school summer break 2017

Summer is here, and it’s time to celebrate! The kids are out of school, the weather is hot, and you can finally put aside those worries about grades and report cards. But while summer break can be a fun time for children, parents may not always agree. If you’re worried about your child’s education during the summer months or want to make sure they stay on track with their learning goals, check out these options for keeping them engaged this summer:

Alachua County Public Schools

Alachua County Public Schools will have a summer break for summer 2017 from June 1 to Aug. 11. Students will return to school on Aug. 14, 2017.

The first day of school was Monday, Aug. 14 and the last day of school was Friday, June 6 (for elementary students).

Spring break is March 23-31 and includes Easter Monday as well as the Presidents Day holiday on Monday, Feb 19 (this year).

Summer break 2017: June 1-Aug. 11

Summer break 2017: June 1-Aug. 11

Summer break 2018: June 1-July 31

Summer break 2019: July 1-Aug. 12 (Labor Day)

Summer break 2020: May 24 (Memorial Day)-Sept. 2 (Labor Day) Summer Break 2021: May 25 (Memorial Day)-June 29 Summer Break 2022: July 4-Sept 2

First day 2017: Aug. 14

First day of school is a common American phrase that refers to an individual child’s first day at their new school. It can also refer to the first day of school for all students in a district or city. This date depends on whether the district follows the traditional calendar used by most schools in the United States, or instead uses a year-round schedule which has children attending school throughout the year without any breaks.

The first day of school varies from state-to-state and even district-to-district depending on class sizes, age ranges and enrollment schedules. For example: If you live in Illinois or New York City (both districts follow traditional calendars), then your child will likely attend kindergarten from approximately mid August through late May each year—meaning that this may be their only “summer break.” On average though, summer break lasts about two months from mid June through mid August; but some students get less than this amount of time off depending on how many weeks long each grade level lasts for them before moving up again–so keep reading below!

Spring break 2017: March 23-31

Spring break 2017 is March 23-31. Here are some ways to plan for your spring vacation:

  • Make a list of things you want to do during your time off, and schedule them so that you don’t have too many appointments in one day. For example, if you want to go shopping at the mall and eat lunch at McDonald’s on Monday, save those activities for separate days so that they don’t interfere with each other or other scheduled events.
  • If possible, consider taking a trip somewhere during spring break (if there’s no place nearby). If this isn’t feasible due to money constraints or other factors (such as work), consider renting out an RV or camping trailer for part of the week—it’ll be cheaper than staying in hotels or paying for expensive restaurant meals! Just make sure there’s enough room in whatever vehicle/trailer you rent—you wouldn’t want anyone getting claustrophobic!
  • Pack light clothes because temperatures can vary widely depending on what season it is when these vacations take place! You might need sweaters during winter months but not much else besides shorts if visiting Florida during summertime months.”

Honolulu District

Honolulu District

Summer Break 2017: June 6-Aug. 15

First Day 2017: Aug. 16

Spring Break 2017: Feb. 20-24

Summer break 2017: June 6-Aug. 15

Summer break dates for 2017, 2018 and 2019 are listed below. Summer break will begin on June 6, 2017 and end on Aug. 15, 2017.

Summer break dates for 2020 are listed below. Summer break will begin on June 5, 2020 and end on Aug. 14, 2020.

Summer break dates for 2021 are listed below. Summer break will begin on June 4th of 2021 and end on Aug 19th of 2021 (a total of 80 days).

Summer break dates for 2022 are listed below:

June 3 – July 24: 7 weeks (77 days)

First day 2017: Aug. 16

The first day of school can be a stressful time for students and parents alike, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is preparation.

  • Students should be ready to go at 8 a.m., not 8:30 or later.
  • They should have had a good night’s sleep beforehand—not just “enough” sleep, but enough that they feel rested and alert in the morning. If your little one isn’t sleeping well at night, try encouraging him or her to get up earlier on weekends so he or she can wind down in the evening before bedtime (and then wake up early).
  • And if all else fails, consider letting your student catch an extra hour of shut-eye on the weekend before school starts so he or she can hit the ground running on Monday morning!

Spring break 2017: Feb. 20-24

Spring break is the week between the last week of school and the week before school starts again. It’s usually one week long, but it can vary from district to district and even state to state.

Spring break is typically in March or April, though some schools have started to see a shift toward April because kids are out of school for so much time during summer vacation (July 1-Aug. 31).

The exact dates for spring break varies every year based on when Easter falls. That’s why some years you’ll find your kids getting out as early as March 22nd, while other years they may not be able to go home until April 5th—and sometimes not even then!

Long Beach Unified School District

The Long Beach Unified School District is comprised of 88 schools, including 19 high schools and one alternative school. The district serves more than 51,000 students in grades pre-K through 12.

If you’re thinking about moving to Long Beach or have recently moved here, there are several schools within the LBUSD that offer quality education and are close to home. These include:

  • Cleveland High School (10 mins)
  • Wilson Middle School (10 mins)
  • Millikan High School (20 mins)

Summer break 2017: June 3-Sept. 8

Summer break 2017: June 3-Sept. 8

Summer break is the traditional summer vacation period for students, which occurs between the end of one school year and the beginning of another. Summer break can last anywhere from five weeks to two months, depending on the country. The minimum school holiday length in most countries is around 10 weeks, but some school systems offer up to 14 weeks of summer holidays. However, it’s important to note that this information refers only to public schools and does not include private or boarding schools (which may have different rules).

First day 2017: Sept. 11

In the United States, September 11 is considered the first day of school for children. This date was chosen in part because it’s close to Labor Day, which marks the end of summer vacation.

In Australia and New Zealand, January 8 is considered the first day of school because that’s when most students return from Christmas holidays.

In Canada, September 2 is considered the first day of school because that’s when most students return from summer holidays.

In Great Britain and Ireland (the UK), many schools start on September 1; however, other schools start later in September or even October due to holidays such as half terms and Easter break overlapping with these dates (depending on which side of Britain you live).

Spring break 2017: March 27-31

Spring break 2017: March 27-31

Spring break is here, and that means summer vacation is just around the corner. Before you pack your bags and head out on your next getaway, make sure you know the dates for this year’s spring break. If you’re heading to a beach destination, such as South Padre Island or Daytona Beach in Florida, be sure to check out our list of top 10 spring break destinations for an inside scoop on what to expect from each location!

Fairfax County Public Schools

Summer break 2017: June 9-Sept. 5

First day of school 2017: Sept. 6 (Labor Day)

Spring break 2017: April 10-14

Summer break 2017: June 9-Sept. 5

Summer break is a time for students to relax, unwind and have fun. However, it’s important to remember that summer break is not the same thing as spring break. There are some differences between them.

  • Summer breaks are shorter than spring breaks
  • Summer breaks end earlier than Christmas breaks

First day 2017: Sept. 6 (Labor Day)

Labor Day is the first Monday in September. It’s a federal holiday and a national holiday, as well as a state holiday in Maine and Oregon. First day 2017: Sept. 6 (Labor Day)

Spring break 2017: April 10-14

Spring break 2017: April 10-14

Spring break is a time for students to take a much-needed break from the stress of school. They’ll enjoy some free time before summer classes begin. It’s also a chance for parents to have some fun and make memories with their children.

Spring break 2017 dates are April 10-14, but spring break can start as early as March 27 in some states such as Florida and end as late as May 2 if you’re lucky enough to live in Ohio or Kentucky!

Osceola County School District, Florida

Osceola County School District, Florida

Schools will be closed on July 4. Schools will also be closed on July 5. Finally, schools will close for the summer on July 6. The district’s calendar does not include any school days between July 7 and 9.

Summer break 2018: May 30 – July 3 (10 weeks)

Summer break 2018: May 30 – July 3 (10 weeks)

Summer break 2018: June 4 – Aug. 11 (10 weeks)

Summer break 2018: June 5 – Aug. 12 (10 weeks)


Summer vacation is a time for rest and relaxation. It’s also an opportunity to explore your interests and maybe try something new. Think about the ways in which you can make the most of summer break so that when September rolls around, it will be easier to get back into the school routine again.

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