shopping list for beach vacation

Grocery Shopping List for Week Long Beach Vacation | Mommy Loves To Travel

It’s a beautiful day, and you’re ready to go on your next beach vacation. You’ve got the sunscreen, towels, and maybe even an umbrella or two. You’re all set with your list of things to bring…except for one thing: food! What can you make that won’t weigh down your bag but that will still be yummy? We have answers for you!


If you’re planning to spend any amount of time outdoors on your trip, sunglasses are a must. Protecting your eyes from the sun is important for overall eye health, but it also helps prevent skin cancer and wrinkles. And when you find the right pair, they can really make an outfit pop—especially if they match your swimsuit.

  • Pick a pair that fits well. It’s hard to wear sunglasses that aren’t comfortable if they don’t fit right or sit on top of your ears and not over them like sunglasses should! Plus, if the frames are too big for your face shape then people may think that you wear glasses as actual glasses instead of just for fashion purposes (which defeats their purpose). Make sure there’s room around each eye so that air can flow freely through them when worn outside in hot weather conditions – this will help keep sweat from building up inside them too much during long days under direct sunlight exposure conditions!


Sunscreen is an absolute must. In fact, it’s the most important item you’ll need for your trip! If you plan on spending more than 30 minutes outdoors, make sure to apply sunscreen every two hours—and don’t forget to cover all areas of your body (including underarms and the back of the neck).

It’s also very important that you choose a sunscreen that contains both UVA and UVB protection. While these two types of rays have different effects on the skin, both can cause skin cancer and premature aging. For best results, look for sunscreens with an SPF rating between 15 and 50; anything higher may be too heavy or greasy for your face.


You will definitely want at least one swimsuit for your trip. If you are a man, you will want to make sure that your swimsuit covers everything. You don’t want people to see anything. If you are a woman, it is important that your bathing suit covers all of your breasts. You shouldn’t have any problems with this when shopping for a bathing suit because most stores sell these types of suits in advance of the vacation season or during it itself!

beach towels

  • You’ll want a beach towel.
  • A beach towel is essential for laying out on the beach, but they can be used in other ways too. They’re actually pretty versatile and not just limited to drying off after swimming or as your cover-up while getting dressed on the sand.
  • If you have kids, it might be worth having two towels or one really big one so that everyone can dry off at once—and maybe even sit down together!

flip flops or sandals

  • Flip flops or sandals are the most important thing you can pack for your beach vacation. They’re lightweight and easy to carry, but you’ll use them constantly while at the beach or poolside.
  • You’ll need flip flops or sandals if you want to walk in the sand, because wearing heels down to the shore will be too uncomfortable!
  • You will definitely need them for showering after swimming in the pool or ocean, so don’t forget these essentials!
  • If you plan on using public bathrooms (and who doesn’t?) then flip flops are essential for this as well; they’re much better than socks at protecting your feet from unsanitary surfaces like sinks and toilet seats!


Your hat should be a stylish and practical piece, whether you’re looking for something that can protect your face from the sun or keep your head cool in the heat.

  • Keep it stylish with a wide-brimmed hat that will shield your face and neck from harmful UV rays. A wide-brimmed hat is also great for keeping the sun out of your eyes, so you can see better when relaxing on the beach.
  • Keep it functional with a bucket hat or baseball cap that’ll keep the sun out of your eyes while still providing some shade from overhead trees and umbrellas. If you’re going to get wet, these types of hats are ideal because they won’t lose their shape after getting wet (like straw does).

shorts and tanks/tshirts

  • Wear light-colored clothing.
  • Wear clothing made of natural fabrics that breathe, such as cotton or linen.
  • Wear a hat to protect your face from the sun’s harmful rays, especially if you have a fair complexion or burn easily.
  • Don’t forget sunglasses—the stronger the better! This is one item that can make or break your beach vacation experience (and there are tons available for just about any budget). A good pair will not only help protect your eyes from UV rays but also keep them looking young and fresh (and there are tons available for just about any budget). Don’t forget sunscreen! It’s important to apply liberally every 2 hours, even if it’s cloudy outside—you do not want to get burned! And don’t forget lip balm with SPF 30+ protection—sunscreen isn’t enough when it comes to protecting your lips, because they’re sensitive to UV damage as well (and there are tons available for just about any budget). Finally…wear flip flops or sandals while walking around on the beach and in the water so none of those precious toes get snagged by sharp shells or rocks!


  • Bring a book to read on the beach. You can never have enough books, even when you’re at the beach! The sun, sand and sea are beautiful and all but it’s good to have something to do in between those moments of pure relaxation.
  • Bring a book to read in the car. You don’t want to be bored while getting from point A to point B (and back again). So bring a good read that will keep you occupied during travel time!
  • Bring a book to read at night before bedtime: so many things are open late night on vacation, but if your body clock is still set on 9-5 work hours then try reading an engaging novel instead of trying out everything from miniature golfing (or whatever) until midnight!
  • Bring your laptop if there is free wi-fi available: check ahead before arriving at your destination just in case there’s no internet service where you’re staying this time around!

phone charger (with waterproof case if needed)

It’s a good idea to pack a phone charger with you on your trip, especially if you’re going to be using it for navigation and tracking down the best deals. If you want to make sure that your phone doesn’t get wet while on the beach, consider bringing along a waterproof case as well. You may also want to bring along an extra power bank or two if your battery is running low and there aren’t any outlets nearby.

remember to pack everything!

Before you hit the beach, be sure to pack all of the essentials. Here’s a list of what we recommend:

  • Beach towels – No one likes to get sand everywhere, so bring one for each person in your party.
  • Sunscreen – You’ll want plenty on hand if you and your family plan on spending time in the sun.
  • Swimsuits – Don’t forget these! Nothing beats jumping into the water with friends or family members who are wearing their finest suits (or not).
  • Hat – It’s important to protect yourself from sun damage when outside—and what better way than with a cute hat? Try this one from Target here:


If you are looking for ideas on what to pack for your beach vacation, we hope this list has given you some direction. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what one should bring on their trip. Many people will have completely different packing lists, and all will be just as valid as the next. We hope this article has helped give you some insight into what other people think about when planning for their own vacations!

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