Self Employed Visa For Canada

The Self Employed category is one of the six visa categories that are eligible to apply for a Canada PR (permanent resident) visa. The eligibility criteria for the self employed applicants are:

The Self-Employed visa is a Canadian immigration category to facilitate the entry of foreign nationals that are independent business owners or entrepreneurs. This category was created for those wishing to immigrate by starting their own businesses in Canada or for those that wish to partake in entrepreneurial activities in Canada. The self-employed visa allows applicants to self-declare the type of employment they intend to engage in and allows them to avoid filing a Labour Market Impact Assessment application which must be done by other applicant categories.

Self Employed Visa For Canada

While the economy recovers from recession and money inflows back into saving accounts, people are hesitating to jump on that opportunity and move on a career change in Canada. Canada is one of the few countries which is open for immigration to experienced professionals offering a self-employment program for those willing to migrate.If you are interested in visiting different countries for extending professional opportunities, but do not have time on your hand, then you should consider migrating within Canada and take benefit of opportunities abroad.

Are you a skilled worker who wants to come to Canada? If you are self-employed, you may be able to apply for admission under the self-employed stream of the federal Skilled Worker program.


To immigrate as a self-employed person, you must:

Relevant experience

Your experience is relevant if you have:

  • taken part in cultural activities or athletics at a world-class level or
  • been a self-employed person in cultural activities or athletics


Relevant experience for a self-employed person means at least two years of experience.

It must be during the period starting 5 years before the day you apply and ending on the day we make a decision on your application.

You can get more points if you have 3, 4, or 5 years of experience.

At a minimum, your experience must be:

  • for cultural activities:
    1. 2 one-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities, or
    2. 2 one-year periods participating at a world-class level in cultural activities, or
    3. a combination of a one-year period described in (a), and a one-year period described in (b)
  • for athletics:
    1. 2 one-year periods being self-employed in athletics, or
    2. 2 one-year periods participating at a world class level in athletics, or
    3. a combination of a one-year period described in (a) above, and a one-year period described in (b) above

Selection criteria

We assess you on selection criteria that include your:

  • experience
  • education
  • age
  • language abilities
  • adaptability

Medical, security checks and other requirements

You and your family members must have a medical exam and get police certificates.

You must also show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you get to Canada.

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