Spain Work Permit For Non Eu

Do you want to start working out in Spain but you are a non-EU resident? Then you will need to obtain a Spain work permit fast. If there’s one thing we will not recommend, it’s getting on a plane without your Spain work permit in hand. That could be a costly mistake for you. Truth is: It is not difficult to get your Spain work permit. You just have to have the right people on your side – the ones who will do everything for you. We can help!  That is our job as an immigration agency: obtaining Spain work permits for expats around the globe. So feel free to dig in, explore what we know and then give us a call so we can move forward together.

A Spain work permit for non-EU citizens can be complicated with many detailed regulations. There is a need to obtain the necessary permits and visas, which involves understanding how long it could take to get your visa based on specific factors. The demand for highly-trained and experienced professionals grows every year. One of the major automobile companies in Spain hires only professional engineers from certified educational institutions. These engineers must have completed at least three years’ work experience post-graduation, beyond their bachelor’s degree. They must also possess an International English Test Certificate as proof of competence in English.

Work Permits for Non-EU Nationals Spain Spain is one of the more popular countries for expats to live and work. Despite being in a recession, Spain still has a lot on offer to expats and there’s still plenty of jobs available across the country.

Spain Work Permit For Non Eu

There are several categories in which people can apply for the Spain work permit, the main ones being that they fall in one of the following groups: Spanish nationals, Third Countries nationals and EU/EEA nationals. Let’s have a look at them one by one.

Spain is an enticing country to live in. Unsurprisingly, thousands of people apply for jobs in Spain and many make the move each year. Non-EU citizens need a Spanish Work Visa to be able to legally start work.

What is a Work Visa?

Workers who are not from EU countries need to obtain a Work Visa to be able to live and work in Spain. Without a Work Visa a company cannot legally employ non-EU citizens.

There are various types of Work Visas for Spain for different types of jobs and for different lengths of employment. Some of the most common types of work visas are:

  • Long-term Work Visas
  • Seasonal Work Visas
  • Au Pair Visas
  • EU Blue Card

List of Countries which Need a Work Visa

How to get a Visa to Work in Spain

There are numerous different types of Spanish Work Visas. Most require going to a Spanish embassy or consulate in the individual’s home country although for some certain types of visa, the prospective employer makes the initial application on the employee’s behalf.

Work as an Employee (Highly-skilled)

To work in Spain as a highly-skilled employee, non-EU citizens need to find a job which is listed as a ‘Shortage Occupation’. This is a job for which there is a lack of suitable candidates within the EU. The employer must then request a Work Visa from the Ministry of Labour.

Work permit applications can take up to 8 months to process so forward planning is needed. Once the Ministry of Labour has approved the application, the embassy or consulate issue the work and residence visa.

Visa for Seasonal Workers

The process of obtaining a Work Visa for Seasonal Workers is similar to the process for highly-skilled workers. Employers need to apply for the visa on the worker’s behalf from the Ministry of Labour.

In addition to this process, seasonal workers need to demonstrate they have suitable accommodation arranged, their travel costs are covered, and that they will return to their country once the job has finished. The visas are valid for the duration of the work contract.

Self-employed and Freelance Workers

To work in Spain as a freelance, it is necessary to apply for a Work Visa at a Spanish consulate or embassy. The work visas are valid for one year but can be renewed if all the conditions are still met. The required documentation includes:

  • Proof of sufficient finances to support yourself
  • Proof of relevant skills and experience
  • A business plan (if applicable)
  • Any contracts or commissions from companies
  • Any required licences or registrations (industry or job-specific)

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is for people who spent at least 3 years completing a higher education qualification which allows them to work as a skilled professional. People who have a minimum of 5 years’ professional experience at a high level are also eligible. The employer submits the application on the behalf of the applicant.

A work contract that includes a salary which is at least 50% more than the average wage in Spain (or at least 20% more if the skills are in demand) is a requirement. Once approved, the worker also needs to apply for a visa from a Spanish embassy or consulate in their home country. Blue cards are valid for one year but can be renewed as long as the conditions are still met.

Visa for Au Pairs in Spain

Au pairs can apply for a special Visa for Au Pairs at a Spanish embassy or consulate in their home country before coming to Spain. Applicants need to meet a few conditions to successfully apply:

  1. Be aged between 17 and 30.
  2. Possess an au pair agreement with a host family which states the salary and conditions.
  3. Provide proof of sufficient finances to self-support.
  4. Possess medical cover.

Visas for Au Pairs are valid for one year but can be extended if the conditions are still met.

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