Security Guard Visa In Pakistan

In the application form, you must mention that you are applying to get Security Guard Visa In Pakistan in your passport. It is mandatory to mention such details while applying security guard visa online. You must mention the same information while applying for security guard visa at Pakistan embassy as well as consulate.

Due to security reasons and the growing crime rate in Pakistan, it is vital that you feel safe at home and while traveling. Security guard jobs in Islamabad provide a sense of security and fulfillment. You will be paid decent wages for your services. The job is exciting not just because of the good pay but also because you will be given training on how to handle dangerous situations by professionals.

Security Guard Visa In Pakistan

The recent terror attacks and violence in Pakistan have had a significant impact on the Economy of the country. The Security Agencies and other sectors will be facing shortage of labor. There will be a big demand for laborers to undertake this task most of whom will have to go abroad. That’s why now, more than ever before, people are looking towards labor cards and working permits to get employed abroad.

Pakistan has always been a country of travellers, tourism as well as business. Today, many Pakistani citizens are also travelling abroad for work. Pakistan is a country where youth especially have their eyes on overseas employment. Therefore, today we will discuss the fastest and simplest way to obtain a visa for different countries.

Thank you for your interest in employment with the U.S. Mission in Pakistan. To view a current list of all available positions at the U.S. Mission in Pakistan and to apply online, please visit this page: Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA).


All applicants must upload/attach relevant supporting documents (education certificate/degree, experience letter, any license if required) only along with their application while submitting application through ERA. Application without required documents will not be considered.

Note: If the position is opened to “Current Employees of the Mission,” then you must be an existing U.S. Mission, Pakistan employee. No TA/DA will be admissible for tests, interviews, pre-employments clearances (if selected) or relocating for joining.

All applications must be submitted through ERA to be considered.

 Here are some additional resources that may be helpful:

Note: Please remember your security question answers. If you forget your ERA password, you can reset via security questions or create a new account. For details please refer to the Applicant Job Aid.

Note: For ERA account related queries please E-mail at

What You Should Review Before Applying

Overseas Employees will demonstrate the Eight Qualities of Overseas Employees (PDF 124KB) or characteristics essential for being a successful member of the United States Mission. Be sure to read the entire Vacancy Announcement to ensure you meet all of the Eligibility and Qualification requirements. Also be sure to have all of the documents mentioned in the Vacancy Announcement ready for uploading.

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