Sponsorship Visa For Australia

Are you planning to relocating to Australia permanently, but you aren’t sure if the Australian law allows you to apply for an Australian visa or not? Well, then, you came to the right place. I am a Melbourne-based immigration lawyer specialized in Australia sponsorship visas, International student visas and Humanitarian visa.

The demand for skilled migrants remains very strong, and Australia is a particularly popular country for skilled migrants to claim citizenship. There are many different visa options you can use to migrate to Australia, but one of the most popular ways is through sponsorship with a family member or employer. There are restrictions for applying for a sponsorship visa for Australia. These rules change every year and it’s important that you have all the latest information before you apply for this type of visa.

The Australia Business sponsorship visa has several business-related visas under it. It is called the “Business Innovation and Investment category (Provisional)” in Australia. The primary criterion for applying under this business visa is having a legal entity established or nominees appointed by the applicant.

Sponsorship Visa For Australia

For many years, thousands of people have successfully immigrated to Australia through the Humanitarian Programme sponsored by family and friends. However, in recent months it was announced that a new category of visa would be introduced called the Sponsorship Visa.

About Employer-Sponsored Visa

The employer-sponsored visa allows Australian employers to sponsor specific skilled labour to serve their business needs. It also allows skilled labour of a foreign country to explore their employment options with Australian employers, in case they may need their skills.

Work Visa Australia Offer:

  • Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
  • Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408)
  • Training visa (subclass 407)
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa (Subclass 187)
  • Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403)
  • State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner visa (subclass 892)
  • State/Territory Sponsored Investor visa (subclass 893)

Both employers and employees must have a clear understanding of the employer visa laws and regulations to make a successful application. Even the slightest error in the application may result in negative visa outcome causing loss of time and money.

Both employees and employers must be aware of the visa conditions and obligations after the visa grant. In a way, it will help avoid any breach of visa conditions.

You can apply for this visa at the same time your employer lodges their applications to sponsor and nominate the position.

What Employer-Sponsored Visa allows you to do:

  • Work in Australia for up to four years
  • Bring your family to work or study in Australia
  • Travel in and out of Australia as often as you want

Since the purpose of this visa is to address the shortage of skilled labor that Australian employers may face in their business operations. The visa rules and requirements keep changing as per the need of Australian businesses.

At Aussizz, we keep a close eye on such changes that are reflected in legislative instruments. While applying for Employer-Sponsored Visa, one must keep themselves updated with these changes, especially the one that is associated with your position.

Employer Sponsored Visa


  • The Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List which has the list of occupations that are eligible for visa application under Subclass 457/482.
  • English language tests, scores and exemptions: In this list, you can get the information regarding the tests and scores needed to demonstrate English language proficiency for subclass 457/482 applicants. It also lists out the occupations and salary levels where you are not expected to show your English language proficiency skills.

These instruments also list out basic requirements for the employers such as training benchmarks, market salary rates etc.

It is for this reason that MARA-registered agents like Aussizz can be of great help.

Get in touch with us for employer-sponsored visa types, criteria, and other assistance!

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