport and proof of funds to study in the UK.
Proof of funds is the same as visa application, so it’s required for all types of visas. Proof of funds is also required for all visa applications.
The Foreign Office will not issue visas for students who do not have a degree of some form.
To apply for a student visa from Germany, it is necessary to have a degree of some form. The Foreign Office will not issue visas for students who do not have a degree of some form. A letter of acceptance from the institution you wish to attend should be included with your application and can be sent electronically or by post. You must also provide evidence that you have enough funds to cover all expenses while in the UK and proof that your passport is valid for at least another 6 months after the date of entry into the UK.
Failing to supply evidence of adequate funds can lead to fines, jail time, and restrictions on travel and immigration.
If you wish to study in the UK, you must demonstrate that you have adequate funds to support yourself while you are there. A student visa is not a work permit, so it is illegal for someone with this type of visa to work during their time in the UK. Furthermore, even if someone with a student visa wants to work while they’re on vacation or something similar, they may not be allowed to do so depending on how long they’ve been out of school and what kind of degree program they completed. While there are some exceptions for students who completed university degrees before 2008 (See below), most will find themselves unable to legally get paid whilst working short-term jobs during their vacations or breaks from classes at all–even if those jobs only last for a week or two!
You must have enough English to navigate around the country without needing an interpreter.
You must be able to speak English fluently. You will need to pass a basic English language test and be able to interact with other people in the country without needing an interpreter. This may seem like a daunting task, especially if you have not been exposed much to English before coming here. However, there are many ways for you to improve your speaking skills so that you can communicate effectively with others without any problems or misunderstandings.
Most universities will require advance notice of visa applications, so you should allow at least four months for processing the visa. You must also submit a letter of acceptance from the university and evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself while in the UK. The type of evidence required will vary depending upon your circumstances, but it could include:
- Proof of income or savings.
- Evidence that you will return home after studying (such as a job offer).
Your student visa can be denied if you do not qualify.
- You must be a full-time student.
- You must have a degree.
- You must have proof of funds to support yourself while in the UK.
- Your English language skills must be strong enough, i.e., you must be able to prove that you can speak English fluently enough to study at your chosen institution and follow lectures without difficulty and without needing an interpreter or translator (if required). This means that if your country’s national language is not English, you will need to provide evidence of sufficient English skills before being issued with your visa by providing one of the following:
- A certificate from an approved exam center stating that they accept the results from this test as proof of academic level; or
- An academic certificate showing how many points are awarded for each subject (A Level/IB); or
- Proof that you have already studied at least two years (24 months) in an institution where English was used as the medium of instruction; or
- A copy of both sides of previous student visas issued by UKVI which clearly state details about your course taken at the school including dates attended, duration of courses etc.; or
Obtaining a student visa to study in the UK can be a long and difficult process. The first step is to decide which program you want to study in, as different programs have different requirements. Some areas of study require you to have completed a certain number of years of university in Germany, while others only require that you have completed an undergraduate degree.
Once you have decided on your program, you will need to submit an application for a Tier 4 Student Visa. You will need to submit this information through the UKVI website; once it has been approved, you can apply for your visa at the British Embassy or Consulate. If your application is approved, then you can move forward with choosing which school/university/vocational school you will attend and completing enrollment paperwork.
If you are a student from Germany who wants to study in the UK, you will need to apply for a student visa. This can be done by applying through the British Council, which is an international organization that works with other countries’ education ministries.
The application process for the visa is fairly easy and involves providing proof of enrollment in a UK institution and documentation that establishes your financial capability to pay for your education. You will also need a valid passport and proof of sufficient funds for living expenses.

The UK government has established a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines for visa applicants. It is recommended that you read through these documents thoroughly to make sure that you have all the necessary documentation ready before applying for your visa. The process can be lengthy, so start as early as possible! If you do not qualify or are unable to complete any part of this process, then unfortunately your student visa can be denied.